curiosity//atsushi and ????//

345 14 8

-angst and fluff

Warning: weed, alcohol, edibles, drug?

(Basically atsushi beings curious)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was always locked up in a cage at the orphanage, so he didn't experience a lot of things that other kids did like trying out alcohol or drugs and many more things. Atsushi felt like he missed a important part of his childhood because of that and he wanted to try out things but he obviously ask the agency about that so he had to go to a different person.
Atsushi was friends with akutagawa and because he's friends with akutagawa, he slowly became friends with gin, higuchi and tachihara so atsushi could easily ask them about it. "Are you feeling alright?" Gin ask atsushi, atsushi decided to try an edible and gin wanted to make sure atsushi was feeling alright. "I feel amazing.." Atsushi said and akutagawa just laughed at that.

"Sadly you can't smoke weed around me because of my lungs.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just nodded, because of akutagawa lung disease, no one can smoke around them. "Mommy atsushi!" Tachihara said as he hug atsushi and atsushi just looked confused. "Mommy atsushi? Is that where you're going to call me from now on?" Atsushi ask, and tachihara just nodded. Atsushi technically was like the mom of the group in a way so it kind of makes sense, higuchi found out hilarious and started to laugh. "It kinda make sense though..I mean you're like the mom of the group.." Higuchi said as atsushi just glare at her.

" never wanted to try edibles before so why now?" Gin asked, atsushi didn't say anything at all. "Well..most teenagers at least tried weed and a bunch of other things. I suppose, I just never had that and I wanted to try it.." Atsushi said, atsushi obviously had wine before because he wanted to try it once but he's not addicted to it at all and mostly doesn't even drink wine. "Make sense." Tachihara said, the other definitely understood where atsushi was coming from. "also dazai keeps calling me innocent and I'm tired of it.." Atsushi said with a frowned, and gin just giggles at that.

"Mommy atsushi is definitely not innocent.." Tachihara said as he lay his head on atsushi lap and atsushi just glare at him. "Ugh..out of every nickname you could give me, it's Mommy atsushi?" Atsushi said as he raises a eyebrow and tachihara just smirk and nod. "I like mommy's a great nickname.." Higuchi said and atsushi just look tired of it already and gin agree with higuchi. "you don't have to worry about them smelling edibles..the mostly smell like gummies.." Akutagawa said as he finally sit down because he was getting dizzy and atsushi just giggles. Tachihara just randomly started to laugh as well.

"Imagine dazai finding out tou're not innocent at all.." Higuchi said as she starts to laugh as well and gin also starts to laugh as well because everyone else was laughing. "Why are we laughing?" Atsushi ask, and no has a answer because no one really didn't know. "I don't know.." Gin finally said as she slowly stops laughing. Slowly everyone else stop laughing and they basically enjoy the night drinking and eating edibles until they pass out.

Atsushi was really great at hiding things so no one knew what he was doing and the port mafia boss didn't care about what his members did as long as they do the job, they can do anything they want. Kyouka obviously notice how atsushi was leaving the house at night but she didn't really mind because atsushi was hanging out with his friends and kyouka was happy about that.

But someone always find out and this time, it was dazai that found out. "Atsushi! You know it's bad for your health!" Dazai yelled and atsushi didn't say anything. Dazai was getting angrier by the second and atsushi just didn't say anything. "it's my life and it's my choice." Atsushi said as he suddenly get slap by dazai and atsushi didn't do anything. " have to stop this." Dazai said, dazai was actually pretty worried for atsushi because drinking wine isn't good for your health.

After a while atsushi finally left and dazai wasn't happy at all. 'I'm not addicted to at all..' Atsushi thought to himself as he walks out to the hangout spot and everyone else is already there. "Dazai found out and was pretty pissed about it." Atsushi said as he sit down. "Dazai isn't wrong...drinking wine is bad for your health." Gin softly says and atsushi just nodded as he drinks some water. "I'm just tired of it...they always see me as someone who's innocent and apparently having a curiosity on things is a bad thing.." Atsushi said in a grumpy voice and tachihara just lay his head on atsushi lap again because it comfortable.

"I mean you do work in the agency doing drugs is a bad thing, especially they can basically arrest you.." Higuchi said and that was in fact true but atsushi was honestly just curious about it because he never experienced it for and he wanted to experience it, he wanted to be a teenager at least once in his lifetime. "He probably just worried about you." Akutagawa said and atsushi just nod. Atsushi just wanted a little fun in his life once and he wasn't really sure on why dazai was so worried but he didn't do anything about it and they just hang out for the rest of the night.

Atsushi went home and saw kyouka wide awake. "Dazai told everyone..I'm not long as you don't get addicted to it or anything like that." Kyouka said, kyouka understood why atsushi wanted to try it and she didn't mind it. "Yes..I know..I just wanted to try it, I mean other teenagers did it and it just felt like, I miss a important experience in my life..." Atsushi softly said as he get ready for work and kyouka just listened. "I'm hungry though.." Atsushi said and kyouka just giggles and they started walking to the agency.

"God taste disgusting." Atsushi said to kyouka and kyouka just laughed as they walk into the cafe. "So you won't try coffee at all?" Kyouka said and atsushi just nodded. The other agency members were staring at atsushi because they obviously knew. "So..tachihara call you mommy atsushi?" Kyouka ask as she started to laugh and atsushi just looked away. "Atsushi.." Kunikida said as he walked up to him. "I'm not going to get addicted." Atsushi said and kunikida honestly didn't really believe him. "I just wanted to try it that's all.." Atsushi said and kunikida understood the curiosity of doing drugs and a bunch of other things.

"I understand the curiosity but we just want to make sure that you won't get addicted to doing anything else." Kunikida said and atsushi just nodded as he grab his tea and drinks it. Yosano basically talk to atsushi about the importance of his health and a bunch of other things and the agency was worried about him being addicted to doing drugs or something but atsushi wasn't so soon the agency slowly stop being a bit overprotective of atsushi.

(😭 so random)

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