assistant//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and a bit of nsfw

-au-mori choice atsushi to join the port mafia and atsushi became akutagawa assistant.


Not canon reaction
Third person POV

After the battle with fukuchi, the agreement was that mori gets one of the agency members and mori decided to choose atsushi. Akutagawa decided to have atsushi become his assistant because they were together in secret and mori was alright with it. Atsushi doesn't do much in the port mafia and mostly help akutagawa with anything and I mean anything.

" should take a break.." Atsushi said, atsushi was sitting on akutagawa lap as akutagawa work on some paper and atsushi was getting a bit worried about his boyfriend. "Ryuu..come on! Take a break!" Atsushi said again as akutagawa just sighed and slowly puts the pin down. "Alright.." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi and atsushi just smiled.

"Yo! We've been meeting with the agency!" Tachihara said to akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. Atsushi didn't know there was a meeting today. "huh..I didn't know there was a meeting today.." Atsushi said to tachihara and he didn't know either. "It was just a sudden meeting." Tachihara said and that made sense so both akutagawa and atsushi walked to the meeting room. The agency member were already there and they look happy to see atsushi.

Chuuya gave atsushi some papers to look over and atsushi understood why the meeting was happening and akutagawa just glare at agency. "Ryuu, stop glaring at them..they're not going to take me or something.." Atsushi said to his boyfriend and akutagawa just looked away and didn't say anything. Atsushi just smirked at that and slowly everyone went for mori to finally come in and started the meeting.

The meeting was fairly short and didn't take that long and soon the agency in port mafia were allied again to take down a abilities user. The agency had a lot of questions for atsushi because they didn't know about atsushi and akutagawa being together. "Are you jealous~?" Atsushi ask as akutagawa pull him into a hug and akutagawa didn't say anything.

Akutagawa suddenly kisses atsushi in front of everyone and the agency definitely looks surprised and the port mafia was surprised because akutagawa doesn't usually kiss in public. " really are jealous~" atsushi said with a smirk and akutagawa just looked away and slowly atsushi and akutagawa walked away because the meeting was over.

"Wow..he must be really jealous.." Tachihara said, "I guess that's both things both akutagawa siblings have in common." Higuchi said and gin look higuchi and didn't say anything because it really was true. "Ryuu..they won't take me or anything.." Atsushi said as akutagawa carries him too akutagawa office and akutagawa didn't say anything. Once they were in the akutagawa. office, akutagawa pin atsushi to the wall and kisses him. The kisses wasn't soft as usual, but atsushi didn't care.

"Hehe..ryuu.." Atsushi said as akutagawa slowly starts to blush. "How about we cuddle? Would that make you happy?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just nodded. Akutagawa has a big couch in his office because sometimes he sleeps on it and so atsushi and akutagawa went to the couch. Akutagawa was laying his head on atsushi chest and atsushi slowly play with akutagawa soft hair.

"Sometimes I don't I really feel like your assistant.." Atsushi said, and it was technically true. "I love you.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just smiled. "I love you too.." Atsushi softly says to akutagawa as akutagawa slowly fell asleep because he was pretty tired. 'I don't mind being ryuu assistant though..I'm honestly lucky to be his assistant..imagine me mori assistant..' Atsushi thought to himself and it was all true, atsushi was pretty lucky to be akutagawa assistant.

'Ryuu..has been working a lot good that he finally getting some rest.' Atsushi thought to himself as he kisses akutagawa forehead and basically watches his boyfriend sleep because he's nothing better to do and didn't want to move at all because akutagawa is a light sleeper so he obviously wake up from a slightest bit of movement. Atsushi and akutagawa actually had a pretty good relationship and no one in the port mafia care about them being together as long as the work gets done they're okay with it.

The agency couldn't do anything about it because atsushi was a port mafia member so it wasn't their business.

(😭so random)

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