Chapter 109

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Slight Smut

The next morning was bright and full of hangovers. Even Nick had one hell of a headache from the beers he shared with his father. Erika was fortunately the only one who didn't wake up with a headache. She knocked on her brothers bedroom door with a bright smile before cracking the door open.

"Nick?" She said, walking over to his bed. "Time to get up." She pulled the covers off of him.

"It's too early," he groaned.

"It's eleven in the morning." She walked over to his curtains and opened them wide, letting some sunlight in.

"Close the curtains, Erika." Nick mumbled as he pulled the covers over his head.

Erika scoffed and pulled the blanket off of him completely, throwing it off the bed out of his reach.

"Come on, sleepy head!" She jumped at the foot of his bed. "We have horses to sell."

"Let me sleep longer."

"Not gonna happen." She pulled him upwards by his arms, helping him sit up. "I still have to wake up Momma and Pa. And you're gonna help me."

"Says who?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Says me."

"I ain't gonna get yelled at for waking them up, that's all you." Nick began to lay back, but Erika quickly grabbed his arm.

"Oh, no you don't," Erika pulled him back up, "we are Morgans, and Morgans don't back down from a fight."

"Fighting with Momma?" Nick laughed. "I'm backing down."

"She ain't that bad-"

"You can say that because you are an exact copy of Momma." Nick raised his eyebrow.

"Nicholas," Erika placed her hands firmly on her hips, "come and help me."

"See? Right there," he pointed to her hands on her hips, "an exact copy of what Momma does!"

Erika sighed and plopped down on his bed. "Please?" She looked over at him.

Nick chuckled and shook his head. He stood and began making his way to his bedroom door while Erika sat, dumbfounded. He looked back at her and raised his eyebrows. "You comin or what?"

Erika gleamed and stood, following him to the hallway. They walked down the hallway towards the living room. They heard moving around in their parents bedroom from across the space. Erika pressed her ear against the door and looked up at Nick with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sounds like they're already awake." She whispered.

Nick pressed his ear against the door and listened in.


Amelia had woken Arthur up in a way he never got tired of. He had stirred awake when he felt her hands traveling down his bare chest until they reached the base of his morning wood. Still trying to wake, Arthur groaned at the contact of her soft hands.

Amelia noticed and smirked, climbing on top of him until she was settled right above him. He slowly opened his eyes to look up at his wife, who was obviously in the mood for something. Amelia leaned down and kissed him softly, until it got more hungry as she began to grind against him.

Finally having enough of her teasing, he snapped his hips up, sliding into her warmth. Amelia stifled back a moan, falling down and catching herself, both of her arms on either side of his head. He smirked up at her as he began to thrust himself in and out. He flipped her over onto her back before slamming back against her once more. She moaned into the back of her hand.

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