finally awake//atsushi and akutagawa//

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-angst and fluff

-au-the port mafia and agency member and bosses fell into a coma expect for atsushi, akutagawa, yumeno.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

After the battle with fukuchi and fyodor, the port mafia and agency member fell into a coma, even fukuzawa and mori fell into a coma. Atsushi, akutagawa and yumeno weee the only ones to actually be awake and basically to control of the port mafia and the agency.

Atsushi became the boss of the hunting dogs because is there a boss is dead and fukuzawa is in a coma so atsushi took the spot until fukuzawa could wake up. Akutagawa took control over the port mafia because he had to. yumeno wasn't affected at all so they obviously we're just fine.

"'re definitely getting better at controlling your ability.." Atsushi said to yumeno, atsushi and akutagawa have been trying to help yumeno control their ability because dazai is in a coma so he can't help. "Jinko..why the fuck do you have a chinchilla?" Akutagawa said, atsushi was holding a chinchilla. "If I can't have a tiger..then I'm having a pet chinchilla all right!?" Atsushi said as akutagawa look at him like he crazy.

yumeno didn't say anything at all because they didn't know what to say. "Sir.. we heard news about the port mafia and agency member..they're all awake.." someone who works in the port mafia said, and akutagawa and atsushi immediately looked shocked. "we got to go yumeno..will be back I promise.." Atsushi said as he hands the chinchilla to yumeno and yumeno just nodded and akutagawa and atsushi went to the hospital.

The agency and port mafia were all in a room together waiting for someone. "who are we waiting for?" Kenji ask and no one has a answer and suddenly atsushi slams the door open. "Oh my fucking god.." Atsushi said in shocked and akutagawa didn't say shit. "Is that my jacket?" Fukuzawa ask and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi was wearing fukuzawa jacket because it reminded atsushi of fukuzawa.

Atsushi wasn't smiling akutagawa look away. "What happened?" Kunikida ask and akutagawa and atsushi went silent and slowly looked at each other. "I'm not explain it." Akutagawa said as atsushi frowns. "Ugh..fine I'll explain." Atsushi said as he sit down. "all of you have been in a coma..and me and akutagawa have been..taking charge ever since.." Atsushi explain and everyone look shocked and didn't know what to say at all.

"w-what?" Dazai said as he looked at atsushi, dazai finally noticed it. Atsushi and akutagawa definitely look different and more mature now. "Since fukuzawa wasn't awake..I took charge in the hunting dogs and agency and slowly blending them together.." Atsushi said, akutagawa just nodded in agreement. Everyone was shocked, suddenly kyouka got up and hugged atsushi. "Akutagawa took charge in the port Mafia because mori obviously wasn't awake.." Atsushi said as he slowly hugged back.

"Atsushi..that's a lot of responsibility." Tanizaki said, and atsushi just smiled. "It wasn't that hard.." Atsushi said and akutagawa look at atsushi like he crazy again. " always came to me crying because it was so hard.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just glare at him.

Kyouka started to cry, and was holding onto atsushi tighter. Some of other started to cry too, atsushi didn't cry or anything, both akutagawa and atsushi just waited for them to calm down. "'re so calm.." Dazai said and atsushi just smiled. "Anyway..I figured that..mori you still want to be the port mafia boss?" Akutagawa ask and mori immediately nodded and akutagawa immediately looks so relieved to hear that. "Thank god..I hate being the boss.." Akutagawa said as atsushi just giggled.

"And..I assume that fukuzawa you want to be the boss?" Atsushi ask and fukuzawa slowly nodded. "I'm definitely taking some days off.." Akutagawa said to atsushi, atsushi immediately agreed as well. "I'm still surprised..I can't imagine atsushi being a boss.." Higuchi said and mostly everyone agreed with her because no one could actually imagine it. "Atsushi is a great boss to be honest..and scary.." Akutagawa said as atsushi slowly looked at akutagawa with a creepy smile on his face and akutagawa was a bit scared now.

" guys should get some rest..we will come by later.." Atsushi said as both akutagawa and atsushi leave and mostly everyone went to rest and process what they just heard.

Akutagawa and atsushi decided to have lunch together because they have nothing better to do in their life. Akutagawa and atsushi have became closer because of the incident and they were basically best friends in a way. The agency and the port mafia didn't know what to feel about this and soon all of them were discharged after being checked and they went to the port Mafia base.

Atsushi was obviously there because atsushi love to annoy akutagawa. "Why..why do you have two chinchillas now?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi smiles and holds two chinchillas because if atsushi can't have a baby tiger then atsushi will have a army of chinchillas. "What the fuck?" Tachihara said as akutagawa just sighed. "I'm going to create a army of chinchillas." Atsushi said and everyone else didn't honestly know what to think about that so they decided to ignore that for now.

"Oh? I didn't notice you guys!" Atsushi said as he looked at them and everyone just nodded. " your jacket back and I'm taking my cat nap.." Atsushi said as he hands fukuzawa his jacket and atsushi walked away. "I'm also..taking a nap because I'm tired as fuck.." Akutagawa said and it was very true and no one question it.

and soon everything was back to normal except for the fact that fukuzawa does control the hunting dogs now and atsushi soon had his army of chinchillas.

(I want a pet chinchilla.)

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