club//atsushi, chuuya, kunikida and ??//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi, chuuya and kunikida made a club to talk shit about dazai and way to make dazai life living hell.

Warning: underage drinking.

(💀the request was on my other atsushi oneshots that was finished but I'm just doing it on here)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Dazai love to annoy people and he's three victims that, he likes to annoy so much. Atsushi, chuuya and kunikida were the chosen ones to be annoyed all the time and they basically got tired of it so they three of them group together and decided to make a club talking shit about dazai and making plans on how to make his life a living hell. Atsushi and chuuya actually we're friends with each other and atsushi introduced chuuya to kunikida so that's how they all became friends and they all decided to make a club when they realize, they were the only ones that get annoyed by dazai.

The meeting was obviously held at chuuya house for many reasons. Chuuya house is quite far away from the agency so try agency members don't know where chuuya live expect for dazai. Chuuya house is also a lot more secure so it's a lot easier just to go there. Atsushi was already there, and they were waiting for kunikida. " I late?" Kunikida ask as he walk into the house and both chuuya and atsushi nodded as a no. "Are you underage drinking atsushi?" Kunikida said as he looked at the cup of wine and atsushi just nervously smiles. "Fine..I'll let it slide." Kunikida said as he sit down and chuuya obviously pours him some wine and atsushi just softly smiles. "would I get in trouble if I broke dazai leg?" Atsushi ask kunikida and kunikida had to think about that because he wasn't sure.

"probably..unless you make it seem like it wasn't your fault.." Kunikida said as atsushi smirked. Atsushi already had a plan in mind and chuuya and kunikida were definitely wondering about that but atsushi wanted it to be a surprise. They mostly talk about a few plans to make dazai life a hell because they're tired of their life being a living hell so it's called revenge. "I should make a cat army.." Atsushi said, atsushi was half drunk so he's somewhat knew what he was saying but also somewhat didn't. "A cat army?" Chuuya ask, and atsushi just nodded. "Make a cat army and have them all attack dazai.." Atsushi said, kunikida and chuuya look at each other before looking at atsushi. "Maybe.." Kunikida said as he takes a sip of his wine and soon they passed out.

The next day everything was going normal agency but atsushi had a little plan. Dazai was dancing around the agency with his headphones on so he wasn't hearing anything so atsushi put something on the ground that would make dazai slip and fall and possibly have a broken leg after that. Dazai was dancing and suddenly he tripped and fell and lucky enough his leg was broken. Dazai look horrified because everyone is horrified of yosano. "Atsushi..don't you dare.." Dazai said as he looked at his students and atsushi just slowly smiles at dazai. "Yosano!! You have a new patient!!" Atsushi yell, dazai looked absolutely horrified now because he's going to get treated by yosano, which means yosano it's going to make sure that dazai is half dead before healing him and honestly a bit painful and creepy.

"A new patient?" Yosano said as she walk into the main room and she immediately saw dazai and she smirk. "Holy shit.." Kunikida whispered to himself, he wasn't expecting that at all and atsushi soon got to work and acted like nothing ever happened and everyone else was surprised but ranpo was smiling the whole time. Ranpo already knew about the whole club thing and honestly ranpo didn't plan on telling the others, in fact he planned on joining it as well for fun because he wants drama.

Chuuya, atsushi and kunikida were going to meet up again today so ranpo just follow them but obviously atsushi already knew someone was following them because he heard the footsteps. " can come out already." Atsushi softly said as he turn around and ranpo slowly walks up to them. "Damm..atsushi really does have great senses.." Chuuya said, atsushi just giggled at that. "Anyways..ranpo..why are you following us?" Kunikida ask and ranpo just smirk. "Because I wanted drama." Ranpo said, kunikida already guessed that though so it wasn't surprising. "as long as you don't say anything about can join us." Chuuya said as he glare at ranpo and ranpo just nodded and soon they made it to chuuya house.

"Can't believe you actually did that atsushi.." Kunikida said as he sit down and atsushi just smiles like an innocent person but he's definitely not innocent anymore and he never was actually. "well everyone is scared of yosano.." Atsushi said as he looks away and that was true. Yosano may be sweet and kind but when it comes to her being a doctor, she's scary. Ranpo just nodded in agreement as chuuya comes back with a bottle of wine because he has so much wine. "Dazai did actually looked terrified.." Ranpo said and chuuya honestly wish he was there to see the whole thing but he's from a different organization and they're technically enemies so he couldn't be there sadly.

"'re here because you want drama..?" Atsushi ask and ranpo just nodded. Chuuya and kunikida were fine with that because sometimes having drama makes life interesting and even kunikida needs a bit of fun in his life even though  he won't admit it. Atsushi actually love drama so he was excited actually. The best part is that ranpo knows everyone so chuuya, atsushi and kunikida could potentially know everything and could easily make a plan to make dazai life a living hell and possibly make the other people life of living hell in a way.

Atsushi, chuuya, kunikida and poe spent a long time talking with each other and talking about bunch of things. Atsushi and ranpo actually had the most fun talking with each other because they both love drama so much so it was easy conversation to start. Ranpo now regularly joins the group to talk about things and make plans to create chaos because everyone needs a bit of drama in their life. Dazai is now somewhat scared of atsushi because atsushi would now smile creepily at dazai.

(🤷‍♀️ kind of rush to write this so it might be bad)

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