mom//atsushi and kouyou//

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-angst and fluff

-au-kouyou adopts Atsushi and byakko can come out of Atsushi body.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was running as fast as he can because he just ran away from the orphanage and the Headmaster was trying to get him back but suddenly Atsushi ran into a beautiful woman. Kouyou look confused but suddenly saw the Headmaster and then looked at the fragile little boy. ' scared..' Kouyou thought to herself, Atsushi was holding onto kouyou because he didn't want to go back to the orphanage.

"Im so sorry!" The Headmaster said as he tries to grab the atsushi and kouyou glares at the men. "he doesn't seem to want to go with you, I'll be taking him." Kouyou said as she pick up atsushi and starts to walk away with atsushi in her arms and the geadmaster didn't really try to fight her because he didn't really give a fuck. "what's your name little one?" Kouyou ask Atsushi, "..atsushi.." Atsushi softly says as he holds onto kouyou and kouyou just smilie kouyou always has a soft spot for little kids and kouyou decided to adopt Atsushi. "I'm going to be adopting you.." Kouyou softly says to the little boy and Atsushi looked surprised to hear that but did in fact smile because he was happy. "So..I mom?" Atsushi ask and kouyou just nodded. Kouyou basically spoiled atsushi and Atsushi was just happy to have a new home. Kouyou was walking to the spare room because atsushi was in the spare room and she saw a white tiger.

Atsushi was petting it and byakko was loving it, byakko was around the same size as Atsushi because y'all grow when Atsushi grow and Atsushi was still pretty small. "Oh? Is this your ability?" Kouyou asked as atsushi look at her. "A ability..uh..i think so?" Atsushi said, Atsushi knew nothing about abilities so atsushi wasn't really sure but when kouyou try to walk closer, byakko started to growl at her. 'must be his ability..' Kouyou thought to herself, "i won't hurt him.." Kouyou softly says to byakko and byakko slowly laid back down. "What a ability?" Atsushi ask and kouyou explained everything to atsushi and he looked surprised. "Wow.." Atsushi said as he pet byakko, and kouyou just smiling.

Atsushi got used to living with kouyou and kouyou was a great mom too Atsushi. Atsushi soon met the port mafia members and the boss and byakko actually tried to bite mori because mori went close to atsushi. "What the fuck!" Mori yelling as a white tiger tries to bite his hand off and Atsushi looks shocked. "Byakko!" Atsushi said and byakko slowly went back to Atsushi. Mori looked very confused and was somewhat horrified by that. "Byakko almost attacked me too..byakko is Atsushi very overprotective of Atsushi." Kouyou explain and mori slowly looks at the white tiger and byakko was glaring at mori.

"I think I'll keep my hand..." Mori said as kouyou laughs at that. Byakko did in fact try to bite his hands off multiple times after that. Atsushi also join the port mafia and soon became a executive to replace dazai because he left the port mafia. Atsushi was a very kind person, even if he was in the port Mafia. "Oh..there he is.." Gin said as she sighed in relief, akutagawa was sleeping peacefully and byakko was around him. "Akutagawa was tired.." Atsushi softly said and gin was happy to see her brother was okay.

Atsushi was a great executive and didn't abuse any of the members. Akutagawa soon understood what love was and what dazai did to him was not love at all. The agency knew nothing about atsushi being in the port mafia so it was a surprise to hear that was a new executive. The agency was having a meeting with the port mafia boss, when suddenly byakko tries to bite him again. "Make her stop!" Mori said to atsushi and atsushi just giggles. "I can't control her.." Atsushi said and that was a fat ass lie. Atsushi technically can control byakko, it just atsushi always find some funny when byakko tries to bite off mori hand.

"yes you do! You can in fact controller her!" Mori said and the agency was pretty confused. "Anyway.. where's my mom?" Atsushi ask, Atsushi couldn't find kouyou in the port Mafia base so she was on a mission and atsushi wanted to know what Mission it was. "She on a mission..she'll be back in a couple hours.." Mori said and atsushi just nodded. "Who are you?" Tanizaki ask and atsushi finally realized that the agency doesn't know him. "I'm Atsushi..the new executive I suppose.." Atsushi nervously says to the agency and they look surprised.

"Anyway bye-bye!" Atsushi said and suddenly atsushi walk away. "Sometimes..he really is scary.." Mori whispered to himself as the agency member look at him in shocked but the meeting continue as usual. 'The boy did look cute..' Atsushi thought to himself as he walks to his office as usual. Atsushi knew the agency but never actually talk to them. "Chuuya?" Atsushi said in confusion as chuuya walk up to him. "tired again?" Atsushi ask and chuuya just nodded. Everyone seems to go to atsushi, when they're tired because atsushi can usually make them sleepy.

After a while chuuya finally fell asleep because atsushi was humming to him. "Huh? Oh mom!" Atsushi said as he run to hug kouyou and kouyou just hug back. "Hello atsushi.." Kouyou said with a smiling as atsushi break the hug. "Ah..chuuya must be having trouble sleeping.." Kouyou said to herself as she looked chuuya and atsushi just nod. Kouyou slowly went to sit down and atsushi started to talk about things as usual. "And byakko try to bite mori hand off again." Atsushi said and kouyou start to laugh because of that because it was pretty funny.

Kouyou was a great mom to atsushi and atsushi was happy to have a mom and he didn't mind being in the port Mafia. Atsushi was just glad to have a life that's not an orphanage.

(😭one of my random ideas)

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