picky eater//atsushi and kyouka//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is a picky eater.

Warning: mention of starvation.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has always been a picky eater, atsushi was perfect fine with it but kyouka try to make atsushi eat more but atsushi didn't want too. Atsushi was fine eating tea on rice all the time but kyouka didn't like that and she wanted to make sure atsushi was eating enough so she tried to make atsushi eat anything, even coffee but even atsushi hated coffee.

"Atsushi!! Just try it!!" Kyouka said as she shake atsushi but atsushi didn't try it. The agency looked confused because no one knew what was happening. "No!" Atsushi said as he looked away and kyouka just sighed. "Atsushi..you can't just keep eating tea on rice for a living.." Kyouka said and atsushi didn't say anything at all. "What going on?" Fukuzawa said as he walked into the main office and kyouka just sighed again. "Atsushi..is a picky eater and won't eat anything else except for tea on rice.." Kyouka
said and atsushi just frowns.

"I was a picky eater once.." Kenji said with a smile, the agency member finally understood what was going on now but it was kind of a problem because atsushi has to eat other food so the agency decided to help him. "I think we should start simple..you shouldn't overwhelm people with a bunch of food.." Kenji said, he was going off of experience so he knew what was like to be a picky eater and everyone listened to kenji. Kenji gave a few suggestions to kyouka and kyouka was going to try them because she wanted atsushi to eat something that not tea on rice.

Kyouka was really good at cooking so she didn't mind cooking for atsushi. Atsushi didn't want kyouka to cook because she only 14 but kyouka didnt listen at all. "Here..please just try it.." Kyouka said as sets down a bowl of ramen for atsushi. "It not spicy.." Kyouka softly says, atsushi hate spicy food so atsushi slowly try it and he like it so he actually ate it all and kyouka was happy. Atsushi didn't really like trying new foods because he never had any food like that before because he would starved at the orphanage so he was a little scared.

Kyouka try to be patient with him because she didn't want atsushi to feel overwhelmed with food so they took a slow and atsushi slowly tried food that he thought that looked good or that kyouka made. The agency member tried to help as well but atsushi didn't trust most of them. "I ain't touch it.." Atsushi said to dazai and dazai looks flabbergasted. "you could have poisoned it.." Atsushi said as he looked away and dazai has technically poisoned food before so it wasn't surprising. "But! Can't you smell poison!?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi can in fact smell poison but some poisoned you just can't smell.

"Still..I don't trust it.." Atsushi said as dazai dramatically falls to the ground and starts to cry and everyone else was just shocked and flabbergasted by that. "At least he trying some food.." Yosano said, it was a good thing that atsushi was trying some new food because atsushi is extremely underweight and he needs some fat in him or he might die. Kyouka was happy that atsushi was eating something. "My own students think I'm going to poison him!!" Dazai said as he hug kunikida leg and kunikida just looked so tried and atsushi still look away.

"To be honest..I won't be surprised if you actually try to poison atsushi.." Ranpo suddenly said as dazai just cried more. Kyouka wouldn't be surprised to, dazai has a fact poisoned many people before so it's a good thing that atsushi is cautious about dazai. Atsushi still didn't like coffee though and that definitely surprised the agency members because they all drink coffee except for kenji, atsushi and kyouka. Atsushi only ate certain foods now but at least he was eating something. Kyouka would try to make other things but atsushi either didn't like it or was scared to even try it.

Akutagawa and atsushi we're on a mission and kyouka packed atsushi some lunch but atsushi didn't like it because it was new and it tasted disgusting to him. "Picky eater?" Akutagawa ask, atsushi just nodded. Akutagawa was also in fact a picky eater, so he didn't judge atsushi for once. "Im also a picky eater.." Akutagawa said and atsushi didn't looked surprised by that. "Kyouka want me to try other food but it's either disgusting or I'm just scared to try it.." Atsushi softly says and akutagawa just nodded. "You want tea on rice?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just nodded as they want to get tea on rice. Akutagawa understood atsushi about being a picky eater so he didn't mind it.

Akutagawa and atsushi actually had a normal conversation after that without fighting each other so maybe it was a good thing in a way. Kyouka still try to make atsushi each though but after a while atsushi wouldn't try anything else. "well you're gaining some fat, which is a good thing.." Yosano said as she checked atsushi weight and atsushi just nodded. "Look like you don't have to try anything else because your weight is perfect and, you can keep eating like this because you're getting all the things you need.." Yosano softly says and atsushi was happy because he was tired of people asking him to try food.

Atsushi is still a picky eater though but at least he's a lot more things than he used to ane is getting all the nutritions he needs so it's quite all right. Atsushi is happy eating his tea on rice or ramen or the bunch of other things he had to try. Kyouka was also happy because atsushi was getting healthier so that was a good thing.

(honestly I wasn't sure on what to do so I made something up, it probably terribly bad)

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