boss//atsushi and ??//

580 14 11


-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is the port mafia boss and shibusawa and mori are atsushi assistants and they're both doctors in port mafia.


Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi doesn't really remember how he became the port mafia boss, he just was the part mafia boss. Atsushi was a very kind boss unless you got him angry. The port mafia respected their boss no matter what and atsushi was always kind to them. Shibusawa and mori were atsushi assassins and also doctors.

It was it good thing that they were doctors because in the port Mafia you would obviously get injured a lot. Shibusawa also love doing experiments but was only allowed to do it with permission from atsushi because atsushi didn't want the innocent to get experiment on. Mori was definitely different than most people, and atsushi never understood mori at all. Atsushi once hit mori and mori seems to like it, so atsushi never tried to hit him again.

Atsushi was yelling at mori again, when suddenly chuuya walked in. "The agency boss would like to talk to you about something.." Chuuya said as he bow and atsushi look confused. "Alright.." Atsushi said as chuuya open the door and fukuzawa walked in. Chuuya immediately walked away and atsushi kick mori. "Hello fukuzawa..what brings you to the port mafia base?" Atsushi ask as he sit down and fukazawa finally takes a seat as well. "Just to let you know my member are waiting outside.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded. "Mori...please go find shibusawa..." Atsushi said and mori just nodded and went to find him.

"Sorry..shibusawa like to experiment on people especially little kids..and I don't want him talking your members." Atsushi explain and fukuzawa just nodded and fukuzawa started to explain what happened and atsushi just nodded on understanding what was going on. "I understand..I'll make sure to have someone find the ability user." Atsushi said, fukuzawa was glad to hear that. "What taking mori so long.." Atsushi said as he gets up to look for his assistance and fukuzawa followed him.

Mori and shibusawa were talking with each other as Kenji hide behind yosano. "Oh my fucking god..again!? I told you to stop!" Atsushi said to shibusawa and shibusawa didn't say shit. "I'm so sorry.." Atsushi said to the agency member, ad shibusawa and mori leave because they didn't like angry atsushi. "Anyways.. we'll work on getting the ability user..and is he okay?" Atsushi ask, and Kenji just nod. Atsushi was definitely relieved to hear that, suddenly dazai hug atsushi. "I missed you!!" Dazai said, dazai obviously knew atsushi because he was in the port mafia before joining the agency.

"Hello dazai.." Atsushi said as he tries to get dazai off of him but doesn't work. "Dazai..let go of me.." Atsushi said as kunikida grab him and rips dazai off of atsushi. "Thank.." Atsushi said as the agency member and the boss leave and atsushi slowly walked to a certain room. "Shibusawa..we talked about it so many times.." Atsushi said as he glare at him and shibusawa just smiles nervously.

All the members could hear the yelling from the main hangout room. "Damm..boss is mad.." Tachihara said, the other just agreed and didn't dare to anything about the yelling. Mori didn't do shit about it because he didn't want to be yelled at too. "Get back to work.." Atsushi finally said to shibusawa and he went back to work. Atsushi finally walks to the main hang out room and tell the member about the ability user that they need to catch.

After all of that atsushi could finally relax, atsushi was very tired. 'Being the port mafia boss is hard..' Atsushi thought to himself as he lay in his couch that in his office. Atsushi sometimes like being the port mafia boss but atsushi is still just a kid in a way. Mori and shibusawa have always took care of atsushi, when he was little because atsushi didn't understand anything. '..i missed the old time..' Atsushi thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep and mori put a blanket over him. Mori just smiled and left the room to give his boss some privacy for now.

Atsushi obviously sleeps peacefully and didn't have no nightmare this time. Atsushi was fine with this life and didn't want a new one.

(😭i wasn't sure on what to do to be honest)

(Sometimes I wonder if I actually write good😭)

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