kidnapping//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

Warning: kidnapping, torture(water, burning and cutting limbs off).

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The mission was simple, it wasn't Atsushi's first day working, it wasn't his first time being partnered with Akutagawa, everything should relatively go well. Even if their strong dynamite could bring some tension in between them. It was never too noticeable to make them fail the mission but something always does go wrong. Atsushi and akutagawa have been on many missions before so this one wasn't any different but this time atsushi was kidnapped by someone.

The agency and port mafia were working together and we're looking for a certain person but that certain person was the person that kidnapped atsushi. Akutagawa couldn't save atsushi in time so atsushi was being taken away. 'Just stay calm..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was blindfold but he had great hearing because of his ability so he was using his hearing to find something. 'One person..that a bit strange to be honest.' Atsushi thought himself, he could hear a breathing of a person but it was only one person and usually people are in groups when kidnapping a certain agency member so this was different.

Atsushi has been kidnapped many times by the port mafia so this wasn't any different for now. Atsushi could easily tell he was in a van and the drive was pretty long so the person planned this pretty well. 'Where is this person taking me..' Atsushi thought to himself as the van finally stops, atsushi hands were also tied up and for some reason he couldn't use his ability. 'must be when the person shot me, there's something special in that bullet..' Atsushi thought to himself as someone grab him and basically drags him on the ground.

Atsushi didn't argue or say anything for now and suddenly he was thrown down into the basement. 'That hurt..' Atsushi thoughts to himself, atsushi was trying his best to keep calm because it's great to be calm in stressful situations. "..I hope you are listening to me.." The person said as atsushi gets chained to the wall and atsushi start to have flashbacks about his past because it was somewhat similar. "I need information about the agency and you're going to give it to me.." The person said and atsushi certainly wasn't going to do that at all. "I won't.." Atsushi said as the person slap him across the face, the person wasn't happy about that.

Atsushi wasn't going to give up that information no matter what so it was going to be the hard way. "I'll make you say it no matter what.." The person said as they slowly walk away and atsushi was wondering what's going to happen to him now. 'Shit.. Just stay calm..' Atsushi thought to himself as he hears the person coming back with a container. The person took the blindfold off of atsushi and atsushi to see a bucket of water and he immediately knew was going to happen. 'Fuck..are they going to drown me!?' Atsushi thought to himself and that's exactly what the person did but lucky enough atsushi could easily hold his breath for long periods of time.

Atsushi learned how to hold his breath for a long time at the orphanage, he would hide from the Headmaster and would slowly stop his breathing so he wouldn't be found. Atsushi didn't know how long he would last though and the person seemed to get mad each time. The person gave up after a while but atsushi knew it wasn't the end at that and there was more to come.

Akutagawa went to the agency and immediately told them about what happened. "What!?" Kyouka said in shocked, she was definitely not happy about hearing that and kunikida was trying to calm her down but that didn't work at all. "Shut up!! Atsushi literally got kidnapped and you're telling me to calm down about that!?" Kyouka yell as the president walks into the main office because he heard a bunch of noise and he looks shocked to hear that atsushi was kidnapped. "Calm down everyone.. we need to find a way to get atsushi back.." Ranpo said in a serious voice, and everyone agrees with him and slowly calm down. Kyouka didn't really want to calm down but she did and the port .afia was notified about what happened and they obviously tried to help find atsushi.

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