the past//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

Warning: abuse, torture.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never talks about this past because it wasn't all happy and sunshine. Atsushi grew up in the orphanage and everyone hated him for some reason, especially the Headmaster, he hated atsushi the most out of everyone. Atsushi didn't know why at all and the Headmaster tried to kill multiple times but it never worked so atsushi was beaten by a daily basis.

Atsushi stayed in the cage for most of his childhood and was never fed at all. The Headmaster did nothing about shibusawa because he didn't care for atsushi. Atsushi was just a fragile little boy so he couldn't fight shibusawa at all, atsushi hated every moment of it and was surprised to see shibusawa dead body but of course that Headmaster blamed atsushi.

Atsushi never plan on telling the agency about his past because he didn't want to see rude or something. Mostly everyone didn't have happy childhoods so atsushi didn't want to day anything about his past, which was alright with atsushi. Atsushi, higuchi and akutagawa were on a mission together to get a ability user and they got the abilities but atsushi was hit with the ability and they knew nothing about the ability. " getting a headache.." Atsushi said as slowly puts his and to his head but then suddenly atsushi turn into his younger self.

little atsushi didn't know where he was or anything. Atsushi realized he wasn't an orphanage and he didn't want to be punished because of that so he started to cry a bit "Please don't hurt me!!" Little atsushi said as he holds on to himself. Akutagawa and higuchi looks very surprised and both of them weren't really sure of what to do. "I'll let the others know.." Akutagawa said as he pulls out his phone and higuchi decides to try to calm down little atsushi. "I won't hurt you, I promise.." Higuchi softly says to the little fragile boy and little atsushi honestly didn't really believe the woman but he did let her get closer to him.

'is that a fucking hole in in his foot!?' higuchi thought to herself as she looks at atsushi foot and there was a hole in his foot. 'What the hell happened..' Higuchi thought to herself as she looked at atsushi. "I'm higuchi..and I won't hurt you.." Higuchi said as she slowly pulls out her hand for little atsushi to take and little atsushi slowly took the hand. "..78 is my name.." Little atsushi said, and higuchi look surprised but didn't say anything for now. Akutagawa also heard everything and he looked very surprised and start to wonder what happened in atsushi past.

The agency and the port Mafia were working together so the agency was at the port mafia base so both organizations knew about atsushi turning into a little kid. "Is that a hole in his foot?" Akutagawa whisper to higuchi and she just nod. Little atsushi was in higuchi arm and they start to walk back to port mafia base. Little atsushi was very confused the whole time but didn't dare to ask anything because he didn't want to be punished. The agency and port mafia member look surprised to see a little fragile boy, little atsushi was very underweight and look like he could pass out at any moment.

"Doctors should check this out.." Akutagawa said to yosano, he didn't remember her name at all. Yosano just glare at him but went to take a look and she looked horrified when she saw the hole in little atsushi foot. "Holy that..a fucking hole?!" Yosano said and both higuchi and akutagawa nodded confirming that was true. Little atsushi looks frightened by the yelling and immediately covered his head. "Don't hurt me.." Atsushi whispers and yosano just looked absolutely horrified by that. "I won't hurt you..I was just a little surprised.." Yosano softly says as akutagawa slowly stop using his ability, akutagawa didn't like how yosano frighten little atsushi and was about to attack her because of that.

Little atsushi slowly nodding and was holding onto higuchi. 'So adorable..' Higuchi thought to herself as atsushi hold her, she found it very adorable. "looks like a lot of open wounds.." Yosano said, everyone was wondering what happened in atsushi past. "Atsushi do you know who did this to you?" Yosano ask and little atsushi look confused because he doesn't know a atsushi. "..who atsushi?" Little atsushi ask and everyone looks shocked to hear that except for akutagawa and higuchi. "My name is 78.." Little atsushi softly says and everyone went with that for now.

"So..78..who did this to you?" Yosano said and little atsushi didn't know what to say but decide to least say something because the Headmaster wasn't there. "the Headmaster.." Little atsushi said and everyone looked surprised but nodded. "I'm killing a Headmaster today.." Chuuya whispered to kouyou and she just nodded. Yosano just nodded and suddenly slowly atsushi open wounds were starting to heal so yosano didn't have to do anything.

"Are you hungry?" Yosano ask and little atsushi slowly nodded and immediately little atsushi was given a bunch of food to eat and little atsushi was grateful for that and ate all of it. No one knew how atsushi would be in his younger self but for the time being they were going to make little atsushi comfortable. The port mafia member were pretty shocked about what they just learned because atsushi was a very happy person so finding out he didn't have a happy childhood, it's really shocking.

The agency was also shocked because they obviously knew nothing about his past. Little atsushi really did felt love by the agency in port mafia and had a great time but little atsushi had to go away and atsushi was back to normal. "Well damm..I remember everything.." Atsushi said as he looked at everyone and everyone was waiting for a explanation about his past. "I was abuse and tortured." Atsushi said to everyone and the other were just horrified and atsushi said it to calmly too.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Kyouka ask and atsushi didn't want to tell them the reason so he didn't say anything and went to sleep. The agency and port mafia were honestly just horrified by all that and didn't know what to do after that. The agency was a lot more patient with atsushi after that and the port mafia members had to respect for atsushi.

(😭the request just say for the port mafia and agency to find out how atsushi was treated in the orphanage so I hope this is what the requester Wanted)

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