phantom thief//atsushi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is a phantom thief.

Warning: abuse.

(It also shin soukoku because i wanted it to be shin soukoku!)

(I know nothing about phantom thief so I'm just going off of what I know)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi grew up in a shitty orphanage, atsushi was hated because of having a ability. Atsushi was considered to be a monster and was always locked up in the cage, atsushi would be starved and beaten. Atsushi wasn't allowed to be around the other kids so he basically had no education but he did know how to steal things because he needed food so he had to steal it and no one found out about that. Once atsushi was finally kicked out of the orphanage, atsushi decided to thief or a phantom thief.

A phantom thief is a gentleman or lady thief is characterised by impeccable manners, charm, courteousness, and the avoidance of physical force or intimidation to steal, and often has inherited wealth. They steal not only to gain material wealth but also for the thrill of the act itself, which is often combined in fiction with correcting a moral wrong, selecting wealthy targets, or stealing only particularly rare or challenging objects.

Atsushi was somehow really great at stealing so it wasn't a problem at all and he could easily hide from many people. Atsushi do not resort to violence at all because he didn't want to harm anyone so he either did it when the victim was sleeping or still item, quickly before anyone can see it's gone. Atsushi always replaces the item though with the item and it's usually chocolate or something because atsushi just does that.

Atsushi kind of became famous around yokohama city because he was known to be the gentle thief because he never harmed anyone and he basically replaces the item with chocolate or candy. The agency obviously heard about him and technically they are meant to catch any thief but technically atsushi didn't necessarily harm anyone so it wasn't a big priority to capture him. The port mafia also knew nothing atsushi but technically they don't give a fuck about him because he doesn't steal from them at all so it's not a problem to them.

Atsushi was walking on top of the roofs, when he spotted someone, akutagawa. Akutagawa was doing his normal mission, when he heard someone and he looked around to find the person. "who's there!?" Akutagawa said as he looked around and atsushi just giggled. "Hello." Atsushi said as he waved and akutagawa just looked up to see atsushi. "Your the.." Akutagawa said as atsushi suddenly jumped down. "The thief? Wow..didn't think the port mafia heard about me.." Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa isn't sure on what to do. "aren't you a cutie~" atsushi said and akutagawa immediately turns red and atsushi just giggled again.

"Goodbye cutie~! I hope I'll see you again soon~!!" Atsushi suddenly said as he wakes away and akutagawa is just too embarrassed to do anything because he's never been call cutie before so it was a bit shocking to him. Akutagawa didn't know what to think about that so he just ignored it for now. Atsushi would always end up being around akutagawa because atsushi found akutagawa cute and adorable and basically atsushi would tease akutagawa all the time. Akutagawa wasn't really sure on what to do because atsushi wasn't stealing from the port mafia and he wasn't disturbing any of the missions so he just let it happen.

Atsushi and akutagawa soon got to know each other because of this and they started developing feelings for each other. "Ryuu~ you're so adorable~" atsushi suddenly said as he jumped down and akutagawa just turn red again. "You know..I like you~" atsushi said, atsushi wasn't really sure on how to confess his feelings to akutagawa so he decided just to say it and akutagawa eyes widen in surprise but he was happy to hear that because he is feelings for atsushi.

"..I like you too." Akutagawa said as he looked away and atsushi just smiled. "May I kiss you?" Atsushi ask, and akutagawa just nod and they share a kiss together. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just nod and that's how they got together. Atsushi was still a thief because he kind of had fun doing it and nothing really ever changed. Akutagawa didn't tell the port mafia about him dating someone because it's none of their business actually so they don't have to know his private life.

Atsushi and akutagawa honestly had a pretty good relationship. The agency obviously knew nothing as well but they were looking for atsushi and they finally caught him because they needed atsushi help. " want me to help you?" Atsushi ask the president and he just nodded. The port mafia was on his way to the agency and akutagawa knew nothing about his boyfriend being captured so it was a surprise to see his boyfriend in the agency. "Atsushi.." Akutagawa softly said and atsushi just smiled. "Darling!!" Atsushi said as he walked over to his boyfriend and everyone just looks surprised and confused at the same time. "The agency caught me." Atsushi said with a frown and akutagawa just smiled.

"You guys know each other?" Higuchi ask as she look at akutagawa. "More important!! Akutagawa can smile!?" Tachihara said, akutagawa definitely look offended to hear that and the other were just shocked because they didn't know akutagawa could smile and atsushi just giggled. "And yes me and ryuu know each other!" Atsushi said, atsushi wasn't sure to mention the fact that they were dating so he decided not to mention it and akutagawa was happy about that.

The agency and port mafia basically needed atsushi help because atsushi was really great at stealing things so they wanted him to steal something that was taken but in return atsushi won't be hunted down for stealing at all and atsushi accept it. Atsushi easily got the item and soon it was all over. "Wow.. didn't expect, the agency to need my help.." Atsushi said as he lay on akutagawa bed and akutagawa just chuckled and nod in agreement. "I love you~" atsushi softly said as akutagawa get into the bed and akutagawa just smiled. "I love you too." Akutagawa said as they share a kiss and soon they fell asleep holding each other.

Atsushi was never hunted down again because of the agreement he made with the agency so he basically lives a normal life stealing and no one knows about the relationship because akutagawa wanted it to be a secret and he didn't want the port mafia to know about his private life.

( honestly I wasn't sure what to do so I just made something up so I hope the requester likes it!)

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