eyes//atsushi has one ???//

457 14 14

-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi has one eye

Warning: abuse, graphic?

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi used to live in an orphanage but the sad thing is everyone hated him for some reason. The Headmaster just hated him because atsushi had ability and the Headmaster considered atsushi to be a monster because of the ability. Atsushi would be beaten each time and sometimes he would get punished because of small things. Atsushi once got his foot nail to the ground because of stealing candy but atsushi was just hungry but that didn't matter at all.

This time the punishment was different than usual, atsushi didn't mean to kill shibusawa but the Headmaster didn't care and was going to punish the boy for killing someone. Atsushi was chained to a chair and the Headmaster slowly open Atsushi eye and slowly take out the eye. All atsushi could do was scream and cry because it was so painful getting one of his eyes cut out of them and sadly atsushi heal couldn't heal it in time so atsushi now one eye only. Atsushi got used to having one eye and soon atsushi was kick out of the orphanage because he was now illegally a adult and orphanage did not have any responsibility over him now.

Atsushi mostly covered up the missing eye because he didn't have a fake eyes to put it in. Atsushi saved dazai from drowning himself and soon atsushi joined the agency. Atsushi was now getting paid money and soon he was able to afford a fake eye to put in his eye socket. Atsushi never told the agency about him missing a eye because he honestly didn't know how to bring it up and no one seemed to notice he covered one eye. Atsushi didn't really plan on telling the agency about him only having one eye because it wasn't that important.

Atsushi was doing his work and dazai was talking loudly as usual. "Nothing could scare me!" Dazai said to ranpo and atsushi just smirked. '..so nothing scares you..dazai..then..you shouldn't be scared when I throw my fake eye at you..' Atsushi thought to himself as he smiled and suddenly he take out his fake eyes. "Dazai catch!" Atsushi said as he throws the fake eyes and dazai catches it and immediately screams. "What the fuck!!" Dazai said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi was just giggles.

"Is that..a eye?" Kunikida said in shocked and atsushi just nod as a no. "No..it a fake eye.." Atsushi softly said as he looked at and everyone could see that atsushi was missing a eye. The agency member looked absolutely horrified and they didn't know what to think about that. "I only have one eye." Atsushi calmly says as he grabs the fake eye and slowly cleans it because it was on the ground. "Why..?" Tanizaki suddenly said, everyone was wondering why atsushi had one eye because he can heal himself so why doesn't he have one eye.

"I accidentally killed shibusawa and as a punishment for killing him, the Headmaster slowly cut out my eye and because I was so weak at the time I didn't have any energy to heal my eye so it never healed. " atsushi explain and everyone look disgusted to hear that and atsushi act like it was a normal thing. "I still can't grow back even if I try, so I just wear a fake eye." Atsushi said as he sit down again and everyone stare at him in shocked. "What..the fuck.." Naomi said, no one could actually believe that atsushi literally got his eye cut out but it was true and ranpo confirmed it as well.

"So..that why you covered one eye.." Kenji said and atsushi just smiled.
Kenji finally realized why atsushi covered one of his eyes. Kenji actually wonder about it but it does seem quite rude to ask about it so kenji just didn't ask about it. "Most people wouldn't want to see my eye socket so I just hit it until I got my fake eye." Atsushi said to kenji and Kenji just nod. Everyone was still trying to process that and the president also looks surprised. He accidentally heard everything and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Atsushi..were you abused at the orphanage?" Fukuzawa ask and atsushi thought about it for a while. "Yea.." Atsushi said as he looked at fukuzawa and fukuzawa just frowns on hearing that answer. Everyone else was also upset to hear that. atsushi acted like it was a normal thing but to atsushi, it was a normal thing and Atsushi didn't know what an actual childhood look like. "Atsushi.." Yosano said and atsushi just looked confused and suddenly atsushi was hugged by dazai.

"Atsushi..abuse isn't normal.." Dazai said and atsushi look surprised but then nodded. "I see...I didn't know that.." Atsushi said as he looked at the fake eyes. "got it disinfect this before putting it back into my eye socket.." Atsushi said to himself, "I can disinfected for you.." Yosano said and atsushi was happy to hear that. After the fake eye being disinfected and clean, atsushi slowly put it back into his eye socket and everyone watches.

"Does it hurt?" Kyouka ask and atsushi nodded as a no. "I don't feel it." Atsushi calmly says and yosano just look concerned by hearing that. The agency was perfectly fine with atsushi having one eye because it wasn't atsushi fault. Atsushi was happy to hear that and with sometimes throw his fake eye at the agency members because they asked him to look at something and atsushi found it hilarious.

The port mafia member and mori knew nothing about the fake eye because you don't just randomly tell your enemy, you have one eye. The agency and port mafia were having a meeting and dazai decide to take atsushi fake eye because why not so atsushi didn't have his fake eye. "Dazai took my eye again.." Atsushi said to fukuzawa as he walked into the port mafia base meeting room and the port mafia members and mori just look horrified because atsushi has one eye. "w-what..oh my god.." Higuchi said, she looked absolutely horrified. "Oh shit..totally forgot that the port mafia doesn't know about my eye.." Atsushi said as kunikida walk out to look for dazai.

"I only have one eye because the Headmaster decided to cut out my eye for a punishment of killing someone and my ability to just couldn't heal in time and I can't heal it at all so I wear a fake eye.." Atsushi explain and the port mafia member looked more horrified, even mori was horrified. Mori seen lots of things but he never seen the inside of eye socket and he looked disgusted to see it. "What..does it hurt?" Chuuya said and atsushi nod as a no. "Dazai! Give atsushi is eye back!" Kunikdia said as he drag dazai into the room and dazai hand atsushi the fake eyes. "Wasn't expecting this." Gin said to her brother and he agreed as well.

"Great..got to disinfected again." Atsushi said as he glare at dazai and dazai just nervously smiles. "I actually don't know what to think about this.." Tachihara said out loud and most of the port mafia could agree with him. The port mafia wasn't expecting to find out that and it was quite surprising actually and they honestly didn't know the thing about it because it's not exactly a normal thing you actually see on everyday basis. "I think we can start the meeting.." Mori said as he looked at fukuzawa and Fukuzawa just nod and the meeting started.

After the meeting, the port mafia member had many questions for atsushi and atsushi answer them the best of his ability. "Wow.." Mori said, he was really shocked to find that out but did he did find it a bit interesting in a way. "I certainly didn't expect to find this out.." Mori said to fukuzawa and Fukuzawa just smirk. "are you shocked?" Fukuzawa ask and mori just looked away and Fukuzawa just laughed. "Yes..I'm shocked..didn't expect one of your members to have one eye!" Mori said as fukuzawa laughed more and atsushi just giggled because he could heard mori talk and he found it funny that he made the port mafia boss shocked. 'I guess that's an achievement way..making the port mafia boss shocked..' Atsushi thought to himself as he smiled.

"Honestly..I think it's kind of cool that you only have one eye.." Tachihara said, he found it cool. The port mafia member definitely started to respect atsushi more, after that and chuuya actually bought another fake eye for atsushi and atsushi was just happy, Akutagawa slowly became a bit more Kinder after that. Atsushi is just happy to have a fake eye.

(💀the next thing that atsushi will lose is his leg because akutagawa is's going to rip it off again)

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