writing//atsushi x poe//

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( I pretty sure I read it right and it's meant to be atsushi x poe but honestly I could be seeing things)

-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is a writer but the agency doesn't know.

Warning: mention of abuse, and mention of suicide(dazai).

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi used to live in a shitty orphanage but one day he decided to run away from the orphanage because he was tired of the abuse and stuff and soon atsushi ended up in yokohama city one weeks later. Atsushi was basically homeless but at least he was out of the orphanage.
Atsushi came across a certain person name oda sakunosuke. Oda always had a soft spot for little kids so it wasn't surprising when oda try to help atsushi. Atsushi obviously didn't want to be burden to anyone after a while, atsushi accepted the kind man's help.

Atsushi didn't know oda, that much but atsushi knew a bit about him before he died. Oda taught atsushi on how to write and atsushi really love to write stories so that's basically did most of the time but once oda was dead. Atsushi decided to publish his own book because he needed money at the time and it was the only way to have to get money but atsushi book was so great, it basically became famous. Atsushi decided to join the agency because he wanted to help people as well but he also kept writing books on his free time.

Poe always heard about atsushi book and poe was very jealous at the time so he tracked down atsushi and decided to try to kill him but poe became a bit obsessive with atsushi and soon fell in love with him. "solving the mystery was a bit tricky to be honest.." Atsushi said as he pointed out of no where and poe just looked surprised. Poe tried to trap atsushi in one of his novels but atsushi obviously could easily solve the case but it took him a while because he's not the smart detective in the world.

"But! It was definitely a good novel though!" Atsushi said with a smile and poe just turn bright red and soon poe and atsushi became good friends and soon became lovers. Poe wasn't sure on how to confess his feelings so he just randomly said it one night. Atsushi was talking about a new book idea and poe was listening as usual. "..I like y-you.." Poe said as he looked away and atsushi immediately froze in surprise and atsushi just looked at poe. "you're in love with me?" Atsushi ask, and poe just nodded. Atsushi couldn't believe it but he was happy because he had feelings for poe as well. "I like you too." Atsushi softly said with a smile as poe looks at atsushi in shocked and suddenly they both shared a kiss. "will y-you be my boyfriend?" Poe ask and atsushi just nod.

Atsushi obviously told the agency nothing about him dating poe and they knew nothing about him being a famous author. Dazai did start to get suspicious though because the famous author wrote a book about a suicidal man. "..ranpo~ do you know who made this book~?" Dazai ask as he holds the book and ranpo just smirk. "Oh? You also read his books as well?" Yosano ask dazai and he just nodded. "his latest new book, it sounds a lot like me." Dazai said and Yosano just agreed as ranpo put on his glasses and he's going to find out, who's the author of the book. Atsushi didn't say anything and just wait and suddenly ranpo looked surprised.

"Atsushi.." Ranpo said as he looked at the tiger boy and yosano and dazai look confused until they realized atsushi was the author. "Atsushi, you're the famous author!?" Dazai said in shocked and everyone in the agency was looking at atsushi and atsushi just nervously smiles at them. "What?" Tanizaki said as he drops a stack of papers and everyone was so shocked that they couldn't even talk. "Atsushi..dear..I bought the new novel.." Poe suddenly said as he nervously walks into the agencies main office and atsushi just smiled. "Let me see!!" Atsushi said as he grabbed the new novel that poe made and everyone was just too flabbergasted to talk and they were trying to process all that because a famous author was in their building and worked with them.

"Atsushi..you're a famous writer?" Kunikida ask as he stop doing his work and atsushi just nodded and poe was just standing there nervously. "And atsushi is dating poe." Ranpo said and everyone was more shocked and poe was getting more nervous because the attention was going on to him. "When did you met poe?" Kyouka ask, she was curious on when poe and atsushi met because no one knew anything about that. "Ed..tried to kill me..and ever since that day, we became friends then lovers." Atsushi said, atsushi said it like it was a normal thing and poe just turned red. "Ah! The maid is the one to kill the husband!" Atsushi said to poe and poe just nodded. "correct." Poe said and atsushi just looked so happy and mostly everyone else was still trying to process all that.

"Wow..can't believe atsushi is the famous author.." Yosano said, she surely wasn't expecting that and dazai couldn't agree with her. "Atsushi!! Your books are amazing though!" Dazai said and atsushi just smiled. "And dazai..you are correct about the book.. it is basically about you." Atsushi said and dazai just smirked. "why did you join the agency? You're literally famous author..?" Tanizaki ask, he was really curious about that and atsushi just giggled. "well I wanted to help people out so..I decided to join the agency." Atsushi said as he get up, "anyway! I got a date with ed so bye-bye!" Atsushi said as he walked out with poe and everyone was just surprised now.

"Wow.." Naomi said, no one was expecting that at all and also no one tried to stop atsushi from leaving because technically he got all his work done so he's done with work. Atsushi and poe decided to have their date at a simple cafe. "The agency member definitely looked quite shocked." Poe said as he drinks his coffee and atsushi was just giggling. "It is the exact reaction I wanted!" Atsushi said with soft smile as they order their food. Atsushi got a simple strawberry shortcake and poe got a slice of chocolate cake. The guild also knew nothing about atsushi and poe dating because The guild members just kind of mind their own business.

"Karl seem to be happy." Atsushi said as karl slowly curls up into a ball on atsushi lap and poe just smiling at that. "Karl is always happy to see you." Poe said as he kisses atsushi and atsushi just turn a bit red. Atsushi and poe obviously enjoy their lovely date and soon they went home together because atsushi technically mostly just stays with poe because they're dating. Atsushi obviously let kyouka know that he will be staying with poe because technically kyouka and atsushi live together in the dorms but atsushi just mostly sleep at his boyfriend house and kyouka is perfectly fine with it. "Good night." Atsushi said as he yawn and poe just smiling at that. "Good night love." Poe softly said and soon they both fell asleep and karl was sleeping in the middle.

Atsushi obviously get ready the next day to go to work and of course everyone has processed the information and was perfectly fine with atsushi being a famous writer but obviously there was some questions about it and after a while everything went back to normal.

(😭 I think I got this request right but I'm not 100% sure)

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