Chapter 32

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"No," Amelia backed away, "no more."

"Amelia, you aren't ready yet!" Abigail fussed.

"The party ain't for another hour," she chuckled, "stop fussing."

Abigail shook her head with a smile. She grabbed a brush and took a step towards Amelia, but she quickly stepped back.

"Ah," Amelia held her hands up, "don't even think about it, Miss Roberts."


She quickly shook her head. "My hair is fine, my dress is fine, everything is fine." She gave Abigail a knowing look. "No more."

Abigail growled but reluctantly agreed. Amelia looked down at her dress, astonished at how heavy it was. It was a wine red ball gown decorated with gold accents down the skirt and bodice. The sleeves went down her elbows and she wore her silver necklace that Irina had given her. She attached a holster to her thigh and kept one of her Semi Automatics in there, hidden from sight. Her heels were heeled black boots that went along with her dress. She looked at herself in Arthur's small mirror he kept in his room and shook her head.

"I can't believe I'm going to a party at the mayors house." She mumbled as she pulled her hair back and pinned it into a messy bun.

"Well, believe it." Abigail replied. "Come on," she beckoned for her to follow. "I'm sure Arthur is excited to see you."

Amelia quickly followed Abigail out of the room. They headed down the steps towards the front entrance and Amelia spotted Arthur near the doorway. He looked down at his suit while Tilly was picking dirt off of his white collar.

"Miss Jackson, it's really fine-" he tried to push her hands away but she swatted his own.

"You are going to a party, Arthur. You just got this suit, how is it already dirty?" Tilly looked up as Amelia and Abigail walked towards them. "Oh, Amelia. You look stunning!"

Amelia smiled as she looked down. "Thank you." She looked up at Arthur, whose jaw was gaped open. She smirked. "I take it you like it then?" She teased.

He swallowed and nodded eagerly. "Yeah," he cleared his throat as Tilly and Abigail snickered. "You look lovely, Miss Davis."

Amelia attempted a curtsy. "Thank you, Mr. Morgan." She looked over at the two women and ushered them out of the room as she walked over to Arthur. She craned her neck upwards and began brushing the dirt from his collar. "I've never been to a party."

"You used to live in high society New York, what do you mean?" He questioned.

Amelia chuckled and shook her head. "My parents weren't that rich, Arthur. Sure, daddy was rich enough to afford good schooling and tutoring, but he wasn't rich enough for fancy parties and expensive cigars."

Arthur chuckled himself. "I suppose that's fair." He cleared his throat. "We should be heading out soon," he held out his arm, "shall we?"

"Such a gentleman." Amelia teased as she wrapped her small hands around his forearm.


When the coach Lenny had escorted Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, Bill, and Amelia in came to a stop, everyone looked out the stagecoach windows. They arrived at a huge mansion just on the edge of Saint Denis. Lenny climbed down from his seat and opened the stagecoach door.

He held out his hand for Amelia to take and she accepted gratefully. She marveled at the huge mansion as the remainder of the men climbed out of the coach. When Arthur had been the last down, he looked down at Amelia and offered his arm. Amelia smiled and looped her arm around his. She followed closely behind the other three men with Arthur next to her.

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