joint Mission a success// atsushi and ?????//

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(this is basically a part 2 to "friends//atsushi and DOA//")

-fluff? And angst?

Warning: character death (Lovecraft)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was doing his work as usual, when akutagawa and chuuya walk into the agency because of the joint mission. "Dazai and atsushi, you have a joint Mission with akutagawa and chuuya." Kunikida said as dazai run to hug chuuya and chuuya slaps the shit out of them. Atsushi was waiting for information about the mission and kunikida started to explain the mission. "You guys..need to hunt down and kill a person that's from the guild." Kunikida said and atsushi look surprised because usually atsushi never got a mission like this before so it was a bit new.

"Lovecraft, is the name." Kunikida said and atsushi just nodded. 'I heard about him before..I should let fyodor and nikolai know..I have feeling something will go wrong..' Atsushi thought to himself as he quickly texted fyodor and nikolai about it. Akutagawa and chuuya were a bit surprised about the joint mission but they didn't argue about it because they killed many people before. "Alright then! Let's get going!!" Dazai said as he grab Chuuya and basically drags him out of the agency and atsushi and akutagawa were just watching them.

"it's kind of weird that, we got a mission to kill someone.." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't mind killing someone at all but he was bit surprised because it's unusual and akutagawa actually agreed with him. Dazai was just trying to annoy chuuya as they walk to the destination of where they would find Lovecraft. Atsushi was wondering about something, when suddenly dazai get hit. "Shit!!" Chuuya said as he move away and atsushi also move away. 'That type of abilities is that!?' Atsushi thought to himself as he looks at Lovecraft but you couldn't see him because of his ability. "That not a ability! I can't cancel it.." Dazai said and atsushi, chuuya and akutagawa were just shocked because if it's not an ability then what is it.

Akutagawa was distracted and suddenly was hit so he was injured as well and chuuya couldn't use corruption because dazai was injured and unable to get up because the injury was so bad. "Oh shit.." Atsushi said as he was about to get hit but certainly nikolai activated his ability and grabbed atsushi and moved him somewhere else. "What the fuck is that!?" Nikolai ask as he looked at lovecraft and atsushi honestly didn't know because it wasn't ability. "It not a ability..dazai can't cancel it so it's something else.." Atsushi said as fyodor walked out of the portal and he looks disgusted by what he saw. "Oh..eww.." Fyodor said as he looked up and down and nikolai could agree with fyodor.

"So..all we have to do is kill him right?" Nikolai ask and atsushi just nodded. "Are we serious letting them help?" Chuuya ask and dazai just nodded, akutagawa didn't say shit and just watched. "Hmm..I can probably cut through those things..and fyodor can probably just touch him and he will die.." Atsushi said and nikolai just nodded. Nikolai was giggling the whole time because he get to watch atsushi and fyodor fight and dazai, chuuya and akutagawa didn't stop them because it was the mission to kill him anyways so it didn't matter who killed him as long as he was dead. Atsushi activated his ability so one of his arms was a claw and he cut through whatever the thing was and it cut through fully so they all knew that atsushi to cut through it.

"It grows back.." Atsushi said as he watch it grow back. "we need to be quick then.." Atsushi said as nikolai activate his ability to make a portal and atsushi went into the portal to get closer to Lovecraft so he could basically cut all the little tentacles or whatever you want to call them away so fyodor could touch him and kill him. Atsushi finally cut through most of the things and suddenly fyodor was right next to lovecraft and fyodor touch him and suddenly lovecraft was on the ground dead and atsushi just sigh a relief. "That was tiring.." Atsushi said as nikolai hug him and atsushi looked confused. "are you alright!?" Nikolai ask and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi wasn't injured or anything and even if he was, he could just heal himself. "I'm fine.." Atsushi said and fyodor just smile. "we just want to make sure you're okay." Fyodor softly says with a smile and dazai was actually surprised that fyodor was being nice to someone.

"Wow.." Akutagawa said in shocked, he was definitely impressed because atsushi was getting better at fighting and also planning as well and chuuya honestly didn't know what the fuck to say about that but was glad that things were finally over because he wanted to go home and drink. "Welp, it time for us to go!!" Nikolai said with a smile as he activated ability and both fyodor and nikolai were gone and atsushi just looks so tired. "Can you guys walk?" Atsushi ask and both dazai and akutagawa nodded as they finally stand up and they immediately went back to the agency to report that the mission was success and that lovecraft was in fact dead.

"So..he's dead." Kunikida ask and all four of them nodded and kunikida writed the down. "And..fyodor and nikolai help?" Kunikida ask and they all nodded again and kunikida was surprised by that but he didn't question it and atsushi suddenly yawns. "Im taking my cat nap." Atsushi said as he walked to the couch but before he closes his, atsushi glare at dazai and dazai literally shut the fuck up and he did not say anything and atsushi had his cat nap in peace without being disturbed at all..

Kunikida was the one who wrote the report but didn't add the fact that two terrorists literally help them and he just left that out. Akutagawa decided he should be more careful around atsushi and chuuya never actually fought with atsushi so there's no problems with them at all and dazai just didn't say anything and he shut up for once.

( I think I made a few mistakes but honestly I'm not sure anymore)

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