model//atsushi x ranpo//

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-au-atsushi is a model


Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi is a model in Yokohama and doesn't work at the agency at all but his boyfriend does work at the agency but his boyfriend does. Ranpo was the world's smartest Detective but was dating a famous model in Yokohama. Atsushi and ranpo accidentally met and it was like love at first sight and soon they were a couple but obviously it was a secret.

No one in the agency knew nothing them being together even fukuzawa didn't know at all. Atsushi always like to keep his life somewhat private because he's a famous model and ranpo obviously respected that. Atsushi was working on something as ranpo suddenly sit on his lap. "Yes love?" Atsushi said as ranpo smirked and kisses his boyfriend. "I wanted to tell the agency about us.." ranpo said, atsushi and ranpo have been dating for about a year now and it was about time that the agency knew.

"Oh? Are you sure?" Atsushi ask and ranpo just nodded. "Alright then..I'm free tomorrow so I can just come with you to work but obviously I'll be in disguise though.." Atsushi said with a nervous smile, atsushi always wear a disguise outside because he doesn't want to be stopped by people because he's obviously famous so people want his autograph and stuff. "Yay!" Ranpo said as atsushi kisses him. Atsushi and ranpo cuddled most of the day and when it was morning atsushi made pancakes for ranpo because ranpo love pancakes.

Ranpo was obviously late, which is unusual in a way, he's never late so the agency was wondering about it. Fukuzawa was worried because his saw ranpo as a son and didn't want him to be hurt. Ranpo suddenly walked in and was dragging his boyfriend by the arm. "I can walk you know.." Atsushi said to his boyfriend as ranpo sit him down and takes off the sunglasses and hat and everyone look shock to see the famous model.

"your hair is messed up.." Ranpo said as he tries to fix his boyfriend's hair and atsushi just smiled. "Oh my god.." Naomi said, "ah! Perfect!" ranpo finally said as he looked at the agency. "Everyone met my boyfriend!" Ranpo said and atsushi look terribly nervous to be honest. "'s nice to finally meet you.." Atsushi said to the agency member and everyone just looked shocked and didn't know what to say. "congratulations." Fukuzawa finally said, fukuzawa was happy for ranpo and the other were also happy for ranpo.

"Wow..why didn't you tell us sooner!?" Yosano ask, "because atsushi like to keep his life private because he's a famous model.." Ranpo said, if people found out about atsushi and ranpo, that would be a lot of chaos so it was a good thing that people didn't know about it. The agency obviously understood that and respected that, and atsushi was happy to hear that, they won't tell anyone about it. "It nice to meet you!" Kenji said with a big smile, and the other obvious had a bit more questions and after a while, everyone went back to work.

Atsushi stayed in the agency the whole time and ranpo basically used him as a pillow because atsushi was quite warm. "Ranpo.." Atsushi said as ranpo hold onto him, "you have to work.." Atsushi said and ranpo nodded as a no. Atsushi just sighed, he couldn't argue with his boyfriend about work so he didn't say anything after that. The agency didn't start anything about it and soon ranpo and atsushi went home. "I love you~" ranpo said as he kisses his boyfriend again and Atsushi obviously kisses back. "I love you too." Atsushi said with a smile as he carries his boyfriend into the house because ranpo likes to be carried by his boyfriend.

"I want to cuddle.." Ranpo said, atsushi just giggled. "we already cuddled though.." Atsushi said as he places his boyfriend on the bed and ranpo grab him and basically throws atsushi on the bed. "I know but..I want to cuddle.." Ranpo said as he snuggles up to his boyfriend and atsushi just smiled and slowly played with ranpo hair. 'So adorable..' Atsushi thought to himself as ranpo slowly falls asleep. Atsushi always found it adorable because ranpo was adorable, when sleeping. 'The agency seem to like me so I won't have to worry about them not liking me' atsushi thought to himself, atsushi cares about what people think about him because he's famous and doesn't want to be treated differently because he's famous.

The agency obviously didn't treat him differently at all and treat him like a normal human being which atsushi was happy about and ranpo was also happy. Atsushi suddenly kisses ranpo forehead as he yawn and slowly atsushi fall asleep.

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