sweets//atsushi is having ??//

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-au-atsushi is a girl and mori is her adopted father.


(Basically atsushi is on her period)

(💁‍♀️i wrote this when i was half sleep)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi woke up as normal but then she felt the pain. '..no..FUCK!' atsushi thought to herself as she was in fact on her period and immediately she felt the pain. 'I wanted go back to sleep..' Atsushi thought to herself as hirotsu walk into her room. The black lizards were assigned to basically watch atsushi because mori didn't have his daughter to be hurt her at all.

"Atsushi? Are you feeling alright?" hirotsu ask, atsushi slowly looks at hirotsu. "Pain.." Atsushi said and hirotsu immediately understood. "I'll go get gin.." hirotsu calmly said and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi did not feel like going to work today, atsushi works in the agency but they do not know anything about mori beings atsushi adopted father.

"Atsushi..do you want something for the pain?" Gin asked and atsushi just nodded. Gin immediately went to get something for the pain and atsushi finally went to get dressed or at least put something comfortable on. "I don't want to go to work.." Atsushi said as she walked out of her room. "Im pretty sure boss won't mind it but the agency might.." Tachihara said as gin and hirotsu agreed. Atsushi went to relax at the port mafia because why not and of course she got many sweets.

"Atsushi!" Mori said an excitement and try to to hug his daughter but atsushi wasn't having it today. "I ain't dealing with your bullshit today." Atsushi said as she holds a knife and mori just smiled as atsushi walked to a room. "something's bound to happen.." hirotsu said as he sighed, the agency was wondering where is atsushi because she didn't show up at all. Atsushi was smiling as she eats a cake, and the knife was somewhat stuck into the table and atsushi was ready the throw it at anyone.

"Damm..boss almost got stabbed.." Tachihara said to gin and she just nodded. Mori was in his office it was in the corner crying and elise was laughing. "My daughter tried to stab me!" Mori said to himself as elise laughed more. The agency made ranpo to use his ability to find out where atsushi was and everyone was surprised to hear that atsushi was in the port mafia base. "Where atsushi!" Dazai ask as he walked into the port mafia base.

"..did you hear that?" Tachihara ask gin and she just nodded. The agency was looking around and they finally saw gin and tachihara. "Where atsushi!?" Kyouka ask as they hear mori screaming. "My daughter tried to stab me!" Mori yelled and the agency was confused. "..follow us.." Gin said as they walk to a door and gin slowly open it. "..tell father..to shut the hell up!" Atsushi said to hirotsu, atsushi could hear the crying and screaming from his father and it was annoying.

"Atsushi..you have some guests.." Tachihara said as atsushi put down the knife. "Be careful..she almost stabbed boss.." Gin whisper to the agency and they looked surprised. "Sorry..for not coming to work.." Atsushi said with a smiling, the agency looked confused at first. "Ah..you must be on your period but I dont understand why you're at the l
Port mafia base.." Yosano said to atsushi and atsushi didn't say anything.

"I'm..mori daughter..he adopt me..so I'm allowed at the port mafia base.." Atsushi quietly says to the agency as she grab a blanket and put around her. "So that why mori was yelling.." Dazai said, everyone finally realized why mori was yelling and crying. "Atsushi wasn't going to deal with bosses bullshit today.." Tachihara said and atsushi just nodded confirming that was in fact true. "Is akutagawa busy?" Atsushi ask and gin nodded.

"Damm it..i like using rashomon..as a heating pad..rashomon is quite warm." Atsushi calmly says and tachihara didn't in fact not know that and the agency did not know that as well. "Really? It warm?" Tachihara questions and atsushi just nodded. "Im not sure..I never touched rashomon before.." Gin said, she was never allowed to touch rashomon for some reason. The agency was somewhat trying to process all of that because it was a lot of information.

"Wow..i didn't expect this.." Tanizaki said and the agency agreed with him. "I'm not the traitor or anything.." Atsushi said to the agency and ranpo obviously confirm that and the agency member were happy to hear that. "Uh..why is the agency member here?" Akutagawa ask, he was done with his mission and atsushi was happy to see him. "I need rashomon!" Atsushi said and akutagawa slowly walk up to atsushi and activated his ability. rashomon was wrapped around atsushi and atsushi was getting sleepy. "At least I get paid to do this.." Akutagawa said as he down, akutagawa obviously gets paid to do that and he's doesn't really mind doing it.

"we need to get back to work." Kunikida said to the agency member and soon everyone went back to work. Akutagawa almost sat there as atsushi slept, and gin and tachihara were also there. "So..is rashomon really warm?" Tachihara asked, he really had to know cuz he was curious. "Yes.." Akutagawa answer back, gin looked a bit surprised but she didn't say anything. "Atsushi almost stabbed boss.." Gin said and akutagawa found that a bit funny. "Honestly..that does look comfortable.." Tachihara said as he pointed at atsushi, rashomon was wrapped around her basically like a blanket and atsushi was just sleeping peacefully on the couch. "Atsushi can sleep anywhere.." Akutagawa said, and atsushi literally can sleep everywhere.

Atsushi once slept on the floor, and also in a cabinet once. "I remember finding atsushi in a cabinet.." Gin said, atsushi was hiding from the bodyguard because atsushi didn't like them. "Ah..yea I remember that.." Akutagawa said and they enjoy their conversation with some coffee or some tea.

Atsushi didn't go to work for a full week because whe didn't want to deal with the agency member at all and the agency was already with that. Akutagawa was in fact pay the whole time because atsushi basically use rashomon the whole week. Mori didn't in fact almost gets stabbed the multiple times after that because he got Atsushi angry by accident.

Atsushi felt a lot better after that week was over and went back to work as usual. The agency members did have a few questions because they wondered if mori was actually a good father. Atsushi of course answer the question and soon everything went back to normal.

(So random to be honest)

(😭i honestly don't really like this)

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