don't save him//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

Warning: suicide.

(Ghost atsushi)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi nakajima was a sweet, innocent, kind person on the outside but on the inside, he was suffering terribly. Atsushi didn't have a great childhood and from the moment he was born he was hated, because of his ability. Atsushi parents didn't want him at all so he was put into orphanage but he was abused at the orphanage and starved most of the time. Atsushi was happy to be kicked out of the orphanage but his past still haunts him and he just couldn't live like that anymore.

The agency member obviously treated atsushi like a human being but even though the agency would help atsushi, atsushi just couldn't bring himself to tell the agency about his past and he slowly suffered alone until someone found out but the person was from the port mafia. Atsushi has tried to kill himself many times but they always seem to fail and on one of his attempts akutagawa found him and technically saved him.

Akutagawa didn't understand on why atsushi wanted to kill himself but after a lot of explaining. Akutagawa soon understood but he didn't want atsushi to kill himself. Atsushi and akutagawa kind of got close after that and atsushi kept trying no matter what but akutagawa would always stop him but akutagawa soon realize atsushi was just suffering and wanted to be free so akutagawa may the painful choice to let atsushi do it.

The agency and port mafia member and bosses knew nothing about it and they were wondering where was atsushi because they were having a meeting and obviously atsushi was missing. Akutagawa already knew what atsushi was doing and he was prepared to stop the agency from helping their co-worker if they found out. "Ranpo..where is atsushi~?" Dazai said as he puts his feet on the table and the smart detective in the world decide to find out where was atsushi. Ranpo face immediately turned serious and he looks surprised. " going to kill himself.." Ranpo managers to say and everyone was surprised and shocked at that.

"What!?" Dazai said as he get up and akutagawa was ready to stop them because he knew they would stop their friend from trying to kill themselves. "Where!?" Kyouka ask, the port mafia was obviously shocked at this because they didn't expect the tiger boy to do this so they weren't speaking at all because they were so shocked. Ranpo obviously gave the location but akutagawa immediately activated his ability and make sure no one left the room. "Akutagawa!?" Dazai said, dazai was confused and angry at the same time and akutagawa actually visibly looked upset. "Don't save him.." Akutagawa finally manages to say as tears slowly start to fall.

Atsushi and akutagawa obviously had gone close because of the incident so akutagawa was sad about atsushi trying to kill himself. Everyone looked shocked at this because they didn't expect this. "I saved atsushi many times..he just suffering all the time so let him be free.." Akutagawa said as he looks down and ranpo already knew it was too late and everyone was devastated to hear this.

Atsushi felt free, atsushi was finally free from all the pain and suffering. " this place?" Atsushi said as he looked around, atsushi was in fact dead but he was in a different place now and this place was beautiful. There was many flowers surrounding him and the place looks so peaceful. "Hello atsushi.." odasaku softly said and atsushi seem to recognize the guy because dazai talking about him a lot. "Your dazai friend.." Atsushi said as he slowly stand up and odasaku just smiled and nodded at that. "Am I dead?" Atsushi ask odasaku, atsushi wanted to make sure he was actually dead. " are atsushi.." odasaku said and atsushi suddenly smiled.

The agency was devastated by the loss of their friend and the port mafia didn't really know atsushi that all but some of them were still sad about it. Obviously the meeting did it happen because everyone was devastated so it was scheduled for another day and soon the funeral was scheduled. The agency, port mafia were there at the funeral and the guild also came for respect because they somewhat knew atsushi. Atsushi grave had a lot of flowers around it and everyone was there and some of them even stayed after the funeral.

Atsushi was now technically a ghost and he usually would hang out in the agency. Atsushi did nothing at first after a while he decided to annoy dazai. "Why is the pen floating?" Kyouka ask as she walks into the agency and obviously no one had no idea and dazai was just crying in this chair as the pen keeps getting throw at him and suddenly kyouka realize something. "We think it a ghost but...the ghost seem to dislike dazai.." Tanizaki said with a nervous smile. "That pen.." Kyouka said, the pen was atsushi pen that kyouka got him. "That the pen I got for atsushi.." Kyouka said as dazai tries to grab the pen but he got slapped by ghosts atsushi. " can a ghost slap him!?" Dazai said as he hold his hand and ghost atsushi was giggling the whole time.

"Atsushi?" Kyouka whisper as she grab the pen and atsushi didn't slap her. "I think..the ghost is atsushi.." Kyouka said, dazai look surprised to hear that and the others were shocked as well because they didn't expect atsushi to be the ghost that's making dazai life a living hell. "I think..atsushi is trying to get his revenge because dazai always made atsushi do his work." Kyouka explained as dazai get his head slammed on the desk and everyone was just flabbergasted by that. Ghost atsushi would always be around the agency from that day on and dazai actually start to do some of his work because ghosts atsushi was getting mad and dazai honestly didn't want his head to be slammed on the desk again.

Ghost atsushi also visits akutagawa and akutagawa already seems to know it's atsushi and he perfectly fine with a ghost in his house. Atsushi was now happy and actually finally feel free for once.

(So random💀)

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