vampire//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi is a vampire.(atsushi still has his ability though)

Warning: biting kink?

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi doesn't exactly remember when he became a vampire he was just turned into a vampire by brams. Brams said it was an accident and he didn't mean to turn atsushi into a vampire. There's really no way to undo the ability so atsushi will always be a vampire no matter what. Atsushi doesn't get controlled or anything by brams at all and atsushi mostly lives a peaceful life but the one thing he mainly needs is blood.

Atsushi can eat human food but it doesn't usually fill him up so he needs blood to feel full but when working in the agency, it's sometimes hard to get blood especially when no one knows about atsushi being a vampire. atsushi didn't really want to tell the agency about it because he doesn't want to be kicked out for being a monster in a way. Atsushi mostly finds blood from the people that are already dead but sometimes he just waits too long and he needs blood now.

Atsushi and akutagawa were on a mission together and it was overseas so they wouldn't be in Yokohama. Atsushi needed by really badly and the only person that was actually right next to him was akutagawa. 'Fuck..' Atsushi thought to himself as he grab akutagawa and pins him to the wall. "What the hell!?" Akutagawa said as atsushi suddenly bites into akutagawa neck and akutagawa didn't know what to say to that

Akutagawa could feel the blood being taken out of him but for some reason he actually liked it. "f-fuck..atsushi~" akutagawa said, he honestly couldn't believe he was moaning and atsushi was surprised. Atsushi slowly licks the bike clean so there was no more blood coming out and atsushi slowly looked at akutagawa. "Sorry..I just needed blood.." Atsushi said and akutagawa obviously looked confused because he didn't understand.

"Why do you need blood?" Akutagawa finally manages to say, akutagawa obviously had a reason to know now because atsushi literally took some blood out of him. Atsushi just sighed and it started to explain the reasoning on why he needed blood. "I was turned into a vampire by was an accident and it wasn't meant to happen but you can't undo the ability so I'm stuck like this forever and I basically need blood.." Atsushi explain and akutagawa understood why now but something was still confusing to him. "I seen you eat food before.." Akutagawa said, atsushi can obviously eat human food but he needs blood to technically survive.

"well I can eat regular food..but it won't fill me up, I literally actually need blood to be full.." Atsushi said, akutagawa just nodded. It finally made sense to akutagawa and the question is what to do now. "The agency doesn't please don't tell them.." Atsushi said with puppy dog eyes and akutagawa just sighed. "I won't tell agency about it at all or anyone.." Akutagawa said and atsushi was happy to hear that but now akutagawa definitely couldn't look at atsushi the same.

Akutagawa couldn't deny the fact he loved it when atsushi bite him and he want atsushi to do it more. "..could you do that again..?" Akutagawa whisper and atsushi look shocked to hear that but atsushi suddenly just smirked. Atsushi slowly grab akutagawa waist and atsushi slowly bite akutagawa neck again but then time no blood was coming out. Atsushi was very surprised on how akutagawa actually like it but atsushi didn't mind biting akutagawa because he obviously has a crush on him.

"..I like you.." Akutagawa said, atsushi just smiled. Atsushi slowly kisses akutagawa on the lip, "I like you too." Atsushi softly said as they kiss again and again. "will you be my boyfriend?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just nodded. "Anyways we should go to bed, we have a long day tomorrow.." Akutagawa said and atsushi agreed and they went to bed cuddling each other. Akutagawa obviously told no one about atsushi being a vampire or them being together at all.

The mission was doing completed and they act like nothing ever happened. "Ryuu~" atsushi said as he laid on akutagawa shoulder and akutagawa just raises his unexisted eyebrows at his boyfriend. "Should we tell the other about us?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa thought about it for quite a while, he wasn't sure how they would react so it was best to not say anything. "we'll keep it a secret for now." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and Atsushi just smiling and kisses back. The driver pay no attention to them at all because they didn't want to be killed.

Akutagawa make sure that atsushi has blood so there was nothing to worry about with that at all and they were pretty good on hiding their relationship, it wasn't that hard but something always happens and they have to reveal it. The agency and port mafia were working together because they were trying to get to a ability user. Atsushi was shot with a special bullet that makes his ability not work but it doesn't affect the vampire at all because it wasn't made for that ability. 'Brams ability isn't affected at all by this bullet..' Atsushi thoughts to himself as his arm slowly go back to normal because it was broken.

The ability user are looked confused and shocked at the same time. Akutagawa notice the ability user was distracted so it was perfect time to knock him out and that's what akutagawa did. Everyone looked confused and atsushi was just smile. "No." Akutagawa said to his boyfriend and atsushi start to do the puppy eyes. "Come on! Please!!" Atsushi said as he started to shake akutagawa. Atsushi really wanted to have akutagawa blood for dinner. "What happened?" Dazai ask ranpo and ranpo didn't say anything. "Ugh..fine.." Akutagawa said as atsushi grab akutagawa arm and suddenly bite into it and everyone was just more confused now. "Atsushi is a vampire..and he really love akutagawa blood.." Ranpo explain and akutagawa nodded, which confirmed it was true.

"I didn't really want to be a vampire but it was an accident.." Atsushi said as he licks the bite. Akutagawa didn't have any reaction on his face. "Also atsushi and akutagawa I've been dating for quite a while now." Ranpo suddenly said and everyone was shocked about it because they acted like they hated each other. "Sorry for not telling you..I didn't want to be kicked out of agency." Atsushi said with a smile as he hugged akutagawa and akutagawa just smiled. "you won't be kicked out of the agency because of that, it wasn't your fault." Fukuzawa said and atsushi was definitely happy to hear that.

After a while everyone went their separate ways and akutagawa and atsushi were walking home together. "That..went better than I expected.." Atsushi said to akutagawa and he nodded in agreement. "they're probably still in shock, I'm sure you'll get a bunch of questions tomorrow." Akutagawa said as he grab atsushi hand and atsushi just smile. "Probably." Atsushi said as akutagawa opened the door to their shared house and atsushi immediately walked in. Atsushi and akutagawa obviously take off their shoes and they immediately went to the bedroom because they were both pretty tired.

"Good night." Atsushi said as he pulls his boyfriend closer to him. "Night." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi forehead and they soon fell asleep holding each other. Akutagawa woke up in the morning and atsushi was basically drinking a cup of blood. Akutagawa didn't say anything and they got ready for the day as usual. " safe!" Atsushi said to akutagawa as he kisses akutagawa multiple times and akutagawa just smiled. Akutagawa definitely felt loved by atsushi because atsushi was very clingy person but akutagawa didn't mind that at all.

The agency obviously had many questions answer to the port mafia as well, they answered some of them and they went to work after that and their life was pretty normal after that.

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