father//atsushi and mori//

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-angst and fluff

-au-mori is atsushi biological father.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi remembered the family, he had before he was sent to the orphanage. He vaguely remembered that it was just him and his father. Atsushi father was usually a kind man, though he did weird things at times. He was someone Atsushi would call a model parental figure, well, until he abandoned Atsushi, which eventually got him being sent to the orphanage. Atsushi still doesn’t think that his father was a terrible person and he desperately wants to believe that there was a real reason behind his abandonment.

Atsushi didn't know what to do now because all those memories just came back to him after seeing the port mafia boss. 'Does..he even recognized me?' Atsushi thought to himself, Atsushi didn’t know whether to scream or start crying. Atsushi listened as mori attempted to hold a conversation with dazai. He watched as Mori eyes scanned over the agency member, when he realized that talking through to Dazai was a lost cause. Atsushi tear-filled gaze met his and Mori mouth twitched to form a small smirk or a smile.

"Ah..atsushi..didn't expect to see you here." Mori softly says, in that moment the revelation that Mori knew Atsushi rang through the minds of everyone present. He was the last person they thought would have known Mori personally. The port mafia member looked at their boss in shock and dazai had his fists clenched. he hadn’t expected this. "Hello.." atsushi finally manages to say, and it was pretty obvious that atsushi was nervous or on the verge on breaking down. "That wasn't how I taught you to greet me? Don't you remember any manners?" Mori asked as he slowly walked up to his son and atsushi just stand there. "Though I'll let it go since, you've grown up to be so adorable." Mori softly said as he pat atsushi head and Atsushi calmed down slightly and visibly preened at the praise.

Both dazai and Yosano tensed up because they knew how mori was with little kid. Dazai was first to the silence. "Atsushi, did you study under Mori? Did he do anything to you?" Dazai ask, he sounded calm but he really wasn’t. "No.." Atsushi said, atsushi voice was really quiet. Mori was still smiling, "I wouldn't hurt you, love." Mori softly says and everyone didn't know what to say at all

"You abandoned me." Atsushi finally said and everyone looks confused "You left me in the apartment for days before someone else found me. No warning, no note. there must have been a good reason, right?!" Atsushi said as tears start to fall, atsushi voice got louder and he sounding desperate. Mori just sighed and suddenly he hug atsushi and atsushi just froze. "I left you for the Port Mafia." Mori whispers into atsushi ear and atsushi just kept crying. "What the fuck is going on?!" Yosano said, yosano has had enough and she was quickly getting more and more pissed by the second.

"I wanted you to be safe so I left." Mori whispers into atsushi ear and atsushi slowly just hold on to his father as he cried. "Atsushi, who is he to you?" Dazai ask in a serious voice but It wasn't atsushi, who answered though, "Did he not mention me at all? Hmm, I supposed it has been a while." Mori said as cleared his throat. "I'm his biological father, Dazai." Mori said with the smile as he slowly play with atsushi hair and everyone else just looked more shocked. The agency member looked at atsushi, they were waiting for answer but they only got silence from atsushi.

Atsushi was still crying and mori was slowly playing with atsushi hair. "Shh..I'm here now.." Mori softly says to atsushi and atsushi just slowly wipe his tears away. "I probably won't be in your life but I will send you money." Mori whispers into atsushi ear and atsushi just froze again. 'Of course..I didn't expect him to be my father now.' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked down and mori just smirk. "Well, Atsushi, it is about time we ended our reunion." Mori said as he stop hugging atsushi and atsushi just stand there. "I'll make sure, someone gives you your money~!" Mori said as he slowly walked away, "I love you loads, Love! See you soon!" Mori said, he didn't give atsushi another chance to speak, before he was out of the building with the rest of the Port Mafia.

The agency member just looked shocked and atsushi was just standing there not sure on what to do now. "Is..that all true?" Tanizaki ask and ranpo just nodded. "Atsushi.." Kyouka softly said as she slowly walked up to atsushi and atsushi just stand there and does nothing. Kyouka slowly hug atsushi and atsushi just looked at her and he slowly smiled. "I kind of already expected this, I guess I just wanted to know the reason why he abandoned me.." Atsushi said, atsushi voice was now very quiet and everyone just felt bad for atsushi. "Come on kyouka..we should be heading home." Atsushi softly said as he grab kyouka hand and they started walking home and everyone is just watching them walk away. "..sorry for not saying anything..I rarely remember him.." Atsushi said to kyouka and she was fine with it. "It doesn't change anything." Kyouka softly says and atsushi just smiled again.

The agency member were very surprised by this and they feel bad for atsushi. "Poor atsushi.." Kenji said with a sad smile and soon everyone went there separate ways. Atsushi immediately fell asleep as soon as he got into the closet and kyouka also went to sleep.

In the morning, atsushi got a ton of money from his father and everyone in the agency didn't talk about what happened and basically atsushi get lots of money from his father each month and the port mafia member don't attack atsushi now.

(So random)

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