Secret//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi turn into a vampire at a young age and mori is atsushi adopted father.

Warning: biting kink?

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi was a very young kid when he was turned into a vampire but somehow still has his ability. The Headmaster of the orphanage obviously try to kill atsushi many times but always fail and one day atsushi was too hungry and needed blood so he attacked the headmaster and kill them.

Mori was at the orphanage because they owed him money and saw the whole thing happen. 'Wow..a vampire..something you don't see everyday..' Mori thought to himself as a smile slowly appears on his face. Atsushi finally noticed the men and atsushi looked very confused. "Who are you..?" Atsushi ask as mori slowly approaches the fragile little boy.

"I'm mori...the port mafia boss.." Mori said and atsushi obviously was confused because he's never heard of the port Mafia before. "How would you like if I adopted you? You can have all the blood you wanted." Mori said and atsushi look shocked, someone actually wanted atsushi and atsushi looked happy to hear that. "really?" Atsushi ask and mori just nodded.

Atsushi look so happy and immediately agreed and soon atsushi was taking to his new home. Atsushi got everything, he always wants and mori took great care of his son. Atsushi soon meet akutagawa, at the time akutagawa was trained by dazai. Atsushi basically fell in love with akutagawa at first sight and akutagawa became atsushi bodyguard because akutagawa was strong.

Akutagawa also fell in love with atsushi but never knew about atsushi being a vampire until atsushi need blood. "Atsushi?" Akutagawa said in confusion as atsushi grab akutagawa and bite into his neck. Akutagawa immediately looked shocked but surprisingly actually really liked it, even though his blood was getting sucked out of him. Akutagawa actually accidentally moaned and even atsushi looked surprised at that.

" like it?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa immediately blushes but does nod and atsushi just smirked as he licks around the bite. "Sorry for not saying not something to easily bring up.." Atsushi said as he eyes finally turn normal again. When atsushi is hungry his eyes turn red but when he isn't his eyes are violet and a bright yellow. "It alright.." Akutagawa said with a small smile. "..I really love you.." Atsushi suddenly says and akutagawa suddenly kisses atsushi. Atsushi look surprised but immediately kisses back. "I love you too.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just smiled and they enjoy their night together.

Mori was okay with a relationship and didn't mind at all and soon atsushi join the agency because mori wanted him too. Atsushi obviously kept it a secret that he was a vampire and his relationship with the port Mafia and no one knew about it until a incident happened.

All the agency members were kidnapped by the port mafia because of mori order. "Why would they kidnapped all us?" Kunikida said, ranpo didn't know because he didn't have his glasses. 'Fuck...I'm hungry..I want always taste so good..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked around, the port mafia member knew nothing about atsushi being mori adopted son.

Suddenly mori walked down with a smile on his face, and was dragging a body. "Look like someone is hungry.." Mori said as he looked at atsushi. Everyone was confused and atsushi just glare at his father. "Akutagawa is this person blood will just have to do." Mori said as he unties his son from the chair and atsushi immediately grab the body and basically suck the blood out of the person.

Everyone look shocked and horrified, no one knew what to say, even the port mafia member didn't know what to say at all. "..where is ryuu?" Atsushi suddenly ask as he drops the body on the ground. "On a mission..he'll be back soon so don't worry son." Mori said as he ruffles atsushi soft hair and atsushi just nodded. "What..the hell?" Chuuya said, atsushi didn't say anything. "Ah..that right...I never told you guys..atsushi is my son! I adopted a very young age and atsushi is a vampire!" Mori said, everyone was a bit freaked out because he was so happy about it but atsushi didn't say anything at all. Atsushi just stand there, "atsushi please watch the agency for me! I have mission for the other.." Mori said and atsushi just nodded and the port mafia executives left with mori. "What to do now.." Atsushi said to himself as he sit down.

"Atsushi..if you're in the port mafia, then why did you make me join the agency?" Kyouka ask, she was really curious about that. "I don't really know to be honest..I'm sorry for lying but I didn't really have a choice.." Atsushi said, the other agency member didn't know what to say. "..will you leave me..?" Kyouka ask, she didn't want to be alone and atsushi immediately noticed her being sad. " of course not!" Atsushi said and kyouka immediately smiled.

"..this is pretty boring.." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't know what to do at all. "I got a question.." Yosano said and atsushi look at yosnao. "Why did you want to know where akutagawa is?" Yosano ask and atsushi completely forgot they knew nothing about his relationship with akutagawa. "Me and ryuu are dating! And sometimes I usually drink his blood.." Atsushi explain and now it finally made sense to the agency member.

Suddenly akutagawa walk down to the basement and immediately atsushi ran to hug him. "Ryuu! Are you alright!? Did you get hurt!?" Atsushi ask as he looked around on his boyfriend body and akutagawa nodded as a no. "Why is the agency member here?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi actually didn't know. "I'm not sure to be honest..father work in strange ways..I think he's trying to ally with fukuzawa.." Atsushi said, atsushi was mainly guessing so it could be true or could not be but akutagawa just nodded.

Suddenly atsushi got a call from his father, "you can release the agency members! Fukuzawa has finally agreed to ally with us for now." Mori said and end the call and atsushi went to untie them. "..can I still stay with you atsushi?" Kyouka ask and atsushi immediately nodded. The agency member were still either confused or try to process this but they were happy they were finally getting released and immediately left to go back to the agency place.

Kyouka was happy to be with atsushi because he the light and kyouka will follow the light. "I miss you.." Atsushi said as he hug his boyfriend and kyouka went to see kouyou. Atsushi was kiss akutagawa neck and akutagawa was just smiled. "I missed you too.." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and soon they both went home. Atsushi basically cuddling akutagawa the whole time because atsushi miss him a lot and akutagawa didn't mind at all.

"I love you.." Atsushi said as he kisses akutagawa, and akutagawa just giggled a bit. "I love you too.." Akutagawa said as he snuggles into his boyfriend and soon they both fell asleep holding each other tightly.

The agency was now very cautious around atsushi because he a vampire, and Atsushi understood that and wasn't offended by it. The agency member we're upset about atsushi but couldn't do anything about it.

Atsushi was now living his life in the port Mafia.

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