fuck up//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

Warning: sexual assault, abuse?

(Why did I think of this?)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi didn't think he would be in a cage again after leaving the orphanage but here he was in a cage again. Atsushi was kidnapped by someone and atsushi was terrified and hope someone would save them. Atsushi didn't know the person at all but the person knew a lot about atsushi and that terrified atsushi more.

The agency at first though the port mafia took atsushi but once they realize they didn't, they were all now worried. Ranpo didn't do anything about it, ranpo thought it was boring at first so the other agency member were trying to find anything but they couldn't find anything. The agency even asked the port mafia to help but they obviously found nothing.

Ranpo didn't have any information to go on so he couldn't help at all actually and atsushi start to lose hope on them finding him. Atsushi hated it, the person would do many things to atsushi and atsushi try to fight back but always ends up losing. Atsushi got use to all of it, after a month and it became a normal thing in a way. Atsushi slowly by each day stop the fighting and just went with it even though he didn't want that, he couldn't fight at all.

Atsushi was on the ground again as usual, he was covered in scars and cum again. Atsushi just lay there, he didn't even cry, he couldn't cry anymore. Atsushi also stop talking as well. Atsushi didn't even try to move at all, atsushi was so tired.

The agency had no idea where atsushi was, and the port mafia knew nothing as well. Atsushi gave up hope on them trying to find him and just accepted it. Akutagawa didn't give up though, he was going to find atsushi no matter what. Akutagawa was doing a mission, he obviously completed the mission but decide to explore the place and that how he found atsushi. "Oh my god..atsushi!" Akutagawa said, atsushi didn't react to everything and akutagawa was holding him. "I'm here..no one will hurt you anymore I promise.." Akutagawa said, atsushi didn't say anything at all and slowly fell asleep.

Akutagawa slowly put his jacket over atsushi and quickly calls his sister to help him. "I found atsushi..I found him.." Akutagawa said, gin look shocked and immediately got up. The agency was talking with the port mafia and everyone looked confused. "I'll be over there." Gin said as she runs out the door and everyone was confused for now. Gin ran as fast as she could to the place and look horrified when she saw atsushi. "Oh my god.." Gin said, akutagawa didn't say anything and slowly gin help her brother with atsushi.

The agency and port mafia didn't know what gin or akutagawa we're doing until they walked into the room again with atsushi. "I'll go get some clothes.." Gin said to her brother and akutagawa just nodded as he holds atsushi in his arms. The agency looked horrified, gin came back with clothes and they quickly put them on atsushi as he sleep. Akutagawa didn't say anything, just by thinking about it he was going to be sick.

Atsushi woke up and look around in confusion, he wasn't in the basement anymore. Atsushi finally sat up, he saw everyone. "Atsushi?" Dazai said as atsushi just stare at them. Atsushi couldn't speak at all and slowly kyouka went to hug him and atsushi just looks down. Atsushi just couldn't believe it at all and atsushi was feeling so he went back to sleep again.

The agency and port mafia could only guess what happened and it was all true so they did their best to make atsushi comfortable again. Akutagawa didn't dare to leave atsushi alone again so he basically stayed with him the whole time and kyouka also stay with atsushi. Atsushi didn't talk at all and mostly just sat there little time. Atsushi did eat a bit though but not much.

Atsushi still couldn't believe he was actually not in the basement anymore, when atsushi finally realized it he started to cry. "Atsushi!" Kyouka said as she hug atsushi and atsushi clings onto her. "K-kyouka.." Atsushi finally said, atsushi was a crying mess and kyouka comfort him the whole time. Akutagawa didn't know what to do, so he slowly rubs atsushi back.

Atsushi slowly got better by the day but it took a lot of time and everyone was patient with him. Akutagawa was very kind to atsushi and made sure atsushi was always okay. "t-thank.." Atsushi whisper to akutagawa, akutagawa made dinner for atsushi because akutagawa was actually a great cook and kyouka needed a break, even though she didn't want one.

Atsushi life slowly got better but atsushi was always on edge now but the agency made sure he was going to be okay.

(I regret writing this to be honest)

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