together again//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and angst?

Warning: season 5 spoilers.

(This take place after the fight with fukuchi)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was fighting with vampires akutagawa, and was trying his hardest to make akutagawa remember him but nothing work at all. Akutagawa didn't really seem to remember and all he did was attack atsushi. Atsushi didn't have a heart to hurt akutagawa at all so he mostly dodge the attacks until he couldn't anymore. Atsushi was getting pretty tired by each dodge so he was getting exhausted pretty fast.

Ranpo was unconscious and Fukuzawa and fukuchi were fighting each other, while aya tries to get the sword out of brams body. 'I can't keep dodging these attacks..' Atsushi thoughts to himself as suddenly akutagawa finally grab atsushi and slowly ripped his limbs off, which hurt like hell. "Fuck!" Atsushi yells, atsushi was in a lot of pain and slowly fell to the ground. Atsushi couldn't move at all and so he just laid there and watched akutagawa walk up to him. Akutagawa still wasn't in control of his body so he was just following his orders from fukuchi and that was to bite everyone and turn them into vampires.

Akutagawa slowly use his ability to grab atsushi and bring him closer so he could bite atsushi neck and Akutagawa was about to bite atsushi, when aya suddenly successfully got the sword out of brams and was now falling to the ground. Luckily enough brams was now in control of his ability and was telling akutagawa to save aya. Atsushi was now laying on the ground but was happy he wasn't going to get bitten and turn into vampire. Fukuzawa was still fighting fukuchi though but it definitely looked like fukuzawa was waiting and dazai and chuuya were on the way to the area where everyone was at.

Aya didn't die and was successively saved by akutagawa. Akutagawa was now in full control of his body again and all he wanted was to see atsushi and hug him. Atsushi was having trouble growing back his limbs because most of them are all cut off so it's taking a lot of energy but suddenly akutagawa grab atsushi and hug him tight and definitely make sure no one was getting his atsushi. "Look like you guys are okay.." Yosano said with a sighed as dazai and chuuya walked up to yosano. "everything went according to plan!" Dazai said with a smile as chuuya tries to get the fake teeth out of his mouth but suddenly kyouka yelled. "Atsushi!" Kyouka yell because akutagawa was holding atsushi. Both yosano, dazai, and chuuya went to see what happened and they saw atsushi in akutagawa arm as akutagawa glare at everyone. Atsushi was trying his best to go back his limbs but it was very slow and everyone could see that.

"looks like atsushi is pretty exhausted because it's taking longer to grow back his arms and legs.." Dazai said to everyone, atsushi needs energy to go back his arms, legs or anything so when he's tired it takes longer because he doesn't have much energy. "I think we're all exhausted to be honest.." Tanizaki whispers and that was true because the fight lasted a pretty long time and everyone was done and tired.

Akutagawa just didn't want atsushi to be hurt again, "I won't..let anyone hurt you again.." Akutagawa whisper to atsushi as he slowly rubs atsushi back because atsushi start to tear up. "I don't know what happened.." Lucy said as she looked at atsushi and akutagawa, "I'm not controlling him so he's doing this on his own.." Brams explain to everyone but everyone was wondering why akutagawa was doing this. "I miss you.." Atsushi softly says as he finally goes back one of his arms and slowly atsushi put the arm around akutagawa. "I miss you too.." Akutagawa said, he was using his ability to hang off of the building so no one could reach him except for chuuya but chuuya would have to get ability to do that.

Chuuya didn't really care about that though, he cared about getting the fake teeth out of his mouth but obviously couldn't. "Damm it.." Chuuya whispered to himself, he sadly couldn't get the fake teeth out. Everyone else was mostly worried for atsushi and didn't want atsushi to be injured or hurt but akutagawa wasn't going to hurt his atsushi. "Love you atsushi..I always have.." Akutagawa finally said as atsushi finally grows back most of his limbs and was smiling at akutagawa. "I love you too." Atsushi said with a bright smile.

"I to be your boyfriend." Atsushi said as akutagawa kisses atsushi forehead and everyone now looked confused because they thought akutagawa was going to hurt atsushi but of course akutagawa didn't hurt atsushi. Akutagawa slowly moves to the ground with atsushi in his arms and soon finally made to the ground but he didn't dare to let go of atsushi and was still glaring at everyone. "Atsushi..are you alright?" Kyouka suddenly said as she tries to move closer to atsushi but akutagawa didn't like that so kyouka didn't move.

"yes I'm perfectly fine, just pretty exhausted.." Atsushi softly says as he wrap his arms around akutagawa and akutagawa just smiles. Which confused everyone more because akutagawa never smiled so it weirded them out. "What the fuck..?" Chuuya said in shocked because he's never seen akutagawa smile and chuuya was flabbergasted by that. Atsushi just smile and pat akutagawa head as akutagawa starts to walk away because he was getting bored just standing there.

"you're staying with me.." Akutagawa said to atsushi and atsushi just nod. Everyone didn't know what to say at all and they were too shocked to even stop akutagawa from taking atsushi. Akutagawa did in fact first go to the hospital because of his sister and he wanted to make sure she was okay. Gin was perfectly okay and that was a good thing, which was also happy to see her brothers in love and finally confessed his feelings to atsushi. "so happy for you guys!" Gin said with a bug smile as tachihara moves in the hospital bed. "be quiet I'm trying to sleep!" Tachihara said and gin just laugh. Higuchi, gin and tachihara were all in the same room because their port mafia members.

Higuchi was fast asleep and wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, Atsushi was red in the face but smiled. " should get some rest.." Atsushi said and akutagawa obviously nodded in agreement and gin didn't argue because she was pretty tired as well so she went to rest. Akutagawa was still carrying atsushi because he wanted to carry atsushi. "you don't have to always carry me..I can walk you know..." Atsushi said but akutagawa didn't say anything and just kept walking to the car because akutagawa I wasn't going to walk to his house because it's pretty far away.

The driver paid no attention to them and started to drive away to the destination. Atsushi was trying is best not to fall asleep as akutagawa play with his hair. "You can fall asleep.." Akutagawa softly says with a smile and atsushi slowly fell asleep on akutagawa lap and akutagawa just found it adorable. The drive was a bit long but soon they made it to akutagawa mansion of house. The driver paid no attention to them at all because he's didn't want to be killed. Akutagawa obviously carries the sleeping tiger to his house because he didn't want to wake atsushi up.

Akutagawa soon lays atsushi on the soft comfy bed and akutagawa was about to do something else, when atsushi grab him. "Stay with me.." Atsushi says in a tired voice and akutagawa couldn't argue with atsushi at all so he slowly lay down as well. Atsushi slowly moves closer to akutagawa and was basically half on top of akutagawa and akutagawa found it a bit hilarious but cute in a way. "I love you..." Atsushi says in a tired voice as akutagawa kisses atsushi forehead and slowly play with atsushi soft hair, which made atsushi fall asleep.

'So adorable..I'll make sure no one will hurt you again..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself, atsushi was basically curled into a ball and was basically on half on top of akutagawa. Akutagawa found that so adorable because who wouldn't find that so adorable. The agency didn't really know what to do because akutagawa and atsushi but it looks like that akutagawa wasn't going to hurt atsushi so they didn't worry that much but kyouka obviously threatened akutagawa because she still didn't trust him at all. Kyouka just wanted atsushi to be happy so she didn't mind it but she just didn't trust him yet.

The other port mafia member didnt know yet, only gin, tachihara and chuuya know now. Akutagawa obviously wanted to wait to tell them that because it's pretty big deal in a way. Both akutagawa and atsushi are meant to be enemies so it might be a problem but they will always be together no matter what.

Akutagawa soon fell asleep holding onto atsushi.

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