dating//chuuya x atsushi//

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( this is basically like a part two to "Undercover//atsushi and chuuya//" it just focuses on atsushi x chuuya relationship)



(read the first part so it makes sense)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Ever since the first date that atsushi and chuuya went on, they've been dating ever since then and they've been dating for around a few weeks and they went on many dates but on every date dazai call atsushi because he wants to ruin the date as usual. "Dazai..stop calling me..when I'm on a date with chuuya.." Atsushi said and dazai was just whining. "I'm hanging up." Atsushi said as he end the call and immediately focuses on his new boyfriend. "you don't have to take me to fancy restaurants all the time.." Atsushi said, most of their dates they go to fancy restaurants because chuuya can afford it and he likes to spoil his boyfriend.

"Let me spoil you~" chuuya said with a smirk and atsushi just turn. They soon order their food and was now waiting for it to come out. "you were scared of me rejecting you!?" Atsushi said and this time chuuya was red in the face from embarrassment. "Yea..I was scared.." Chuuya said as atsushi started to giggle. Atsushi found that pretty adorable, and chuuya was just read as a tomato. "Anyway...shitty dazai seems to be overprotective of you." Chuuya said and atsushi just nod. Dazai was very overprotected of his favorite person, "i don't know why...apparently I'm just his favorite person so he don't want me to get hurt.." Atsushi said as their food finally arrives.

"I don't blame him for being overprotective of you.." Chuuya said, chuuya was also in fact of a overprotective of his boyfriend now. Atsushi just smiled as he started to eat the fancy meal. "I wonder how the agency would react to us dating.." Atsushi said, both of them were in fact quite curious about that. "What if..I walk you back to the agency after our date and I kiss you and walk away?" Chuuya ask with a smirk, chuuya honestly want to see the agency reaction to them dating. Atsushi just nodded, atsushi couldn't deny the fact he was in fact curious on how the agency would react to it.

Atsushi and chuuya date was so over and chuuya was walking atsushi back to the agency. "the food there was delicious!" Atsushi said as chuuya started to hold his boyfriend hand and atsushi just smiled. "I can't wait to see their reactions." Chuuya said with a smirk as they walk into the cafe and start to walk up to the agency office. Everyone looked at atsushi but then they suddenly see the port mafia executive chuuya and everyone was just confused. Dazai didn't look happy at all as chuuya kissed atsushi. "Be safe." Atsushi said to chuuya and chuuya just nod as he flips off dazai and walks away.

Dazai didn't looked happy at all, and everyone was shocked on what they just saw because they literally saw the port mafia executive kiss atsushi on the lip. "Dazai..stop trying to ruin our fucking dates.." Atsushi said and dazai looked flabbergasted on what his favorite person just said. "he's corrupted you atsushi!!" Dazai said as he starts to fake cry and hugs atsushi and atsushi just looked so tired. "Explain!?" Kunikida said, everyone wants explanation on what they just saw. "on the undercover mission..I met chuuya there and after the arrest. Chuuya found out it was me and I guess it was basically love at first sight..after a week he asked me out on a date and we be dating ever since." Atsushi said as he tries to get dazai to get off of him but dazai doesn't budge and just keeps fake crying. Everyone was just shocked to hear that and couldn't believe it. "And dazai like to try and ruin our dates!" Atsushi said as he kick dazai and dazai dramatically falls to the ground.

"Does he hurt you?" Kyouka ask and atsushi nodded as a no. Everyone was definitely relieved to hear that chuuya wasn't hurting atsushi. "then I'm okay with it as long as you're happy." Kyouka said with a smile and everyone agreed with that and left it at that. Atsushi was just happy that he wasn't in trouble for dating a port mafia executive. Dazai basically was crying on the floor the whole time and atsushi was soon done with work and was meeting up with chuuya as usual. "Baby~" chuuya said as he kisses atsushi and atsushi just melts into the kiss. "Wow..I didn't expect to see this." Akutagawa said, and chuuya just glare at him, Atsushi immediately turned red. "don't you dare say anything to the boss or the other members about this.." Chuuya said in a serious voice. Akutagawa, gin and higuchi just nodded and they weren't going to say shit about what they saw because they didn't want to die.

Akutagawa, gin and higuchi just walk away and chuuya just smirked. "you're so beautiful, you know that~" chuuya said as he kisses atsushi again and atsushi kisses back. "How was work?" Atsushi ask as chuuya grab him and they get into the car and the driver starts to drive to chuuya mansion. "It went well." Chuuya softly says as atsushi lay his head on chuuya shoulder. "The agency is fine with us dating as long as I'm happy.." Atsushi said and chuuya was happy to hear that. "you're so adorable." Chuuya said and atsushi immediately turns red. Chuuya just laughing as atsushi looks away.

"I'm getting about a month off.. the boss said I've been working so hard so I need a break." Chuuya said and atsushi was happy to hear that because he can spend time with his boyfriend now. "Remember when dazai actually showed up, when we were on a date once?" Atsushi said and chuuya obviously remember that. "how could I forget that.." Chuuya said, dazai decided to find out atsushi and chuuya, were having their next date and decided to show up and try to ruin it, but when he showed up chuuya knocked dazai out so he didn't ruin the date.

"we're here sir" the drivers said and both chuuya and atsushi get out of the car. "I'm pretty tired.." Atsushi said as he yawns and chuuya just chuckled as he unlocks the door. "Do you want to cuddle then?" Chuuya ask and atsushi immediately nodded as he took off his shoes. Chuuya and atsushi both went to the bedroom and atsushi immediately falls into the comfy bed and chuuya just found that so adorable. "Come." Atsushi said as he opened his arm and chuuya get into the bed and starts to hold atsushi. "still can't believe I'm dating a port mafia executive.." Atsushi said and chuuya just chuckled.

"I love you.." Atsushi said as he kisses chuuya and chuuya immediately kisses back. "I love you get some sleep..I'll be here the whole time.." Chuuya softly says as atsushi yawn and atsushi slowly curls up into a ball and falls asleep. Chuuya just playing with atsushi soft hair and kisses him on the forehead. Chuuya wasn't too worried about akutagawa, gin and higuchi saying anything about the relationship because they wouldn't so he didn't have to worry at all.

Kouyou obviously knew about the relationship but she was happy that chuuya finally found someone and she didn't care, if it was a agency member as long as chuuya is happy. "I won't leave you.." Chuuya soft said as he close his eyes and fall asleep.

Chuuya obviously love to spoil his boyfriend, it wasn't surprising they were going on another date. "I'm telling kunikida to make sure dazai doesn't call me." Atsushi said as he texted kunikida and chuuya just nod. Atsushi and chuuya went to a dimple cafe to have lunch because chuuya also had other plans for the day as well. "Where are we going?" Atsushi ask as chuuya walk somewhere but chuuya doesn't say anything. "it's a surprise." Chuuya finally said and atsushi just nodded.

And soon they finally reached the destination. "I thought you might like a plushie." Chuuya said as they ends up at a store that sells plushies and atsushi just looks at a kid staring at the many plushies. "..I can have one?" Atsushi ask as chuuya just smile. "you can have as many as you want." Chuuya softly says as atsushi looks around for the perfect plushie to take home. 'So adorable..' Chuuya thought to himself as he watches his boyfriend pick out a plushie. "This one!" Atsushi said as he hold the big tiger plushie and chuuya just laugh and pays for it.

Atsushi was so happy about getting a plushie and chuuya was just happy. "I love it!" Atsushi said as they start walk back to the car and chuuya just smile. "I'm glad you love it." Chuuya said as he opened the car door and atsushi get it with his big tiger plushie. Chuuya just finds it so adorable and the driver said nothing about it and start to drive off. "I love you." Atsushi said as he lays his head on chuuya shoulder. "I love you too." Chuuya said with a smile on his face and the car ride was silent.

Dazai was quite upset because he couldn't ruin the date and atsushi thankful for kunikida stopping dazai. Atsushi decided to put the target plushie in the middle of the bed and basically cuddles with it 24/7 and chuuya is just happy because he boyfriend is happy. "Getting sleepy?" Chuuya ask as atsushi yawn again and atsushi just nod. Atsushi hate sleeping alone so chuuya always sleep with him now. "you can go to sleep..I'll be here.." Chuuya said as atsushi slowly fell asleep and chuuya just smiled to himself. Chuuya can't believe he has a perfect boyfriend and he couldn't be any more happier.

(I  just made up a few things so it's just pretty random and i wrote this half sleeping so something might be wrong)

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