protective//atsushi and ???//

497 13 13


-angst and fluff

Warning: self-harm?

(I actually have to look like what cutter are because my dumbass didn't know and I still feel like I got the request wrong)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

There's always been many rumors about abilities and other things so it wasn't surprising when a new rumor came up but this one was a bit different than usual. A ability user making false rumors about organizations on a phone. Fukuzawa didn't want to risk anything at all so he decided to have a meeting with the hunting dogs and the port mafia about this.

Atsushi wasn't worried at the time because he completely forgot there were was something in his phone case so he thought it was just a normal meeting. The bosses decided to check their members phone cases and their phones for safety measures because they couldn't risk anything. "I know this might be invasion of your privacy but we need to make sure." Fukuzawa said to everyone and everyone put there phone on the table.

The first phone was to be checked was dazai and fukuzawa honestly look disgusted on what he found out but he didn't say shit. "What..why do you get a bunch of pennies in your phone?" Mori ask chuuya and slowly chuuya glare at dazai. The bosses each check the phone cases one by one. There was mostly some papers in the phone cases and other small things but not much. The next one was atsushi. Fukuzawa slowly took the phone case off and immediately something fell out.

Everyone was shocked by what they saw because it was a cutter. ' that's where it went, I wonder where I put it..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi sometimes forget things so it wasn't shocking that he forgot where he puts his cutter at.
Atsushi was happy to find a secret cutter but the other didn't looked happy at all. Everyone couldn't believe it though, no one would have thought about that and everyone was devastated to know now. Dazai immediately starts to tear up and went to hug atsushi. Atsushi looked flabbergasted to see his mentor crying because he's never seen him cry before.

'..dazai can actually fucking cry!?' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi wasn't sure on what to do now. Atsushi was never really good at emotions or even comforting people so he couldn't do anything at all but just stand there, while everyone stares at him in shocked and worried. Kyouka also went to hug atsushi too and atsushi just stands there not sure on want to do. "Atsushi.." Dazai said as he hug atsushi tighter and atsushi didn't really understand why it was a big deal. "Is..this is big deal..?" Atsushi said and everyone immediately nods. "Yes..atsushi..this is a big deal.." Kunikida said and atsushi noticed that kunikida wasn't mad or anything, he sounded sad almost and that confused atsushi more.

"Don't won't be in trouble." Dazai said as he basically cuddles atsushi and atsushi just doesn't do anything. The other phone cases and phones were also checked because they had to check it now and after checking it, everyone could go back to work but now everyone was worried about atsushi. Kenji walk up to atsushi and immediately pick him up and starts to carry atsushi. "I can walk.." Atsushi said with nervous smile as they walk down the hallways and the others were following.

"Nope! You can't walk!" Kenji said with a smile and atsushi looked very confused because technically he could walk so he wasn't understanding. "But I can walk.." Atsushi said again and Kenji just smile again. "No you can't." Kenji said in a serious voice with a smile on his face and it was kind of creepy. Atsushi just nodded in agreement, "I can't walk.." Atsushi said and kenji smile was back to normal.

The hunting dogs and the port mafia decided to stay in the agency because of atsushi. Atsushi was basically being cuddled by multiple people at the same time. 'rashomon is so warm..' Atsushi thought to himself, akutagawa didn't like to cuddle in front of people but his ability has a mind of its own so rashomon was wrapped around atsushi like a blanket. Chuuya was basically a pillow and atsushi was laying on chuuya chest. "I don't understand..why are you so protective now?" Atsushi ask and chuuya just smile.

"you don't need to understand anything, just accept it." Chuuya said and atsushi didn't say anything after that. Dazai was actually doing his work for once and kunikida decided to do atsushi work too. Atsushi obviously said he could do his work but kunikida didn't listen to him and did atsushi work. Teruko basically gave atsushi food because food is a yummy thing and everyone loves it. "Thanks you.." Atsushi said with a small smile and  everyone found that so adorable.

Out of everyone the most protective one dazai. Dazai didn't want to lose his cat at all and dazai actually beat up a few people that made fun of atsushi. Atsushi obviously tried to stop him but nothing could work. " can't just beat up people.." Atsushi whispered and dazai had a proud smile on his face. Kunikida didn't say shit about it and actually was happy about it as well. Atsushi was very shocked because the port mafia members were making sure he was okay.

'What the fuck..' Atsushi thought to himself as elise drags him to go shopping and obviously mori was there but he didn't do anything to atsushi. Mori basically just spoiled atsushi and atsushi honestly didn't know what to say about it, he was just too shocked to even complain. The hunting dogs world also check on atsushi a lot and sometimes they will go lunch together to talk about life.
"Thank you for paying for lunch.." Atsushi said to jono and jouno just smiled. "it's quite all right, I did invite you anyways so I should pay for it anyways.." Jouno softly says as the order some food and they talk about work.

"Wow.." Atsushi said as he eats his tea on rice and jouno just laughed. "Dazai is really overprotective of me now.." Atsushi said, atsushi actually love the attention he was getting because he never really got attention before so it was something new and atsushi love it. "I'm sure..dazai just wants to make sure you're safe and sound.." Jouno said and soon lunch was over and they went there separate ways. Atsushi into the agency and immediately get hug by dazai. "I miss you!! Did he hurt you!?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nod as a no. " I'm fine and he didn't hurt me at all..jouno wouldn't try to hurt me." Atsushi said and dazai just smiled and play with atsushi hair.

The other is paid no attention to that and dazai made atsushi lay with him. Atsushi just smiled to himself and slowly falls asleep on dazai chest. Atsushi was never loved at the orphanage so this was a new thing for him but it wasn't a bad thing at all and it was actually a good thing because everyone should be loved. 

The port mafia was basically way kinder to atsushi. Atsushi was even allowed to be at the port mafia base and hang out with the executives or members. The hunting dogs would make time to spend with atsushi, but sometimes it was hard because the hundred dogs are pretty busy. Dazai was basically more protective of atsushi now and he made sure atsushi was always happy.

(😭 I'm pretty sure I messed up on the request sorry!!!)

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