unexpected help//atsushi and ??/

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-angst and fluff

Warning: suicide.

(Atsushi angst😊🙌)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi nakajima was the armed detective agency innocent tiger. Atsushi was sweet, kind, caring and couldn't harm a fly in the world. Atsushi basically fit in the agency but there's something wrong with atsushi. Atsushi was suffering from his past trauma from the orphanage, ever since the tiger boys could remember things, he was beaten often and starved many times. AtsushiAtsushi only got a piece of bread usually because it was for keeping the tiger at bay. Atsushi was also bullied by the other kids because they also thought he was a monster.

Atsushi couldn't it bring himself to tell anyone about his problem because he didn't want to seem selfish and the agency had a lot of business to do so he didn't want to be a bother at all. Atsushi slowly got worse by the day and no one seemed to notice at all and one day he decided to end it all because atsushi couldn't take it anymore. Atsushi did all his work as usual and actually got it done pretty fast so he was allowed to leave early but that was agency's big mistake because then he had time to kill himself and no one would know until later on.

Atsushi wanted it to be quick and simple and he had to be precise about this because of his healing ability so he decided to jump off of a big building because he would die of impact so it was a perfect plan. Atsushi was looking down at the ground and he slowly take a few deep breaths before closing his eyes and he slowly fell but someone caught him and pulled him into a hug. Atsushi look at the person and it was poe. Atsushi didn't expect to see poe and he didn't expect poe to even help him but poe actually saved atsushi. "It okay to cry.." Poe said as tears slowly start to fall from atsushi face and atsushi just grab onto poe. Poe was just hugging atsushi the whole time as atsushi cried, poe was on the way to the agency because he had a new mystery novel but he saw the tiger boy and poe had a bad feeling so he followed atsushi and poe was lucky that he did follow atsushi.

"Let..go back to the agency.." Poe softly said as he slowly pick up the crying tiger and atsushi just kept crying and was still holding onto poe. Poe didn't mind his outfit getting wet, he was just happy that atsushi was safe because if poe didn't follow atsushi, atsushi would most likely be gone.  Ranpo notice poe was late and usually poe is never late so he was now more serious and was waiting for poe. The some agency member were working on the papers but then they suddenly heard someone crying and when they look at the door, they see atsushi holding onto poe as he cries and poe is just holding atsushi and trying to comfort him. "Atsushi!" Kyouka said in a worried voice and she immediately runs up to them but poe doesn't let go of atsushi.

"What happened?" Dazai ask, he actually looks serious for once and poe just kept crying. Kyouka tried to hug atsushi but atsushi didn't let go of poe. "Atsushi...tried to kill himself.." Poe finally said to the agency member and everyone was dead silent and they didn't know what to say to that. "s-sorry..." Atsushi finally said as he slowly wipes his tears away. Atsushi was apologizing because he got poe shirt all wet but poe didn't mind it. "Atsushi.." Kyouka said as she hug atsushi and atsushi just stay silent. "I'll go get yosano.." Naomi said as she walked to yosano office and tanizaki went to get the president. Karl suddenly jump off of poe and karl went to atsushi lap and atsushi just smiled as he slowly pet karl. Karl isn't necessarily emotional support animal but karl does know when someone is sad and he knows how to comfort them because he does it with poe all the time.

"What happened?" Yosano ask as she walk into the main office and fukuzawa was wondering the same thing. "Atsushi..tried to kill himself.." Kunikida said and both fukuzawa and yosano couldn't believe it at all and they both immediately looked at atsushi. "..I was lucky enough to even notice something was wrong..if I didn't notice something was wrong then he most likely would be dead.." Poe said to the agency and kyouka just hug atsushi tighter. The agency was devastated here this and they were upset on their selves because they didn't know notice anything.

"Uh..atsushi.would you please come into my office so we can discuss a few things.." Yosano softly said and atsushi slowly nodded as he get up. Atsushi couldn't really support himself when he was crying so he kind of felt to the ground. He was still holding karl and poe was perfectly fine with it so atsushi went into yosano office with karl and everyone else just waited patiently. The president was also in yosano office and atsushi didn't really say much because he wasn't ready to talk about it and yosano was totally fine with it because it takes time to even want to talk about something.

Fukuzawa obviously told atsushi he's getting a few weeks off to rest and other things and someone would be watching him for his safety. Kyouka obviously didn't leave atsushi side but obviously a responsible grown up checked up on them. Poe actually did invite atsushi to his house so he could play with karl because atsushi seem to like karl and karl like atsushi. Atsushi didn't really talk much after a while because he didn't really want to after a lot of support, atsushi slowly talked about his feelings and got lot of help after that. Atsushi wasn't able to go back to work though after a month because the president wanted to make sure he was perfectly okay and was actually ready to work.

(I been reading lot about poe fanfic so I decided to make this)

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