difficult to understand//atsushi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-enigma ADA atsushi.

Warning: mention of suicide(dazai).

(💀 honestly didn't even know enigma was a word)

(Engima is a person who is mysterious or/ difficult to understand)

( honestly I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I'm just making things up)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi grew up in an orphanage but sadly he was hated by everyone because of the ability that he couldn't control having. Atsushi learned a lot at the orphanage at one of those things was not to trust anyone and not to show your true attention with everyone. Atsushi didn't plan on being a bad person but it was just really hard to read him or even understand him. Atsushi was soon kicked out the orphanage because he was 18 so technically he was an adult now so the Headmaster didn't have any authority over him.

Atsushi was homeless for a while until he technically saved a man from drowning but the man wanted to die. "DAZAI!!!" kunikida yell as he starts to yell at his coworker and atsushi just looked confused as fuck. "Weird humans." Byakko said, atsushi and the tigers can basically talk to each other and byakko likes to make comments about anyone so it wasn't surprising when she made a comment about these two new humans. Atsushi just agreed with her and he basically just watched the angry man yell at the suicidal man for quite a while

"we need to find the tiger!!" Kunikida finally said and that caught the tiger boy's attention because technically he was the tiger and they were hunting him down. 'be cautious..' Atsushi thought to himself as he stomach growls and dazai just smirked. Dazai finally had another excuse to annoy kunikida so atsushi was dragged to a restaurant because dazai wanted to waste kunikida money. Dazai didn't even realize the homeless boy was in fact the tiger, which was a good thing but to dazai, it's not a good thing. Kunikida wasn't that smart to find out atsushi was the tiger so both of them didn't realize that's the tiger was right in front of them.

"we need to find a tiger.." Kunikida said as he writes down something and dazai just smiled. "we can't let this boy be homeless though, I mean we are the armed detective agencyx we're are meant to help people." Dazai said and that was in fact true. 'technically you're already found the Tiger but you guys are just too stupid to notice..' Atsushi thought to himself as he finished his tea on rice and it was already his 10th one. "Ugh..fine, we can take him to the agency.." Kunikida said as he makes a phone call and atsushi just eat his tea on rice. "Don't trust them." Byakko said, byakko certainly didn't trust those two humans and atsushi just keep that in mind because you shouldn't trust someone that you just met, even if there are technically helping you.

Atsushi was taken to the agency and of course they were testing him. '..wow..uh..this is kind of awkward to be honest..' Atsushi thought to himself as he sit on the floor, dazai was obviously trying to force him to do something. '..motherfucker aren't you a professional!? Some manipulated shit right here..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looks at a suicidal man. Atsushi honestly wasn't sure on what to do so he basically just snuck up on tanizaki and he crush the fake bomb. "It was fake." Atsushi whisper to himself as he looked at tanizaki and tanizaki honestly just looks terrified and the others were surprised by that because atsushi technically broke it with his bare hands.

'I don't necessarily have to transform my hand for it to be strong..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi doesn't necessarily have to have his tiger claws out so you can smash something, he could probably do with his bare hands. Dazai was shocked, flabbergasted, baffled at that, he couldn't read atsushi at all and he hated that. 'Oh god..why can't I not reading him?' Dazai thought to himself, he was basically having a crisis right now and he basically probably would be crying on the ground but obviously he couldn't right now so he just looks surprised and terrified at the same time.

Atsushi just stare at them and everyone is honestly surprised at this. "Are you even human?" Kenji ask, and atsushi just nodded. "I'm definitely human.." Atsushi said with a small smile, 'but also half tiger as well.' Atsushi thought to himself, he honestly wasn't sure if he should tell the agency about his ability but he decided to wait until he actually joins the agency because he had to fill out information and one of the questions was if he had an ability and the answer was yes. "Atsushi~ what's your ability~" dazai ask, he's been wondering and he's basically been annoying atsushi all day because he wants to know the boys ability.

Atsushi suddenly turned his hand into a tiger paw and he slap the shit out of dazai and everyone was surprised but you could hear someone laughing. "My ear are sensitive.." Atsushi said as he looked down and dazai just looked surprised because he wasn't expecting to be slapped by a tiger paw and it hurts like shit. '..I didn't even know..' Dazai thought to himself as he looked at the boy and atsushi just stare at him. Dazai couldn't understand the tiger boy at all and he really didn't like that because technically he understands everything but he can't understand a simple boy. "Ah..I'm also the tiger are you guys been looking for.." Atsushi suddenly said but no one paid attention to him because ranpo and yosano were laughing there ass off because dazai got slap by a kid.

Atsushi fit in with the agency but obviously no one could really read him and he basically was a mystery to the whole agency because atsushi doesn't really say much about himself. Atsushi learn that he shouldn't tell everyone about himself until you trust them enough and he doesn't really trust him that much especially the suicidal man. Atsushi soon realized that dazai was a manipulated person and you shouldn't trust him at all so he doesn't trust him at all. Dazai hated it, he couldn't use atsushi at all and he couldn't get any information on the boy.

Atsushi didn't really trust the agency that much but he did trust kyouka. Atsushi saved kyouka and kyouka is always around atsushi because she trusts him and atsushi just protects the little girl. "I like the kid." Byakko said, byakko like kyouka so that means kyouka is a good person but obviously atsushi didn't really tell much about himself to her but kyouka didn't really give a fuck. The port mafia member also couldn't really understand atsushi at all, which made sense but even with effort, you got nothing. Atsushi was basically a real mystery and no one could really understand except for ranpo but obviously he didn't give a fuck about it so he did nothing about it.

Atsushi doesn't cost any trouble though and basically just tries to live a normal life.

( honestly I wasn't sure what to do so I hope the requester likes it!)

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