Chapter 45

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Amelia wandered around her old home in The Heartlands. It was late in the evening, probably around nine thirty, ten. She knew being back here was dangerous, but she had lived here since she was twenty. Eight years. She flipped through several books on her book shelf, went through her old dresser drawers and nightstands. She finally made it to the back of her closet.

She pulled out several cardboard boxes before reaching the hidden door. She grabbed her knife and pried open the locked door. After successfully opening it, she revealed several stacks of money. She let out a sigh of relief as she grabbed it all and stuffed it in her satchel.

She was planning on possibly buying some new land. Dutch was gonna get everyone killed and she didn't want to bear witness to it. She grabbed a bag and put what she needed in it before dragging it to her living room. She stuffed in several books and grabbed a separate bag to load some food in. She grabbed what she had left behind before moving in with the gang and made her way outside.

She loaded everything onto Amberley and just as she was about to make her way to Valentine, she was drawn away by horse hooves approaching her. She looked back to see Arthur riding towards her on Duke. Her eyes wandered to his saddle, which was loaded up with a chest and a bag. She raised her eyebrow as he approached her.

"Where are you goin?" He asked as he dismounted.

"Gonna buy some land somewhere else," she replied, swinging her leg over Amberley, "I ain't stayin to watch Dutch kill the gang."

"You and me both," he let out a breath, "I'm leaving the gang with you."

"Why?" She hissed as she turned Amberley. "You were so insistent about having me rob that trolley station with you."

"No, it wasn't me who was being insistent," he began, walking over to her, "Dutch is the one who wanted ya to come. He told me to convince you to get on board with the robbery. After you left, Dutch said I need to get control on you, and I told him that he can find someone else to do the robbery with. I packed my things and left."

"You," she paused, "left?" She stared at him in disbelief.



Arthur dragged his things downstairs. It was beginning to get dark, and Dutch had retired for the night, so he saw this as his opportunity. He carried his chest of clothes over his shoulder, which he had little of, and his grooming supplies along with photographs he kept. In his bag, he had bedding and other miscellaneous things. He carried them heavily towards Duke.

The gang members that were still awake paused what they were doing to stare at the outlaw in curiosity. Hosea was very nervous as he walked over to him. After Arthur strapped his things on Duke, he turned to the older man.

"Arthur, what are you doing?"

"Leaving." He replied bluntly. He tightened his things on Duke's back.

"Leaving?" He coughed.

"Dutch is gonna kill us all," he bit, turning to face his father figure, "I'd suggest you get the others out of here too."

"But Dutch-"

"Has lost his goddamn mind," he climbed up on Duke, "Amelia was right about that trolley station. And I sure as shit ain't gonna rob that bank."


"No," he said sternly, "it ain't gonna happen."

"Think about what you're doing-"

"I have thought about it, Hosea," he looked down at him, "I been thinkin about it since that Blackwater Ferry Heist that went so smoothly." Arthur cleared his throat. "I've thought about this and I ain't changing my mind. I suggest you get the others out before everyone ends up dead." He turned Duke out of camp and began making his way to where he thought Amelia might be.

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