kidnapping//atsushi ??//different ending

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi turn into a manipulator.

Warning: kidnapping, beaten.

(Basically a different ending to the "kidnapped//atsushi angst//")

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The mission was simple, it wasn’t Atsushi’s first day working, it wasn’t his first time being partnered with Akutagawa, everything should relatively go well. Even if their strong dynamite could bring some tension in between them. It was never too noticeable to make them fail the mission but something always does go wrong. Atsushi and akutagawa have been on many missions before so this one wasn't any different but this time atsushi was kidnapped by someone.

The agency and port mafia were working together and we're looking for a certain person but that certain person was the person that kidnapped atsushi. Akutagawa couldn't save atsushi in time so atsushi was being taken away. 'Just stay calm..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was blindfold but he had great hearing because of his ability so he using his hearing to find something. 'One person..that a bit strange to be honest.' Atsushi thought himself, he could hear a breathing of a person but it was only one person and usually people are in groups when kidnapping a certain agency member so this was different.

Atsushi has been kidnapped many times by the port mafia so this wasn't any different for now. Atsushi could easily tell he was in a van and the drive was pretty long so the person planned this pretty well. 'Where is this person taking me..' Atsushi thought to himself as the van finally stops, atsushi hands were also tied up and for some reason he couldn't use his ability. 'must be when the person shot me, there's something special in that bullet..' Atsushi thought to himself as someone grab him and basically drags him on the ground.

Atsushi didn't know what was going to happen to him at all. The person just smiled at atsushi, "don't worry.. you just do as I say..I mean..that's what you're great for is information." The person said as he slowly play with atsushi hair and atsushi didn't say anything yet. "Don't worry..just give me the information, I won't do anything to you.." The person softly says and atsushi actually believes the person. "..what do you want to know?" Atsushi whispered and the person just smirked and starts to explain what he wants to know and atsushi decided to give them the information but that was a mistake.

The person was using a loving tactics to get their way and atsushi just easily falls into the trap so Atsushi still got beaten by the person after that and atsushi just looked traumatized. ' I really that..easily used..?' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi basically believed his kidnapper right away but they kidnappeder lie to him and atsushi was just rethinking everything. Atsushi didn't know what to believe anymore but it wasn't end for his suffering.

Akutagawa went to the agency and immediately told them about what happened. "What!?" Kyouka said in shocked, she was definitely not happy about hearing that and kunikida was trying to calm her down but that didn't work at all. "Shut up!! Atsushi literally got kidnapped and you're telling me to calm down about that!?" Kyouka yell as the president walks into the main office because he heard a bunch of noise and he looks shocked to hear that atsushi was kidnapped. "Calm down everyone.. we need to find a way to get atsushi back.." Ranpo said in a serious voice, and everyone agrees with him and slowly calm down. Kyouka didn't really want to calm down but she did and the port mafia was notified about what happened and they obviously tried to help find atsushi.

Atsushi was stuck in the basement of the person's house and the person had fun teasing atsushi. "you're so easy to use.." The person said with a smiled and atsushi just sat there and did nothing. "You should learn to be more cautious.." The person said, and it was true and atsushi just sat there and was thinking about lot of things. The agency was trying their best to find atsushi and soon they finally least got enough information to track down atsushi.

So now they were planning on how to get their member back but atsushi was just thinking about something. The person who kidnapped atsushi was just smiling the whole time but soon there's was a loud bang on the basement door and kyouka ran down and immediately shot the person. Atsushi didn't reacted all and just sat there and kyouka immediately went to check on atsushi. "Atsushi!?" Kyouka says worryingly as the other agency member come into the basement as well. "he still might be in shock." Yosano softly said as kunikida went to pick up atsushi and atsushi just looked around and say nothing.

Atsushi was taken back to the agency and Yosano did a few check-ups on atsushi to make sure he was healthy and other things. "Atsushi haven't say anything at all..he still might be in shocked or traumatized." Yosano said to the agency member and they just nodded understanding that. Atsushi wasn't just traumatized though, he was a changed person even though, he wasn't with the person for that long, he realized so many things and now he was just a different person.

Atsushi still acted like a cute, innocent person on the outside but on the inside, he was the devil or slowly turning into a devil. Dazai couldn't read him at all and dazai certainly didn't like that because he likes to be in control and now he wasn't in control of atsushi. Dazai notice a lot of things with atsushi and each time atsushi would just smile at dazai creepily and dazai was just mad. Atsushi uses his cute and innocent personality to get anything he wants and he would get anything he wants.

' atsushi so different..' Dazai thought to himself as he stare at atsushi and atsushi just stare at dazai. Atsushi was just smiling the whole time but the smile was different and dazai obviously knew that. Atsushi basically using loving tactics to get his way and it was pretty easy. Atsushi basically became manipulator and you would think you wouldn't become one but sometimes the manipulated becomes a manipulator.

Just like the abuser becomes the abuser, it's basically the same thing in a way. Atsushi was manipulated and so he became manipulator but this was someone's plan and this was meant to happen. Atsushi kidnapping was playing the whole time by someone.

"Perfect.." Mori said with a smirk, mori planned all of this because why not, it would be funny and it would be interesting at the same time and no one knew that mori did it. Dazai did in fact found out about the plan and definitely wasn't happy about it but he couldn't do much about it because the damage was already done and atsushi would most likely be like that for rest of his life unless something happens but we really don't know.

(🤷‍♀️ wasn't entirely sure on what to do so this might be bad to be honest)

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