the apprentice detective//atsushi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-ranpo save atsushi.


(this is inspired by ao3 story but obviously it will be a different.)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi finally made it to Yokohama after running away from the orphanage because apparently shibusawa was killed and atsushi didn't want to be punished at all for something he thought he didn't do so he ran away. After entering Yokohama, Atsushi came across Edogawa Ranpo, upon their first meeting, Ranpo already figured out Atsushi's situation. The young adult then decided to bring atsushi to the Agency. Atsushi didn't understand why someone was helping him but he was really grateful for it and basically the agency unofficially adopted atsushi after that.

Due to Ranpo action, Atsushi saw the man as his savior and kept clinging to him. Ranpo didn't mind it at all though so there wasn't any problem with that. The Agency did have to explain to Atsushi about abilities and gifted because atsushi knew nothing about those things. It was at that moment that ranpo dropped the bomb about Atsushi's ability because ranpo had figured it out so atsushi went through an unknown entrance exam, making him an official Armed Detective Agency member. It was to help him control his ability.

Atsushi mostly stayed around ranpo and upon seeing Ranpo's ultra deduction in action, atsushi's admiration for the man skyrocketed. "Wow.." Atsushi said to himself as he watched ranpo finish the case in a matter of seconds. Atsushi still had trouble understanding abilities though but after a while he slowly started to understand that and he starts understand that he was the one to kill shibusawa. Atsushi basically had a mental breakdown because of that. "Atsushi.." Ranpo said as he slowly comforts to crying boy and atsushi just kept crying. "It wasn't your couldn't control your ability at the wasn't your fault." Ranpo softly said as atsushi keeps crying but slowly atsushi finally stop crying and actually passes out, ranpo just play with the boy hair as he sleeps.

After a few months of staying with the Agency, Atsushi's health and mental state improved A lot. Atsushi also started to study detective work by watching Ranpo because technically atsushi knew nothing about how to be a detective so it was a good thing that he was learning somehow. Ranpo found it rather cute and adorable so he started to drop hints, improving Atsushi's deduction skills. Atsushi also in fact to witness ranpo and poe met and competed and atsushi remember poe very well because his skills were also really great.  'Wow..' Atsushi thought to himself as he watches ranpo and poe talked about something and atsushi just watches then the whole time.

Atsushi technically became a detective first before dazai so one day
Atsushi finally met him. Atsushi came back to the agency with ranpo after finishing a case in another city as usual. He was introduced to Dazai Osamu, a new recruit of the agency and who was on a case with Kunikida.
'Oh..kunikida..hehe have fun..' Atsushi thought to himself as he stare at dazai and something just felt quite off about it but atsushi wasn't entirely sure.
"Ranpo..the new person..he seems suspicious." Atsushi said as ranpo takes out a lollipop and ranpo look interested. "suspicious? What do you mean?" Ranpo asked, dazai was talking with kunikida so dazai heard none of that. "I don't know when you meet someone and they just feel just feels suspicious.." Atsushi said and ranpo just nodded.
After informed ranpo about it, the two of them then had a talk about dazai.

Atsushi always still found dazai suspicious for some reason. Atsushi
finally realized it when he had his first encounter with Akutagawa happened, when he was on an errand, while the other man tried to capture him. The battle ended midway as Dazai appeared and stopped them. Seeing a new side of dazai when he talked with the port mafia's mad Dog, atsushi found it interesting. 'Ah..this makes a lot of sense now..' Atsushi thought to himself as he watches dazai and akutagawa talk about something and atsushi just stand there. "Come on atsushi!" Dazai said as he started to walked away and atsushi just followed behind. "Atsushi. Are you alright?" Yosano ask as both dazai and atsushi walk back into the agency main office and atsushi just smiled and nod.

"Are you sure? You're not lying to me are you?" Yosano ask as she raises one of her eyebrows and atsushi just nod as a no. "I'm perfectly fine.." Atsushi softly said and ranpo was definitely happy to hear that and dazai just didn't say anything at all. Atsushi had finally realized why dazai was so suspicious and atsushi did tell ranpo lot about it but ranpo decided to keep it a secret for now because dazai wasn't doing any harm to anyone right now and atsushi didn't mind keeping it a secret so atsushi kept it a secret.

"Dad.." Atsushi said as he walked up to Fukuzawa and fukuzawa just looked surprised because atsushi just called him dad bur immediately fukuzawa smiled at atsushi. Atsushi sometimes likes to hang out in the president's office for a break and fukuzawa just let it happen. Atsushi always ends up falling asleep on the chair and fukuzawa always has blankets in his office now because of atsushi. "I can't say no to atsushi." Fukuzawa said to kunikida and kunikida just sighed. "No one..can say no to him.." Yosano said and ranpo just agreed. Kunikida obvious things it's unprofessional to sleep in the boss's office on your breaks but fukuzawa just can't say no to atsushi. "Atsushi..technically was here first before us.." Tanizaki said to dazai and he just nodded.

"I think ranpo save atsushi so that's why they're so close.." Naomi said with a softly smile and dazai agreed with her. Dazai and the tanizaki siblings they knew that atsushi was there before any of them but they didn't know the exact story about that. "Called the president dad..they all must be closed.." Dazai said with a smirk and the conversation ends there because they work to do.

Atsushi soon learned about the death of the director of Atsushi's old orphanage. He already made peace with what happened back there as he had realized the director's true goal with him. However, Atsushi quickly found it odd about the way the director died, like it was pplanned "huh..odd.." Atsushi said to himself as he reads over the report and atsushi found it a bit strange and ranpo noticed it. "Atsushi?" Ranpo said as walked closer to atsushi. "the headmaster of the orphanage has died." Atsushi said as he give the report to ranpo and ranpo read it as well.  "Come on atsushi! Let some some lunch!" Ranpo suddenly said as he grab atsushi hand and they went to get some lunch and ranpo did his best to keep atsushi happy.

Ranpo saw atsushi as his little brother so ranpo of course tried his best to make atsushi happy, even though atsushi was already happy. "Thank you." Atsushi said to ranpo as he slowly eat his ice cream and ranpo just smile again as usual. Atsushi is really glad for ranpo saving him and atsushi really loves being a detective and loves being around the agency members. 'I can't believe this is my life..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked out the window and atsushi just smiled to himself and he enjoys his time with ranpo.

(😭 I tried)

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