the truth//atsushi true self//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is a manipulative and has a mean personality.

Warning: mention of abuse.

( I do not know how manipulative react or anything so there may be mistakes!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was in fact a kind person one but atsushi lived in orphanage and was basically beaten each day. Atsushi slowly became a heartless person because no one saved him at all from the orphanage. Atsushi was stuck in the basement 24/7 and no one dared to try to save him even the little kids didn't try to save them but they were just kids, they couldn't do much.

Atsushi decided kill the Headmaster one day because he had enough of this torture. Atsushi already knew he had an ability because he was smart so he just made a plan to kill the Headmaster, which was pretty easy. The Headmaster wasn't that strong and definitely couldn't win a fight against a tiger so it was a easy kill to do. "look who's now screaming in pain.." Atsushi whispered as he smiles, the headmaster was screaming in pain because he was literally cut by a tiger claw and was bleeding out.

Atsushi was just smiling the whole time and didn't do anything to help him at all and soon the headmaster died of blood loss. Atsushi wasn't sure what to do now so he left the orphanage and was now by a river. ' person committing suicide, I don't give a fuck actually..' Atsushi thought to himself as kunikida walk to dazai and basically starts to yell at him again and dazai smiles like an innocent person.

'He not innocent..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi could easily tell something was about to happen but he tried to ignore the two people but dazai didn't ignore him at all. "You must be the tiger!" Dazai said with a smile and atsushi didn't have any reaction on his face. 'He smart..he must be important or something..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi just nodded.

"So..this kid is the tiger?" Kunikida said as dazai grab atsushi and start to drag him to the agency. 'he certainly has no care in the world..' Atsushi thought to himself as he glare at dazai and atsushi was immediately accepted into the agency, which was very odd. 'Im guess..they don't want the port mafia taking me..' Atsushi thought to himself, the agency accepted him in very easily but atsushi definitely didn't want to save people because he didn't care for them really.

Atsushi was dazai subordinate, and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. 'A changed men..are you really a change man though..dazai..' Atsushi thought to himself as he smiled to himself and dazai look shocked on what he had done. Atsushi was bleeding but obviously he can heal himself so it didn't matter to atsushi. Dazai couldn't believe what he had done so he ran and atsushi just smiled to himself. Atsushi didn't mention anything to the agency but atsushi we would always smile at dazai and dazai lucuit horrified each time and no one noticed it, which was a good thing.

One day the port Mafia and agency
were working together and dazai was getting mad at atsushi. "Why didn't you save the girl!?" Dazai ask, he wasn't happy and atsushi didn't have any reaction on his face. "Because I didn't want to save her.." Atsushi whispered and dazai just looked mad and everyone else was dead silent. "Why!? You're in the agency/ you're meant to save people!!" Dazai said, he was now yelling and atsushi was very tired of it. "I didn't even want to save people! You forced me to be in the agency in the first place!" Atsushi said, as he get up and was glaring at dazai.

"you think I want to save people after what I went through!?! Why wasn't I save!? I was stuck in the orphanage for 18 years and was being beaten each day but no one save me!! So why should I save people!?!" Atsushi yell and everyone looks shocked and didn't know what to say to that. Mori was actually smiling because he just got amazing idea. 'perfect..' Mori thought to himself, atsushi was glaring at dazai and dazai looked shocked.

'Holy shit..he could yell at me like that and I will probably say thank you..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself, akutagawa definitely had weird taste in men so it wasn't that surprising that he wants atsushi. 'My brother is weird..' Gin thought to herself as she looked at her brother and akutagawa was blushing actually and was staring at atsushi. It was dead silent in the room because no one knew what to say about that. "What.." Yosano manages to say and atsushi didn't have no reaction on his face.

"I'm done..I quit!" Atsushi said with a smile as he walked to the door but then suddenly stopped and look straight into dazai eyes. "I'm not the only one here that's heartless..dazai, you're not really a change man.." Atsushi softly says with a smile and then walks out. Dazai looks shocked but then he looks mad, kyouka decided to go after atsushi. She didn't care about atsushi being heartless or anything, kyouka would always follow the light and the light is atsushi.

"Atsushi!" Kyouka said as she finally stops running and catches her breath. Atsushi just smile at kyouka, and atsushi slowly walk up to kyouka. "it doesn't matter who I am, you always follow me won't you?" Atsushi ask and kyouka just nodded as atsushi slowly played with kyouka hair. "I don't mind you following me.." Atsushi said with a smile and kyouka just smile back. "We definitely need a new place to go now.." Atsushi said to himself and kyouka didn't say anything as someone walk up to them.

"Ah..akutagawa!" Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa immediately turned a bit red. "the boss..want you to meet with him.." Akutagawa said and atsushi suddenly looked serious but was smiling at the same time and kyouka didn't say anything at all. "Alright..I'll meet with..mori." Atsushi said as akutagawa turn to walk away and both kyouka and atsushi followed him. Kyouka seriously didn't care about atsushi being a heartless person at all and kyouka was happy to be with atsushi because kyouka see atsushi as her brother..

Atsushi already knew why mori wanted to meet him so it wasn't confusing or anything. "Hello atsushi." Mori said with a smile and atsushi just smile back. "Kyouka stay right here." Atsushi said as he pat kyouka head and kyouka just nod. Mori office door were immediately shut and atsushi slowly sits down and waits for the port mafia boss to start speaking. "I think you already know why you're here.." Mori said and atsushi just nodded.

"I want you to become a port mafia executive.." Mori said and atsushi didn't have no reaction on his face again. 'A port mafia executive so soon..' Atsushi thought to himself, and mori starts to explain why. "we did in fact lose a executive so we need a replacement and you're a perfect match..I'm'll be a good addition.." Mori explain and atsushi just smile and nod. "I would love to.." Atsushi said, mori was definitely happy to hear that. "And kyouka can rejoin the port mafia as well..she seems to be following you.." Mori said and atsushi just nodded again.

Their conversation soon end and atsushi was now a port mafia executive. Atsushi didn't really understand why it was so soon but he's not going to argue about it. Kyouka also rejoin the port mafia as well and atsushi start a train kyouka but kyouka are a knew bunch of things so I wasn't much training. Atsushi also watches over akutagawa as well and akutagawa was happy about that.

The agency was still in shocked but they couldn't do anything about it at all so they had to let it happen. Dazai honestly didn't know what to say at all because it was surprising to him. Atsushi had fun killing people because they deserved it and they shouldn't be saved because atsushi wasn't saved at all so why should other people be saved.

(😭 I wasn't really sure on what to do to be honest so sorry if this isn't what you wanted)

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