changing last name//atsushi and akutagawa siblings//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi and akutagawa siblings grew up in the same orphanage and basically feel like siblings.


(🤷‍♀️ just a random idea I got)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and akutagawa siblings grew up in the same orphanage because they're obviously orphans. Atsushi only friends were the akutagawa siblings because the Headmaster considered them to be monsters as well because akutagawa has a ability and gin is fine with it. Atsushi and akutagawa siblings basically locked in the basement the whole time so they knew each other quite well.

The Akutagawa siblings we're lucky enough to escape but atsushi wasn't excessively escaped. The Akutagawa siblings were devastated about leaving atsushi alone but they would find atsushi again. Atsushi was happy to be kicked out of the orphanage and soon he found dazai and atsushi got into the agency. Atsushi had hope to see the akutagawa siblings again because he considered them to be family because they're only people are actually kind to him at the orphanage.

Akutagawa looked surprised to see atsushi but was also happy at the same time. The akutagawa sibling didn't care if atsushi was in the agency, both akutagawa and gin saw atsushi as their sibling. Atsushi didn't really care if they were in the port mafia they were still siblings, even if not by blood. Atsushi immediately start to live with akutagawa and gin and was basically spoiled by them. Atsushi at first tried to stop the spoiling but obviously he couldn't stop the akutagawa siblings so he finally just let it happen.

No one the agency or port mafia know about atsushi living with the akutagawa siblings. Atsushi could easily keep it a secret because no one expected it and akutagawa and gin could obviously keep a secret as well but soon everyone would find out. "Atsushi! How about we change your last name?" Gin ask as she hug atsushi and atsushi obviously looks very confused. "I mean..we do see you as a sibling..and we thought maybe you could have our last names.." Akutagawa explain as he slowly blushes and gin just nodded in agreement. Atsushi looking very confused but immediately start to tear up.

Akutagawa immediately whipped his tears away, as atsushi went to hug them. "But..everyone will know.." Atsushi said, atsushi would obviously had to let the agency about him changing his last name so they would find out. "So? What if they find out, I'm sure they will be supportive.." Gin said with a smile and akutagawa nodded in agreement. Atsushi was perfectly okay taking the akutagawa siblings last name so they will get it changed tomorrow. "Now! Let have dinner your damn vegetables." Gin said as she glare at her brother and akutagawa looked away. Akutagawa did not like vegetables at all so he was basically forcede them. Atsushi always found it funny and akutagawa looked like a little kid when looking at the vegetables.

"disgusting.." Akutagawa said as he looked at the vegetables and atsushi immediately turn to giggle. Gin just glare at akutagawa, "you have to eat the vegetables.." Gin said as akutagawa looks at the vegetables like it's a disease and atsushi found that more hilarious. "No!" Akutagawa said and gin and akutagawa immediately start to fight over that and atsushi just keeps laughing his ass off. After a while akutagawa finally decided to eat his vegetables like normal human and gin was proud. "I'm tired.." Atsushi softly says as yawns and akutagawa and gin immediately agree.

Atsushi went to his bedroom and immediately falls on the comfy bed that he has and cuddles with his tiger plushie. Atsushi was super excited to get his last name change but was also pretty nervous because everyone would find out and he didn't know how they would react. Akutagawa was a bit nervous to be honest, because everyone would find out even the port Mafia and he didn't know how they would react. Gin was also pretty nervous but super excited as well and basically ignore the fact that people would find out.

Atsushi obviously went to work the next day but he was obviously very nervous the whole time. Atsushi didn't get any questions until at the end of his hours, the president walks out into the main office. "Atsushi..I heard you were changing your last name.." Fukuzawa ask and atsushi slowly nods. Everyone was slowly looking at atsushi because now they were pretty curious about it. Atsushi look more nervous and honestly didn't want to answer him at all. "Oh? Why are you changing your name~?" Dazai asked with a smirk and atsushi didn't say anything because he honestly didn't know what to say.

"Atsushi?" Dazai said, atsushi finally look at dazai and was about to say something but someone immediately opened the door. "Atsushi!! Gin happily says as she run to hug atsushi and atsushi just giggles. Akutagawa also walk in but doesn't hug atsushi because he doesn't hug people in public. Everyone's was now confused and was also ready to fight at the same time. "Did you eat?" Gin ask and atsushi slowly nodded. Atsushi has a habit of forgetting to eat so gin make sure that atsushi eat something, and gin was happy to hear that.

"I'm confused.." Tanizaki said as gin finally let's go of atsushi. "Atsushi is changing his last name to akutagawa because they see each other as siblings because they all grew up in the same orphanage.." Ranpo explain to everyone and he sucked on his lollipop and atsushi nodding confirming that was in fact quite true. Everyone looked surprised and some were even shocked because obviously no one expected that. "Yup!" Gin said with a smile and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. "I see..I have nothing against it at all.." Fukuzawa said with a small smile, fukuzawa wasn't going to break them up because they were in different organizations and he was happy for atsushi.

"Come on..let's get going..I hate, it when people are staring at me..." Akutagawa said but he whispered the last part and atsushi just smiled and went to collect his stuff. The agency member were still pretty surprised about that but was supportive because atsushi didn't really have a family but now he technically does and they won't destroy that no matter what. Also fukuzawa says he's okay with it so they are okay with it as well. "Bye!" Atsushi said as he walked away with akutagawa and gin and everyone in the agency Just smiles.

Atsushi soon went to the place where you get your last and immediately got it changed and akutagawa decide to at least celebrate this moment so they went to a fancy restaurant to eat. "I told you the agency would be supported of it." Gin said as she drink her coffee and akutagawa nod in agreement and Atsushi just turned red from embarrassment. Atsushi was in fact happy though and that's all that matters, and of course akutagawa pay for everything as usual.

"I wonder how the other port mafia member would react.." Atsushi said as they walk home and akutagawa was thinking about that too. "Higuchi would probably freak out.." Gin said and akutagawa immediately agreed. "I think chuuya would be okay with it.." Akutagawa said, chuuya basically took care of akutagawa and gin after dazai leaving the port mafia so chuuya has basically grown attached to them and would be happy because akutagawa and gin are happy. Atsushi wonder about it but decided to not do anything about it for now and soon they made it to the mansion of a house they have.

"Im quite tired..I had to do dazai work again so I got no break..except for my lunch break.." Atsushi said, atsushi could easily take many breaks but his lunch break, he had to take that break no matter what. Akutagawa just nodded as gin looked in the kitchen. "Im taking a cat nap.." Atsushi said, and akutagawa just giggles at that. The other port mafia member were obviously a bit surprised to find out that atsushi changed his last name to akutagawa but they didn't really care as long as they're happy and mori was fine with it so there wasn't any problems after that. Atsushi, gin and akutagawa were happy and that's all that really matters. Kyouka was very overprotective of atsushi so she didn't really agree at first but got used to after a while.

(🤷‍♀️ some random ideas I got and I tried to make it long and I think I did a great job!)

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