sad mood//atsushi is in a sad mood//

390 9 6


-fluff and angst?


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi is always happy but sometimes atsushi isn't happy and today was that day. Atsushi just wasn't having this day, he just felt sad and atsushi didn't really know why he was sad, he was just not feeling it today. Atsushi didn't feel like going to work so he stayed in his PJs and basically lay down for a while. Kyouka didn't really question it, because she just thought atsushi was taking longer to get ready.

Atsushi mostly just lay there, 'today is just not my day..' Atsushi thought to himself, the agency member did in fact noticed atsushi wasn't at work but they just thought he was late. "Is atsushi late?" Kenji ask and everyone just assumes that until dazai walk in. Dazai is always about hour and a half late so that's when they realize something might be wrong with atsushi. "..where atsushi?" Dazai ask as he looked at the empty desk. No one answered dazai because they honestly had no idea.

"Where atsushi!?" Dazai said, he was now freaking out and honestly was worried for atsushi. 'Atsushi is strong so he obviously didn't get kidnapped, maybe he upset!?' dazai thought to himself, dazai wasn't sure on what to do but suddenly the president walked out of his office and into the main room. Fukuzawa immediately noticed atsushi wasn't at work. "Where atsushi?" Fukuzawa ask as dazai walk out of the agency and went to atsushi apartment. "Atsushi was at home..I just thought he was taking his time getting ready but then he never came." Kyouka explained to the president, and fukuzawa understood that atsushi didn't come to work.

"And I'm guess dazai is he going to atsushi apartment.." Fukuzawa said and everyone just nodded. It was in fact very odd that atsushi didn't come to work so mostly everyone was worried and fukuzawa wasn't busy so he went to find out why because dazai was going to take a sweet time being with atsushi.

Atsushi apartment door was already unlocked and dazai walked in to see atsushi on the floor. "Atsushi! Oh thanks gods, you're all right.." Dazai said as he walked up to atsushi and atsushi didn't say anything. 'Is the floor really that comfortable?' Dazai thought to himself, atsushi was just laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. Dazai was wondering why atsushi looked so sad but was interrupted by the president. "Atsushi?" Fukuzawa softly says as he walks through the door.

"Why didn't you come to work?" Fukuzawa ask, dazai was also wondering that. "Sorry..I'm just..I guess in a sad mood..nothing happened to make me sad..I just feel sad.." Atsushi try to explain, and dazai somewhat understood that. "maybe you just need a break atsushi!" Dazai said, atsushi has been working a lot recently so maybe he just needed a break from work and anything else.

"I time let the agency know, they were quite worried about you." Fukuzawa said with soft smile on his face and atsushi just nodded. "Anyway just use this day as a break atsushi..someone will do you work for today.." Fukuzawa said, fukuzawa was fine with atsushi not coming to work because everyone needs to break sometimes or just need a day to theirselves.

"I'll be going.." Fukuzawa said as he slowly walk away and dazai immediately pick up atsushi. "Let get you some more comfortable!" Dazai said with a silly smile as they walk into the bedroom. Atsushi sleeps in the closet but he does make the closet very comfortable. There was two blankets in the closet and a little mattress to fit in the closet, atsushi had a giant cat plushie and basically use it as a pillow. "Oh..look like the closet is really comfortable.." Dazai said and atsushi just nodded. "Get some rest!" Dazai said as atsushi get into the closet, atsushi immediately curled up into a ball and went back to sleep.

The agency was glad to hear that atsushi was in fact okay, was just in a sad mood so the agency didn't question it after that. Dazai stayed in atsushi apartment because he wasn't going back to work and wanted to make sure his favorite person in the whole wide world was in fact okay. Kyouka always has a half day because she's a kid but technically does wait for atsushi to be done so they go home together but this time she went home after she was done with work.

"I figured you would be here.." Kyouka said as she walked into the apartment and see dazai on the couch. "Anyway you can go now.." Kyouka said and dazai finally decided to go home. Atsushi was in fact a wide awake now but mostly just lay it down the whole time. Kyouka make sure atsushi had some food and the next day atsushi wasn't in a sad mood.

Atsushi feel a lot better and went to work and everything went back to normal.

(💁‍♀️the request was a bit confused but i think i got it right!)

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