Grim Reaper//atsushi ??//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is the Grim Reaper.

Warning: suicide.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was once a normal boy who had a terrible life and decided to commit suicide and became a grim reaper. Atsushi job is mostly to collect Souls but sometimes is to kill people when their time is up because that's his job and he does a job perfectly. Atsushi blends in with humans because humans are interesting and atsushi just wanted to be little fun.

Akutagawa was doing a mission and saw atsushi kill a person. "Holy shit.." Akutagawa said, he could see a timeline of the person's life and atsushi just smile. "I'm a grim reaper it's my job to kill people and collect their souls.." Atsushi said as he looks at the timeline because it's interesting. "Wait..holy shit...that's information I need.." Akutagawa said as he looks at it, atsushi didn't say anything.

"we can work together I suppose, most of the port mafia members kill the people that I need to kill so I only collect souls.." Atsushi explain and akutagawa was thinking to himself. 'Am i about to make a deal with the grim reaper..?' Akutagawa thought to himself, akutagawa was surprised to find out atsushi is the grim reaper but he couldn't do anything about it and didn't feel like dying. "The only reason you can see the timeline is because I'm making you see it.. people aren't meant to see this actually." Atsushi said, which made total sense to akutagawa.

"So how kill the people and I show you the timeline for your information.." Atsushi said and akutagawa was thinking about it. "Alright.." Akutagawa finally said, atsushi was happy to hear that because he didn't have much work to do now. "Goodbye cutie~!" Atsushi said and akutagawa immediately turns red as they went there separate ways.

Akutagawa did his work and atsushi gave him the information on the person, it worked out pretty well and no one found out about it. "how did you become a grim reaper?" Akutagawa finally ask atsushi, both of them are on a mission together. "I committed suicide..and was the lucky one to become a grim reaper.." Atsushi calmly says and akutagawa looked surprised.

"What!?" Akutagawa said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi looked at him like it was a normal thing to say. "you wanted to know.." Atsushi said and that was true, akutagawa did wanted to know but didn't expect that. Atsushi just smiled and they want to do the mission as usual. No one knew about atsushi being a grim reaper and we're never meant to find out but something always happens and they had to find out somehow.

The port mafia and agency were working together to get a ability user and they accidentally killed the person and so they couldn't get the information they needed. "Atsushi." Akutagawa slowly said and atsushi glare at him. "I'll pay you..$20,000.." Akutagawa said and suddenly atsushi walk up to the person and the timeline was showing. "Wow.." Atsushi said as he looked at it and everyone was shocked and confused.

"Atsushi is a grim reaper." Akutagawa said as he looked at the timeline. "What!?" Half of the agency said in shocked and the port mafia didn't know what to say to that. "Wait.. Atsushi, why can't I die!?" Dazai ask and atsushi was thinking about it. "I honestly...have no fucking idea on why....dazai it's definitely not immortal that's for sure so he can die but I'm not sure on why.." Atsushi explain to dazai and mostly everyone was confused on that. "Now everyone knows im a grim reaper.." Atsushi said to himself, it wasn't a good thing that many people knew now.

"I can't just kill you all..ugh.." Atsushi said to himself as akutagawa slowly hands him the money and atsushi took it. "we won't say anything.." Tanizaki said and everyone agrees. "If i find out you guys say anything about this I'm coming to collect your souls early.." Atsushi said and everyone just nodded. Kyouka wasn't that scared because kyouka was atsushi favorite person in the whole wide world and Atsushi wouldn't dare to hurt her or even kill her. "I have to ask this but how did you become a grim reaper?" Chuuya ask and everyone was actually wondering that as well.

" I committed suicide and I was a lucky person to become grim reaper." Atsushi said like it was a normal thing to say and everyone wasn't expecting that and were pretty shocked. After a while if everyone processing that, everyone went their separate ways and acted like that never happened because they didn't want die at all.

Atsushi we're still in the agency though because Atsushi was still knowing person to the agency in a way and the port mafia didn't say shit.

(So random to be honest)

(And slowly I'm losing ideas😭most idea end up not getting posted because I think it weird and cringy)

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