Chapter 57

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The Morgans all went home that night after dinner. Irina left when they did, planning to take a stagecoach to New York. She said her goodbyes to Richard and Amelia before heading back. They all loaded up on Duke and Amberley and made their way back to Sheppards Rise. The moon shined brightly on them as they made their way through the forest. Once they made it home, the kids were already asleep. Arthur carried in Nicholas while Amelia carried in Erika.

Amelia put Erika in her makeshift crib and let out a sigh as she leaned against the crib and stared down at her daughter. She smiled and ran her finger over her thin brown hair that was beginning to grow.

"You're gonna grow up so beautifully, Erika." Amelia whispered. She leaned down and placed a kiss on her head before heading out of the room.

She leaned against her bedroom door and took in a deep breath. Arthur came out of Nicholas's room and shut the door quietly. He walked down the hall where he found Amelia making her way towards their bedroom. Arthur looked down the hall for a moment before following her.

"Amelia," he said as he walked in, "you okay, honey?" He shut their bedroom door.

She nodded, plopping down on the bed. "Exhausted." She shrugged. "But what's new?"

He hummed, sitting down next to her. He massaged her shoulders as she groaned in satisfaction. "How about you take a break tomorrow? I can take care of the kids. You just rest and do your own thing for the day, okay?"

"Arthur, I can't ask-"

"You ain't asking, I'm telling." He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him softly. "The kids are wearing you out. You need a break. So sleep in, take a ride out, or lay in bed for the day. I'll take care of the kids, alright?"

She nodded and Arthur returned to massaging her shoulders. She sighed and leaned back into his touch. He chuckled softly and rubbed her back lightly. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before climbing into bed. He leaned against the backboard of the bed and beckoned her over. She nestled in between his legs, her head resting against his shoulder. He held her tightly until she fell asleep in his arms.


The next morning, Amelia awoke to the smell of pancakes. She groaned as she rolled over onto her side. She reached over to where Arthur would normally be sleeping, but it was empty. She raised her head, seeing the curtains drawn back to keep out the sunlight and extra covers thrown over her. She smiled, happy that Arthur remembered she hated the bright sunlight in the morning and how cold she would get.

She yawned as she stretched before drawing back the covers and climbing out of bed. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a black pair of riding pants. She then walked over to the closet and took a black blouse off the hanger. She laid them out on the bed and grabbed her favorite pair of black boots with silver spurs. She dressed and walked over to the chest of her guns.

She unlocked it and grabbed her gun belt with her signature holsters. She then grabbed her two Semi Automatics and put them in their place. She grabbed her two favorite rifles and laid them on the bed before locking the chest back up and throwing the guns over her shoulders. She brushed out her blonde curls and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like the Amelia Davis she was before she ran into Arthur again. She hummed and walked out into the living room.

Arthur peered through the doorway from the kitchen and saw her as Nicholas crashed into his mother with a laugh. Amelia lifted him up and kissed him all over. He giggled as she situated him on her hip.

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