agreement//atsushi and mori//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi was the choice to join the port mafia.

Warning: mori

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was the chosen one to join the port Mafia because of the agreement that fukuzawa and mori made. atsushi already knew about the agreement but was surprised when he was chosen because why would the port mafia boss want him but apparently mori seem to like atsushi a lot. Atsushi could already imagine what's going to happen to him but he couldn't stop it at all.

Atsushi has had to wear dresses and lots of other things. Atsushi didn't really mind wearing a dress because he don't really care what he wears as long as that showing a lot of skin. Mori was happy to hear that and atsushi basically wore a red dress just like Elise. Atsushi was basically spoiled because mori like atsushi a lot and would do anything to make him happy, just like elise. Elise and atsushi actually got along pretty well, and there were like two little devil's plotting a plan to annoy mori.

The agency obviously wondered how atsushi was doing and dazai and yosano were very worried because they know all about mori. Atsushi got used to this new lifestyle because he was going to live like that for forever, unless he leaves the port mafia or someone kidnapped. Mori obviously don't let anyone kidnapped his precious atsus, the port mafia member didn't say anything about atsushi because they couldn't stop it if they tried to so they just went with it.

"Atsushi~" mori softly says as he walks into the room and atsushi immediately looked at mori in confusion. "I have a meeting with the agency and I want you to come with me~!" Mori said with a smile and atsushi look very surprised but he obviously didn't argue at all. 'I kind of went to finish my drawing though..' Atsushi thoughts to himself as he get up and followed mori. "I'm sure the agency will be happy to see you again!" Mori said as he grab atsushi hand and atsushi just nod in agreement.

"it's been awhile since I last saw them.." Atsushi said as he wonders how they're doing because it's been quite a while since he lost all them and mori doesn't let atsushi go outside alone so he's never seen the agency after mori took him. "Yes..yes it's been quite a while that's for sure.." Mori said as he opened the car door and atsushi slowly gets in and mori obviously sit right next to atsushi.  "are you excited to see your friends again?" Mori ask atsushi, and atsushi obviously thinks about it for quite a while before answering the question. "Yea..I suppose I missed them quite a bit.." Atsushi said as mori slowly started to play with atsushi soft hair.

Atsushi actually likes it, when someone plays with his hair so he didn't mind at all even if it's port mafia boss. " adorable.." Mori said with a smirk as atsushi leans closer to his hand because atsushi love it. The agency member were waiting for the port mafia boss to come and no one said a word at all. Mori suddenly walked in with a smirk on his face and both yosano and dazai glared at him. "I hope you don't mind but I brought a guest with me.." Mori said as atsushi suddenly walked in and everyone looks shocked because atsushi was wearing a bright red dress. 'What the hell..' Yosano thought to herself, she definitely did not look happy and dazai just felt sad and was worried for atsushi.

"Come on atsushi~!" Mori softly says as he walks towards fukuzawa office. Mori was basically dragging atsushi and atsushi didn't say anything. "What..the fuck.." Kunkida said as mori and atsushi walk into fukuzawa office and everyone was just too stunned to speak because no one expected to see atsushi. "Mori like atsushi.." Ranpo said, he looked pretty disgusted and horrified at the same time because he uses his ability to find out and he wished he didn't to be honest. "Oh god no.." Dazai said, dazai looked horrified to hear that. Fukuzawa definitely look disgusted because he already knew mori like atsushi.

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