my father//atsushi and ??//

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-angst and fluff

-au-fukuzawa adopted atsushi.

Warning: abuse.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi lives in shitty orphanage, because he parents didn't want him at all and the orphanage didn't like atsushi at all because of atsushi ability that atsushi has. The Headmaster of the orphanage decided to try and kill atsushi but it never works because of atsushi ability.

So if the Headmaster couldn't kill atsushi, then the headmaster would beat him each day and make atsushi stay in the cage because he was a monster but really atsushi wasn't a monster. Atsushi never understood why the Headmaster hated him so much but atsushi was only a kid, he couldn't stop the headmaster at all until someone saved him.

Fukuzawa was investigating the orphanage for child abuse, the Headmaster wasn't expecting him so fukuzawa saw everything and didn't look happy at all. "Hello..I'm fukuzawa." Fukuzawa softly says to atsushi and atsushi look very terrified. "are you g-going to hurt me?" Atsushi said, atsushi was cover in many bruises scars and open wounds and was shaking pretty badly.
Fukuzawa look very upset, he couldn't believe it. "No..I'm here to save you.." Fukuzawa softly says as he opens the cage and atsushi immediately jump into fukuzawa arm and fukuzawa just smiled and holds the fragile little kid and slowly walks out of the basement.

Yosano was waiting outside because of the injuries on kids and once she saw atsushi, she was immediately heartbroken by the site. "..omg poor thing.." Yosano said as atsushi hold onto fukuzawa like his life depended on it. "..I'm adopted him.." Fukuzawa suddenly says and yosano look shocked but was perfectly okay with that. "Don't tell the other yet..I want it to be a surprise.." Fukuzawa said as he looked at the sleepy atsushi and yosano just nodded.

"I'll bring some bandages to your place so you can wrap his body because he's covered in wounds and he looked to be around.. 8 years old.." Yosano said as she looked around atsushi body for any serious injuries and soon fukuzawa took his new son to his place.

Atsushi look very confused, when he ended up in a different house. "..hello atsushi..I decided to adopted you so you're now my son.." Fukuzawa explain, and atsushi look very happy to hear that. "..can I call you dad then!?" Atsushi suddenly ask and fukuzawa just nodded and atsushi immediately jump into fukuzawa arm and hug him. "..the Headmaster said you have ability?" Fukuzawa asked and atsushi slowly nodded, atsushi obviously knew about his ability because byakko sometime talk to atsushi but it's not often.

"..byakko say.. I can turn into a tiger." Atsushi said and fukuzawa was confused because he obviously didn't know byakko. "..who byakko?" Fukuzawa asked, as atsushi stopped hugging fukzuawa. "My ability..byakko is it name..and byakko talk to me sometime so that's how I know.." Atsushi explain, fukuzawa look shocked but nodded. 'He smart..' Fukuzawa thought to himself, atsushi was a lot smarter then most 8-year-olds.

"Alright..are you hungry?" Fukuzawa ask and atsushi just nodded and both for of them went to eat. No one in the agency knew about atsushi being fukuzawa adopted son, only yosano know but she didn't say anything and only did a fews check ups on atsushi.

" you want to come to work with me?" Fukuzawa ask and atsushi immediately nodded, atsushi was excited to go to  work with his father because he would see yosano again. "I promise you, everyone is nice."  Fukuzawa said as they walk into the main office and atsushi look around and suddenly saw yosano. Atsushi ran to hug yosano and yosano just smiled. " so nice to see you!" Yosano said as atsushi giggles and fukuzawa looked happy.

"Everyone..I want you to meet my son atsushi..I adopted him." Fukuzawa said and the agency member looked shocked, even ranpo looked surprised. "Please treat him kindly and don't scare him.. he has a lot of trauma..from when he was at the orphanage and also has an ability." Fukuzawa explain as Kenji slowly walk up to atsushi and kenji just smiled. "Hello..atsushi..I'm kenji!" Kenji said as atsushi smiled. The agency member nodded and fukuzawa went to his office and the agency member actually love atsushi being there because he made everything funnier.

" I'm not the only one that has that ability..?" Atsushi ask kunikida and kunikida just nodded and atsushi was vey happy to hear that. "Wow.." Atsushi said as he looked at dazai. "Why isn't his doing any of his work?" Atsushi ask and kunikida look very annoyed. "Because he refuses to do it at all.." Kunikida said as he got back to his work and atsushi just stared at dazai creepily and dazai slowly looked terrified by the each minute mark.

"..atsushi scared me.." Dazai said as atsushi just keep staring at him and didn't move at all. "Atsushi?" Fukuzawa said and suddenly atsushi look at his dad. "Yes?" Atsushi said as fukuzaw smiled. "It lunch time." Fukzuawa said and atsushi immediately smiled and went to have lunch with his dad. Atsushi was enjoying his new life very well and love being around the agency member because they were really funny and atsushi could trust them.

Fukuzawa was of course a great father to atsushi and atsushi soon grew up and work in the agency.

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