trapped// atsushi is from ??//

436 11 12


-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi isn't from the bsd world.


(🤷‍♀️i think it was two request so I'm making two but i might be wrong to be honest)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was in fact a normal boy and living a normal life actually in his own world. Atsushi never live in the bungo stray dogs world, to atsushi the bungo stray dogs was just a anime to him. Atsushi was reading the new bungo stray dogs manga chapters, when suddenly a light flashed and atsushi was basically sucked into the manga. Atsushi woke up and he was literally the main character.

'What..the fuck..? This can't be real..' Atsushi thought to himself, he was in the main character's body and it looks like he was in a basement. 'This is..atsushi I..atsushi? How the fuck!?' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was very confused because he didn't understand any of this. Atsushi didn't know how this happened at all and he didn't know how to go back to his original world.

Atsushi at first thought it was just a dream and went to sleep like a normal person in the basement but when he woke up it surely wasn't a dream. 'So..I'm really am atsushi..I'm bungo stray dogs..' Atsushi thought to himself as the headmaster walks down into the basement and atsushi already knew was going to happen and he couldn't prevent it. Atsushi didn't know how to get back to his original world so he basically lived a life as atsushi because he had to.

Atsushi went through that suffering for 18 years but then finally he was kicked out of the orphanage, which was a good thing. Atsushi already knew was going to happen next so he let it happen because he needed to find a way to get home. 'The book.. seems like the only option I actually have to get home..but where is the book is the question I need to know..' Atsushi thought to himself as he eat his tea on rice.

Kunikida was strangling dazai as usual, atsushi obviously ignored it and was making a plan to find the book because it was the best option he had for now but he obviously had to play the story of atsushi so that was a bit stressful for atsushi. Atsushi wasn't even in fact 18 in this world, he was a normal person in high school so atsushi obviously knew nothing about how to work so he was taught how to work by the agency, which was helpful.

'I don't really need to know fighting but okay..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi obviously had to learn how to fight because he was fighting for port mafia members. Atsushi even in fact save a girl from the port mafia, and atsushi was very proud of himself. Atsushi in fact got even close to the characters, which may have been a bad thing in a way because he isn't from that world so once he leaves they'll probably forget about him.

"Do you know anything about your parents?" Kyouka ask atsushi as they both walk back to their apartment. Atsushi look surprised by the question and nodding as a no. 'I fact know about my parents but I can't tell you..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was playing the role of the main character so he couldn't say certain things but he wondered about his parents in his world because they probably miss him or something. Kyouka just nodded and the walk home was silent.

Atsushi obviously had to play the role as atsushi so atsushi couldn't say real things about his real world because that would break a lot of things in the bungo stray dogs world. Atsushi never really understood why he was in the bungo stray dogs world in the first place and how did that even happen was the other question as well. Atsushi didnt understand any of it but he was in fact going to get back into his real world no matter what. 'they're basically the same..which make sense..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was fighting akutagawa and akutagawa was the same person as usual. Atsushi wondered if he was the only person stuck in that character's body but there was no real way to actually find out because you can't just tell someone that you're not from that world because it will cause some problems.

'Akutagawa seem the same so he's definitely doesn't have a person in his body..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi wondered a lot because that was the only thing he could really do because he didn't want to be in the bungo stray dogs world or did atsushi want to be in the world. Atsushi wasn't sure anymore to be honest because he's got so used to it, it became a normal thing. Atsushi was getting used to the fact that he wasn't in his real world and he started to accept that he was in the bungo stray dogs world.

'Maybe..I should give up..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi couldn't find the book at all and he was starting to give up. 'Maybe..I'm meant to stay here..?' Atsushi question, he wasn't sure on why but he had to be in this world for a reason right? Atsushi didnt know why and basically gave up hope on finding the book. 'just accept it..' Atsushi thought to himself with a smile, atsushi was slowly accepting the fact that he won't go back to his world anytime soon or at all.

Maybe atsushi was really meant to be in the bungo stray dogs world. It where he belongs and will always be there for now on unless he finds the book and tries to go back home but finding the book is pretty difficult and he most likely won't have any luck at all. "Are you alright? You look sad.." Kyouka said as she walked up to atsushi and atsushi just smiled. "I'm fine..I was just thinking something about my past.." Atsushi said with a soft smile and kyouka was happy to hear that.

"Come on..the agency is having a party.." Kyouka said as she grab atsushi hand and she starts to drag atsushi. Atsushi didn't care anymore he gave up on trying to find his world and soon he became the role of atsushi in the bungo stray dogs world. Atsushi did in fact have fun with the agency though so maybe it wasn't exactly a bad thing for him but he wasn't sure at all. Atsushi was definitely not a normal person so he thinks a lot of things are cool or awesome in a way so he didn't mind being trapped in a different world.

'..just accept it..' Atsushi thought to himself with a smile as he walked into the agency office. Atsushi didn't really know why there was a party happening but he was happy so that's all that really matters to him for now.

(🤷‍♀️ wasn't sure what ending to do so I just picked one sorry if this isn't what you wanted!)

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