Chapter 20

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Amelia slept in that morning, not getting out of bed until well past noon. She decided to head to the sheriffs office to try and distract herself. She tethered Astrid outside and walked inside, her spurs clinking against the wooden floorboards. Sheriff Malloy was missing however.

Amelia looked around, confused as she stared at a deputy with a raised eyebrow. Deputy Barnett. He quickly held up his hands. "I wasn't here, so I don't know what happened."

"Where's Sheriff Malloy?" She questioned, walking inside.

"According to the newspaper, gone."

"What'd you mean, gone?"

"He's dead."

Amelia widened her eyes. She watched as Barnett came over to her and handed her the latest newspaper. She read over the article that listed Sheriff Malloys death before shaking her head and looking up at him.

"Unbelievable," she muttered, looking up at the wall, "no new posters then?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, Miss Davis."

She nodded slowly before backing up towards the door and walking out, newspaper still in her hand. She held tightly before walking over to Astrid.

"Unbelievable." She climbed up and began making her way to Rhodes.

She rode for a little while, tipping her hat to strangers when she saw them pass through. When she reached the tracks separating New Hanover to Lemoyne, she was stopped by a train and a wagon full of criminals. One looking to be a magician. She cocked her head at the odd sight of a higher class man sitting with a bunch of lowlife criminals.

She urged Astrid forward and was met by the face of Sheriff Gray. He smiled down at her.

"Well, if it ain't Miss Amelia Davis."

"Good morning, Sheriff Gray. I was just on my way to Rhodes."

"Was you now?"

She nodded her head. "You hear about Sheriff Malloy?"

"Yes," he shook his head, "bad business."

A few horse hooves sounded behind her. She looked back and saw a familiar trio approaching her. Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, and Hosea Matthews. The man who looked like a magician looked back at them.

"Hello, gentleman." He greeted.

"Well," Dutch chuckled, "look what the cat drug in." He shifted his look to Amelia. "And a beautiful young woman escorting?"

"No," Amelia laughed, "no. I'm not escorting."

The fancy man cleared his throat, grabbing their attention. "I seem to have gotten myself in a spot of bother."

"Quiet back there!" Sheriff Gray said sharply, hitting the top of the wagon.

"Let's see if we can't sort this out," Dutch urged his white Arabian forward, "how are you boys?" He waved his hand.

Sheriff Gray looked down at him and then back up at the train. "Fine."

"This is quite some country you have here."

"We like it well enough."

"Hoagy Macintosh, at your service." Dutch spoke up with a smile.

"Leigh Gray." He gestured over to the man next to him. "This is my deputy, Archibald Macgregor."

"It is good to meet you."

"You a Scot?" Sheriff Gray asked.

"Partly," Dutch paused, "the best part."

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