Undercover//atsushi and ???/

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Warning: mention of sexual assault.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has been on many missions before so it wasn't surprising, when he got a new mission but this mission was a bit different than usual. "This person has been sexual assaulting some girls.." Kunikida starts to explain to atsushi, and atsushi look disgusted. 'sexual assaulting girls, disgusting..' Atsushi thought to himself, the other agency member were also listening to. "we have tracked them down and they going to be at a party tonight and we need you to go undercover and arrest them.." Kunikida said and atsushi knew there was something also with that.

"we need you to dress as a girl as well!" Dazai said and dazai sounded too happy about that and atsushi was weirded out by that. "Yosano and naomi will obviously help you transform into a woman for this mission.." Kunikida said and naomi and yosano look so happy about that and atsushi just sighed. "Alright." Atsushi said as he suddenly get dragged out of the agency by yosano and naomi. "First! We definitely need a wig." Naomi said to yosano and yosano agreed with her. Naomi already knew a place that sells wig so they went there to find one for atsushi.

Lucky enough atsushi it was allowed to pick the color of the wig and the length of it. "I think that one." Atsushi said as he pointed at the white long wig and it looks perfect. "Yes perfect." Yosano said and they were on to the next place, which was clothing. 'I'm going to be at a party so I want something noticeable in a way..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked around and a dark red crop top got his attention. "How about this?" Atsushi said to yosano and naomi and naomi and yosano just smile. "I think it would look good on you!" Naomi said and they went to buy the the dark red crop top and some black jeans and the next was some shoes.

Atsushi just picked out some simple high heels and they already had makeup ready so now they were walking back to the agency. Naomi mostly did a simple look on atsushi face and yosano slowly put the wig on atsushi and she also style it. "perfect." Naomi said with a smile and yosano just smirked. "Now put these on and we'll be waiting outside!" Yosano said to atsushi as they left the room to give atsushi some privacy to change. 'Damm..I seriously do look like a girl though..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looks in the mirror and atsushi slowly gets into the black jeans and the dark red crop top.

Atsushi actually in fact knew how to walk in high heels for some odd no reason. "What do you think?" Atsushi said as he walks into the main room and everyone was just surprised. "I didn't actually think you know how to wear high heels or even walk in them.." Yosano said, atsushi just smile.  "Damm..I can't recognize you at all." Dazai said with a smirk and atsushi just glare at him. "Atsushi now look like a girl so now he just has to go to the party and arrest the person right?" Kyouka ask kunikida and Kunikida just nodded.

"What if the guys tries to sexually assault atsushi?" Kenji ask, that was in fact a possible that could happen now. "Don't worry Kenji.." Atsushi softly says with a smile as he pulls out a pocket knife. "Kyouka always makes me carry pocket knife for protection." Atsushi said and kyouka looks proud of herself. "since when did you know how to use a pocket knife?" Kunikida ask and atsushi didn't answer but kyouka did answer. "I was the one who taught atsushi, how to use a pocket knife!" Kyouka said with a smile and kyouka definitely was proud to say that and the agency didn't really question it because it's a good thing to know how to use a pocket knife for self-defense.

"there will definitely be alcohol and a bunch of other things at the party so be cautious and be safe.." Kunikida said and atsushi just nod and they wait for it to be close to night. Atsushi soon set off to go to the party and atsushi obviously was a bit nervous but wasn't that nervous because he's done many missions before so not any different. 'I can definitely smell the alcohol..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looks around for his target and suddenly bumps into someone. "Sorry.." Atsushi says in his girl voice as he looks at the person and it was the port Mafia executive chuuya nakahara. 'wasn't expecting to see a port Mafia executive..' Atsushi thought to himself and obviously chuuya didn't recognize atsushi a lot.

"how about we dance~?" Chuuya ask and he was clearly somewhat drunk and atsushi need to fit in with other people so he decided to dance with the port mafia executive. "Sure." Atsushi said with a soft smile and they basically dance. 'dancing with a port mafia executive something, I wasn't expecting at all..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi and chuuya was basically in the corner dancing so there wasn't many people around them and atsushi make sure to keep an eye on his target. Chuuya was so much drunk so he didn't realize atsushi was staring at someone.

The target was pretty drunk and had a eyes for atsushi so the target slowly went to atsushi. "Hey beautiful~" the target said as he places his hand on atsushi shoulders and atsushi obviously acts dumb. Chuuya obviously wasn't happy about that and atsushi was waiting for his moment to arrest the person. "get lost." Chuuya said to the person and the person just smirked. "Oh~? Come on, we can share her~" the person said, and atsushi just glare at the men. "you are under arrest." Atsushi said to the target and suddenly knocks him out.

Surprisingly no one paid attention to them at all because everyone was drunk and having fun. "Sorry for not saying anything.." Atsushi said to Chuuya and chuuya just looked surprised. Atsushi grabs the target and starts to walk out and chuuya immediately follows him to get explanation because he was pretty confused. "My name is atsushi nakajima and I work in the agency. I was sent to arrest this person for sexual assault women.." Atsushi explain as he take off his wig and chuuya just looked surprised.

Suddenly a police car shows up and takes the person into custody. Atsushi waves goodbye to chuuya and walk home. Chuuya couldn't stop thinking about atsushi because he was gorgeous. "Just ask him out." Kouyou said to chuuya as chuuya drink his wine. "he'll probably say no, I mean I'm a port mafia executive.." Chuuya said and chuuya was in fact being scared of rejection. "I'm sure..he won't reject you at all, I'm pretty sure he would say yes.." Kouyou said with a smirk and chuuya honestly didn't know what to do. Kouyou did find it hilarious that chuuya was having trouble asking someone out on a date.

He was thinking for weeks on what to do and finally he decided to ask atsushi out on a date. Atsushi was in the cafe having his coffee, when suddenly chuuya walked in. "Hello atsushi." Chuuya said as he sit down and atsushi looks confused. "..will you go on a date with me?" Chuuya suddenly ask, Chuuya was really red in the face and atsushi just looked surprised. "you want to go on a date with me? But..why?" Atsushi ask, atsushi didn't think he was pretty at all but chuuya could obviously disagree on that. "Because..you're gorgeous and you're obviously a great person.." Chuuya said, he was literally so red and atsushi was just surprised.

"Yes..I'll go on a date with you." Atsushi softly says with a smile and chuuya was happy to hear that and the exchange numbers and they made time for the date. Atsushi obviously didn't tell the agency, he was going on a date with a port mafia executive because he's a port mafia executive. The date obviously went pretty well and atsushi and chuuya in fact start the day after that but dazai obviously found out somehow and basically threaten chuuya. "if you hurt atsushi, I will cut your limbs off and make yosano heal you so I can do it again and again." Dazai said in a serious voice and atsushi just smile nervously. "I wouldn't hurt atsushi!" Chuuya said as he hug atsushi and dazai just glare at chuuya.

Chuuya obviously never hurt atsushi and no one else knew about the relationship.

(I think I added more than the request said so sorry!)

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