illness//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi has it illness that will kill him.

Warning: character death, abuse.

( this is not my original idea, it was inspired by someone else's!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

When atsushi living in the orphanage, he found out I had a chronic illness that will kill him. Shibusawa was the one to discover it because of the experiments he did on atsushi. The headmaster didn't really care, no one really cared about that. Atsushi was still abused no matter what didn't matter even if he has a illness.

Atsushi was glad to be kicked out of the orphanage but he knew he'll be dead soon anyways. The agency knew nothing about atsushi illness and atsushi could easily hide it because of his ability. Atsushi ability was slowly stopping illness but it can't stop it forever. Akutagawa accidentally found out because atsushi was coughing up a bit of blood. "Jinko?" Akutagawa said in shocked and atsushi was coughing up a lot of blood.

"..I have an illness..I don't really have long to live, probably about a month." Atsushi said to akutagawa and akutagawa was sad about that but he didn't know why. "I' won't be able to kill me after the six months." Atsushi said with a silly smile and akutagawa was just so shocked about that. " about we make you a bucket list?" Akutagawa suggested, and atsushi was shocked by it. "I will help you with it.." Akutagawa said and atsushi was happy to hear that and atsushi just nodded.

Atsushi made the bucket list and akutagawa was looking over it. "Make..kunikida and dazai get together.." Akutagawa said in confusion and atsushi just smile. "you said I could put anything on the list." Atsushi said and akutagawa did in fact say that. "I did..alright." Akutagawa said, kunikida and dazai obviously love each other and it was very noticeable, even akutagawa knew. Akutagawa did his best to help atsushi and atsushi was grateful for that.

"I want to die in a pile of flowers." Atsushi said to akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. Atsushi didn't want to die in the hospital, and akutagawa was going to make sure he died in a pile of flowers because atsushi want that. The agency and port mafia knew nothing about atsushi Illness but they noticed akutagawa being nicer to atsushi but akutagawa didn't answer any of the questions they had about that cuz it was not his place to say. Atsushi wasn't sure on how to tell the agency about it, atsushi didn't really want the agency to worry about it but he knew they would worry no matter what.

"Akutagawa..can you make sure kyouka is okay after my death?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa look surprised by that but nodded. "I will make sure she okay.." Akutagawa said with a small smile and atsushi was happy to hear that. "Akutagawa could you tell the agency about my illness, when I die?" Atsushi asked and akutagawa just nodded. Akutagawa wasn't sure on how to tell the agency about it but he will find a way to tell them all. Atsushi slowly got worse by the day but no one in the agency could figure out why.

Atsushi didn't have much on his bucket list but akutagawa make sure atsushi completed every single one before he dies. Atsushi also made sure to get everyone a present so they will remember him and akutagawa obviously pay for it all because he wanted too. "Thank you for helping me.." Atsushi said to akutagawa as they walk to a restaurant to eat. "It no's the least I can do.." Akutagawa said and atsushi was happy to hear that. Akutagawa also pay for the food at the restaurant because atsushi has never had fancy food and it was on his bucket list so akutagawa made sure he has fancy food to eat.

"I want my coffin to be surrounded by a bunch of flowers, when you guys bury me." Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa was obviously going to make that happen. Atsushi had one wish on the bucket list that might not actually come true. he wanted the port Mafia and agency to get along but akutagawa wasn't sure that can actually happen but he would try. Atsushi also made friends with chuuya because it was on his list and akutagawa make sure it came true.

Atsushi and akutagawa were really close because of atsushi illness and akutagawa start to feel sad each day because he knew atsushi would be gone and he will have to tell everyone about it. The port mafia and agency got suspicious about it after a while but both of them didn't say anything and soon atsushi last day was coming. Atsushi was surrounded by a bunch of flowers and was slowly making a flower crown for akutagawa. While akutagawa just waited and soon atsushi was having trouble breathing.

Akutagawa make sure to make atsushi absolutely comfortable the whole time and slowly atsushi breath were getting shorter and sudden atsushi stop breathing. Akutagawa already knew this was coming but he can't help but cry and was wearing the flower crown that atsushi made him. The port mafia and agency were having a meeting today and were waiting for akutagawa and atsushi to arrive. "What taking them so long.." Kunikida said to himself as the door suddenly open and akutagawa walk in.

Akutagawa had some of the people that were working in the port mafia to take care of atsushi body while akutagawa tell the agency about it. "I'm sorry to inform you but atsushi has passed away.." Akutagawa said and everyone was frozen in place, no one could believe it at all. "Atsushi had a illness that was going to kill him And I help atsushi was his last wishes and other things..." Akutagawa slowly explain as some people start to cry. Kyouka couldn't believe it and she didn't want to believe it. "Atsushi got you all presents and they're all in your house is waiting for you to open them.." Akutagawa said as he wipes his tears away.

"I think we can cancel this meeting." Mori said and fukuzawa agreed and everyone just went back home to process that news and akutagawa was the one to plan the funeral. Everyone's in the agency open their gifts and everyone was upset but they did all of the gifts. The funeral was the next day and the port mafia and agency were both there and the some of the guild members came out of respect.

Atsushi was now a ghost and basically watched the agency because he wanted to and everyone seem to know that someone was watching them but they can never find out who. Kunikida and dazai did finally get together and atsushi was happy to hear it. The agency and port mafia somewhat get along together now. Akutagawa also make sure that Kyouka is okay because atsushi told him to check up on Kyouka after he dies and akutagawa always keeps his promises.

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