connected?//shin soukoku//

907 19 3

-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi and akutagawa siblings are gods.


Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi was the god of life, and the one owns the book and the akutagawa siblings were the gods of death. Atsushi and the akutagawa siblings work together but atsushi and akutagawa fell in love, and actually got married because they wanted to be married.

Gin was happy for her brothers, "what if..we pretend to be humans?" Gin suddenly said and atsushi look very confused. Atsushi has two ear and two tail, while the akutagawa siblings have two broken horns to resemble death. "Like..what if we be human? You know pretend to be one." Gin said again as atsushi was thinking about it.

" not a bad idea..the human world has been having some would be good to actually see it in person instead of a mirror.." Atsushi said as he put a flower crown on his husband and akutagawa nodded in agreement. Atsushi could his the human world through a mirror that he has and basically watched the human. "Perfect!" Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa just smiled.

"I love it.." Akutagawa said and atsushi was very happy to hear that and gin just giggle. "..I think your idea is a great idea..and we should at least try it.." Atsushi said to gin and gin was happy to hear that and that how they ended up in the human world.

Atsushi always found humans very interesting and love being around them but akutagawa hated not being around his husband. Akutagawa was very overprotective of his husband and akutagawa didn't want atsushi to get hurt at all.

Obviously no one knew about them being god and it was meant to stay like that but a incident happened. The port mafia and agency were teaming up again and fighting a strong enemy, when suddenly atsushi got his head cut and atsushi fell to the ground. Everyone looked shocked but akutagawa was utterly pissed off and gin knew it that. "Oh shit.." Gin said as akutagawa basically rips the person's limbs off one by one and everyone just watched in shocked.

"..ryuu.." Atsushi said as he get up and was showing his two ears and two tails. "..we talk about many can't just kill someone because I'm hurt! I don't die and you know that!" Atsushi yelled at his husband and gin was laughing the whole time.

"But!" Akutagawa said but immediately shut up because atsushi wasn't happy. "Im sorry.." Akutagawa whisper and atsushi look away. "Come on!! You can't be mad at me!!" Akutagawa said as he start to shake his husband and atsushi didn't move or anything, suddenly gin finally tried to touch atsushi tail but atsushi hear her and move away. "Come on! Just one touch!" Gin said, atsushi glare at her.

The other were deadly confused and did not know what's going on. "What happened?" Kenji asked as atsushi slowly walked up to him. "What happened is..that sleeping on the couch tonight!" Atsushi said and akutagawa looked absolutely horrified. "You can't do this to me! Honey! Atsushi!!" Akutagawa said as he tries to convince his husband but atsushi just glare at him. "..could I touch your ears??" Kenji ask and atsushi just nodded and gin look very upset.

"Atsushi please..!! I'm sorry!!" Akutagawa said as he starts to fake cry. Everyone else didn't know what to say at all, Kenji was playing with atsushi ear because they were fluffy. "Stop the fake crying.." Atsushi said to his husband and akutagawa just looked sad. "I'm sorry..but explain!?" Tachihara finally said and atsushi just sighed as akutagawa hold on to atsushi leg. ".. this is going to be surprising but me.., ryuu and gin are gods...I'm the god of life and is there the gods of and ryuu..are also married.." Atsushi slowly explain to everyone and everyone was more shocked.

"Why is Kenji allowed to touch your ears but I'm not!?" Gin asked, gin has always tried to touch atsushi ear or tail but obviously atsushi didn't let her at all. "Because Kenji is a kid!!" Atsushi said as kenji finally stopped. " guys are gods..?" Tanizaki said in shocked, no one could believe it but it was true. "Atsushi...please!!" Akutagawa said as atsushi finally grab his husband and kisses him. " won't sleep on the couch tonight.." Atsushi said and akutagawa immediately smiled and everyone was weirded out by that because they never seen akutagawa happy before.

"So..why are you guys here?" Dazai asked, "because..the human always end up in trouble..and I have to make sure it stays in order.." Atsushi said as he randomly starts to make a flower crown and put it on his husband. "Perfect!" Atsushi said with a smile, as the other just watched. "I don't know what to say.." Higuchi said as she blushes because she actually loved gin and gin was smiling at her.

"..I don't really care...will you leave me?" Kyouka ask atsushi and atsushi suddenly put a flower crown on her as well and nodded as a no. "I won't leave you..I promise." Atsushi said and kyouka immediately smiled. "I'm tired.." Gin said as she walked over to higuchi and lay her head on higuchi shoulder and higuchi immediately turns red.

"Hehe..kyouka do you want to come home with us?" Atsushi ask and kyouka immediately nodded and followed akutagawa and atsushi. "So..why do you have two ear and two tail?" Kyouka ask atsushi as they finally made it to akutagawa house. "Because I wanted two ear and two tail.." Atsushi said with a smirk. Kyouka went to the spare bedroom and akutagawa and atsushi just cuddle with each other.

"I love you so much.." Akutagawa said as he kisses his husband multiple times and atsushi just smiled. "I love you too..but stop being so know we can't die.." Atsushi said and that was obvious true. Atsushi and the akutagawa siblings were god's so they obviously can't die but can be injured. "I know..but still..I don't like seeing you hurt.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just giggle. "Good night.." Atsushi said as he kisses his husband and slowly both fell asleep.

The port mafia and agency didn't know what to say and obviously didn't tell the public about that and obviously the many questions and atsushi only answer the ones that he could and soon everyone was fine with it but still was a bit cautious around them now.

(💀half sleeping writing this)

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