kitsune//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and a bit of angst

-au-atsushi and akutagawa are kitsune/spirit.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi the tiger spirit is likely to be seen sometimes but also not. Atsushi is mostly seen by children because atsushi love children. Atsushi doesn't really like to be seen by adults for some odd reason and of course atsushi can have a human form. Atsushi lives in an old shrine where people visit him for good luck and other things and usually atsushi is sweet and kind and it won't hurt anyone but when he's a kid hurt he will do anything his power to make the person pay for hurting a kid. Atsushi shrine was located in kenji village so atsushi always knew Kenji.

Akutagawa the demon spirit doesn't like to be seen by humans and mostly keeps to himself. Akutagawa technically doesn't have a shrine because he's considered to be evil spirit so most people wouldn't want to associate with him but akutagawa does in fact live with atsushi in his shrine. Akutagawa doesn't really kill anyone unless he wants too.

Atsushi and akutagawa have been alive for many years. Atsushi and akutagawa are known to be the last spirits/kitsune alive or just even known because the other ones have sadly passed away from a terrible war. After the war akutagawa and atsushi actually decided to get together and they will stay together for rest of their lifetime until they passed away, if they ever do pass away.

"What if..we pretend to be humans for once?" Atsushi ask akutagawa and akutagawa just raised one of his unexisted eyebrow. "what do you mean?" Akutagawa ask as atsushi sit down and starts to explain. "You know..we pretend to be like humans and other things.." Atsushi said as he looked at his husband and akutagawa eyes widen a bit but then he smiled. "Sounds fun." Akutagawa said and atsushi just smiled back. Atsushi and akutagawa already have human disguises so that wasn't a problem at all but they just needed a way to fit in.

Atsushi decided to join the agency and akutagawa join the port mafia. Atsushi obviously couldn't tell the agency about him being a spirits/kitsune and akutagawa couldn't tell the problem about that either and soon they joined the organizations. Atsushi love being with the agency and he couldn't believe they were so kind and atsushi obviously knew about the port mafia because of akutagawa.

The port mafia and agency were having a meeting in the agency building and atsushi was getting mad. "I'm throwing him out the window.." Atsushi whisper to akutagawa and akutagawa looked shocked and he obviously tried to stop his husband from doing that but nothing was going to stop him at all. "I'm throwing dazai out the window.." Atsushi said again and akutagawa was wondering what did dazai do to atsushi. "What did he do?"" Akutagawa ask, atsushi just smiles creepily. "he disturbed my cat nap and woke me up.." Atsushi said as he slowly walked up to dazai. Dazai looks confused but suddenly atsushi pick dazai up and actually threw him out the window. Everyone looked shocked and atsushi was just smiled. "Wow..he alive." Atsushi said as he looked out the window and dazai was alive. "Next time..don't you dare wake me up for my cat nap.." Atsushi said as he glare at dazai and dazai was so shocked, he was unable to speak because of the shock.

"Atsushi..your ears are showing.." Akutagawa said as atsushi touches his ear and atsushi looked a bit surprised. "Oh..I didn't even feel it." Atsushi said as he yawn and everyone was just shocked and didn't know what to say to that. "What the hell?" Kunikida said, he was wondering what the fuck just happened and atsushi just nervously smiled. "looks like we have to tell them.." Atsushi said to akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. "Me and ryuu are spirits/kitsune" atsushi said and everyone was more shock now because they surely wasn't expecting that and they didn't know what to say about that.

"Oh! You must be the tiger spirits!" Kenji said with a smile as he pointed at atsushi, when Kenji used to live in this village, the villagers would visit the tiger spirit shrine and wish for good luck. "And you must be the demon spirit!" Kenji said as he pointed at akutagawa and atsushi just smiled. "Ah..kenji used to live in that village.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just nodded. "Ow..." Dazai said as he walked back into the main office and atsushi just glare at him. "Wow..I don't know what to say.." Tachihara said, everyone honestly didn't know what to say to that because it was quite shocking and they weren't sure what to even think about that.

"Atsushi would always protect the kids at the village!" Kenji said to everyone and everyone just nodded. Atsushi just starts to giggle at that and akutagawa didn't do anything. "Wait, why are you guys disguised as humans?" Higuchi suddenly ask and now everyone was wondering that too and atsushi started to explain why and akutagawa didn't do anything at all. "Wow..." Tanizaki said, atsushi was sitting on one of the desk, and akutagawa was just right next to him the whole time. Atsushi was patting akutagawa head the whole time as well and everyone was just watching and they were trying to process all that because it was a bit much. "Look like we have to go back to the shrine soon because now everyone knows.." Atsushi said to his husband and akutagawa just nodded.

" guys can visit us if you like!" Atsushi said with a softly smile and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. "Welp..time for us to go, goodbye!!" Atsushi said as he take akutagawa hand and they both walk out the agency and the others didn't stop them because they were still trying to process all that but Kenji was waving a goodbye to them. "We have to visit them." Kyouka said to the president and he just nodded and soon everyone went back to work and atsushi and akutagawa were back in the shrine as always. "Disguising as a human was fun but it's a lot of work.." Atsushi said as he make a flower crown and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. Akutagawa had his horns out and atsushi slowly put the flowers crown on akutagawa head. "You know..chuuya and dazai.. are probably the reincarnation of them." Akutagawa said to his husband and atsushi just stop smiling. "Probably, they're so similar.." Atsushi said, chuuya and dazai were once kitsune/spirit but they both died in the war so they were recarnated as humans. Atsushi was playing with akutagawa hair and akutagawa was slowly fall asleep. "I love you.." Akutagawa softly said as atsushi kisses akutagawa on the lip and atsushi just smiled.

Obviously no one could see them at all so they basically sleep peacefully on the ground like always. Atsushi didn't mind sleeping on the ground, it was actually quite comfortable and kitsune/spirit necessarily don't actually need sleep but sometimes they do for the fun of it or they're actually tired. Atsushi and akutagawa could probably sleep in the air if they tried but they don't want to waste their powers on that.

The agency and port mafia decided to take a trip to kenji village so they can see atsushi and akutagawa. Atsushi was looking at the flowers and kenji saw atsushi. "He right there!" Kenji said with a smile but the other couldn't see him because they were adults, atsushi mostly lets children see him so that's why kenji and kyouka can only see him. "Hm?" Atsushi ask as he looked at kenji and suddenly everyone else could see atsushi. "Hehe sorry..I mostly let children see me not adults.." Atsushi said as he walked up to them and atsushi looked confused.

"I thought you guys were busy with work, what brings you guys here?" Atsushi ask as kyouka walk up to atsushi and hug him. "we came here to see you!" Dazai said as akutagawa walk out and he didn't looked happy. "be a bit more quieter.." Akutagawa said as atsushi giggles and they mostly just talked with each other but sadly the port mafia and agency had to go back but they make sure to visit sometimes. Atsushi and akutagawa are happy that they visit sometimes and everyone lives were the same after that, nothing changed at all.

(🤷‍♀️so random)

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