the death sentence//atsushi eat ??//

435 12 15

-fluff and angst?

Warning: cannibalism

( this was inspired by a ao3 story)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and byakko were basically connected in many ways and that includes hunger. Atsushi can easily eat food but byakko obviously can't because byakko doesn't have a form at all. Atsushi would feel hungry but byakko obviously didn't and byakko like to eat human. Atsushi talk to the president about that because he didn't want to accidentally kill someone because of byakko being hungry.

Fukuzawa found it really weird but also interesting at the same time and decided to at least try to do something about it. Fukuzawa wasn't sure on what to do at first but then he got a amazing idea and it works for both parties. " want me to eat people that are being sentenced to death?" Atsushi ask fukuzawa and fukuzawa just nodded. Atsushi was really shocked by the idea because he didn't expect that at all.

"they're being sentenced to death for their crimes so they'll die no matter it wouldn't necessarily matter.." Fukuzawa calmly said as he drinks his tea and atsushi found it weird that, he was so calm about it. " will be easier for the family as well because they won't have to deal with remains of the person.." Fukuzawa said as atsushi slowly drink his tea as well. 'Why does it sound like he's been planning this?' Atsushi thought to himself, the idea wasn't that bad actually and it could actually work.

"are the government people okay with this?" Atsushi ask, atsushi was definitely worried about that. "they are completely okay with it." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just sighed a relief. "I mean I'm okay with doing this..but I don't think I want the others to know about that." Atsushi calmly says to fukuzawa, atsushi definitely didn't want the public to know about this or the agency because it's pretty gross to think about. Fukuzawa didn't plan on telling the agency members anyway so both of them didn't have a problem keeping it secret.

Byakko also like the idea and was excited to finally eat some humans. "But one question.." Atsushi said, atsushi was thinking about something and he needed to know. "What is it?" Fukuzawa said as he finishes his tea. "would I get paid to do this?" Atsushi ask, fukuzawa wasn't surprised by that question. "yes, you could..if you do it for a living I suppose.." Fukuzawa said, atsushi immediately smirked at that. "I don't mind doing it..I suppose there are a lot of people who get the death sentence.." Atsushi said and fukuzawa nodded.

Atsushi basically would eat people because of byakko and would also get paid to do it so atsushi didnt have a problem doing it. Atsushi would leave at night so no one finds out but of course kyouka noticed him getting more money and leaving at night. Kyouka wasn't sure on what to do so she decided to just ask him in front of everyone one day. "Hey atsushi.." Kyouka said as she walked up to his desk and atsushi immediately stops what he's doing and paid attention to her. "why did you leave the apartment at night?" Kyouka ask and everyone was now looking at atsushi.

Ranpo decide to use his ability to find out and he wished he didn't use his ability to find out. " don't want to know.." Atsushi said to kyouka, and everyone was obviously curious now. "Ranpo?" Dazai said as he looked at ranpo and ranpo look horrified. "I ain't saying shit.." Ranpo said as he turn around and atsushi just smile and gets back to work but now everyone must know why atsushi leaves his apartment at night.

Atsushi was that more careful on leaving his apartment at night and no one could catch him at all but the curiosity was getting to the agency members and they had to know soon or they're going to go crazy. Atsushi somewhat found it hilarious that they wanted to know so bad, and ranpo didn't say shit. Ranpo found it quite disgusting but at least atsushi was getting permission to do it and was getting paid to do it so ranpo didn't have a problem with it, it's just disgusting to him.

"so you don't get affected by that at all?" Ranpo ask atsushi and atsushi just nodded as a no as he drinks his lovely coffee. Ranpo look surprised but nodded. Ranpo obviously know what atsushi does and he wondered about as well. "So you just go in the room and do it and then walk out like normal?" Ranpo ask, atsushi just nodded again. "The first time..I was a little disgusted by that but I got used to it and it doesn't bother me necessarily.." Atsushi explains, atsushi just got use to doing it and technically he's not the one that's eating it, it's byakko. Atsushi let byakko control the tiger form so byakko can eat it and atsushi necessarily doesn't feel bad about it because their criminals.

"I can get why you don't want anyone to know it's disgusting to be honest.." Ranpo said and atsushi obviously agreed and they enjoy their break together. "Come down atsushi!!" Dazai said as he starts to shake atsushi, dazai needed a answer on why atsushi leaves his apartment at night and atsushi didn't say anything. "if you're comfortable with it, we could just show them." Fukuzawa said to atsushi and atsushi honestly just started to laugh at that. "I think they would be disgusted to see it.." Atsushi said, everyone honestly just wanted to know.

"are you guys sure you want to know?" Atsushi ask everyone and everyone just nodded. Atsushi just sighed, and think about what to say. "there's no easier way to say this but I eat people.." Atsushi said, everyone immediately looks surprised. "but they're all criminals though..people who get the death sentence I basically just kill them or I should say byakko eat them." Atsushi explain to the agency member and everyone was pretty shocked and horrified to be honest. "I definitely wasn't expecting that.." Kunikida said, he was not expecting to hear that, that's for sure.

After a while everyone basically calmed down because of that and they were okay with it cuz atsushi got permission to do it and it benefits both parties but they still think it's disgusting to be honest, which is to be expected.

(Am i making these oneshot stories short? Like how long is a oneshots is meant to be?)

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