the truth//atsushi true self// part 2

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(someone wanted a part 2 so I made a part two and I wasn't sure what to do in the part 2 so it's made up a few things, it may be random)

-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is a manipulative and has a mean personality.

Warning: mention of abuse.

( I do not know how manipulative react or anything so there may be mistakes!)

( read the first part so it can make sense!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has been working in the port mafia for a while now and he fit in perfectly. Atsushi is a great executive and atsushi does his work perfectly it was a great addition to the port mafia. Atsushi train some of the newcomers but they usually go to the other executives so atsushi mostly trains the black lizards or something.

"you don't need his approval.." Atsushi said to akutagawa, akutagawa always wanted dazai approval but dazai was also somewhat heartless. Akutagawa was training to be stronger and atsushi had noticed him and decided to talk to him. "Dazai..he doesn't deserve someone that special as you.." Atsushi softly said with a smile and akutagawa look surprised but he actually started to think about it and atsushi was the smiling the whole time and akutagawa soon realize he doesn't need dazai approval. "I don't need his approval.." Akutagawa said, as atsushi walk closer to him. "I may be heartless person but I don't tolerate abuse at all..what dazai did to you..wasn't right and you should get revenge.." Atsushi said with a smirk as he patted akutagawa head. Atsushi May in fact be heartless person but he will not accept abuse and he will not abuse anyone.

Akutagawa looked shocked and didn't know what to say. "You should rest and think about what to do now..." Atsushi said with a smile, that actually looked gentle and akutagawa just nodded and went to rest. 'Now dazai won't have akutagawa wrapped around his arm anymore..' Atsushi thoughts to himself as he walked back to his office and kyouka was waiting for him. "Kyouka? I thought you were going shopping with kouyou..?" Atsushi ask and kyouka did in fact nod.

"I was worried for I made you lunch before I go.." Kyouka said with a smile and atsushi just nodded and kyouka left to go shopping with kouyou. 'Am I really heartless though? I wonder..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi didn't care if people were dying but he seemed to care about akutagawa and kyouka so was atsushi really a heartless person. Atsushi didn't know anymore and he honestly didn't really care he doesn't need to know everything just important things.

Atsushi love the lunch that kyouka made for him and ate all of it. Atsushi was sitting in his office as usual and was wondering what to do now, when suddenly someone walked in and gave atsushi some papers. 'Huh..the agency and port mafia are still working together..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi didn't really like to do paperwork but he did it anyway because he had nothing else to do and he didn't feel like being yelled at by the port mafia boss.

Atsushi was taking a walk because he could hear elise yelling at mori and he was tired of hearing a bunch of yelling. 'I hate having this hearing..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi has great hearing because of his ability so he has greater senses than everyone else. 'Oh tanizaki.. just ignore him..' Atsushi thought to himself, as he looked at the candy aisle. 'Maybe candy..will shut elise..up' atsushi thought to himself as tanizaki walks into the candy aisle as well.

"Getting candy for ranpo?" Atsushi suddenly said and tanizaki just nodded. "Why you getting candy?" Tanizaki ask, ranpo ran out of his sweets again so he needs more and tanizaki was getting them this time. "Elise won't shut up so I thought some candy would help.." Atsushi said, many kids like candy so elise would obviously love some candy as well.

Tanizaki just nodded and they basically ignored each other after that. Atsushi was glad about that because he didn't want to fight or anything, he was too tired to fight anyway. 'My life in the port mafia is surprisingly calmer than being in the agency..weird..' Atsushi thought to himself as he pays for a bunch of bags of candy because he wants some candy as well. 'I hope this shut her up..' Atsushi thought to himself, he was definitely tired of hearing elise scream and yell at mori.

Atsushi walk slowly walk into the port mafia base and atsushi can immediately hear the screaming and yelling. 'kind of funny to hear mori being yelled at by elise..' Atsushi thought to himself as he knocks on the office door and slowly opens it. Elise immediately noticed the bag of candy and she immediately runs to grab it and mori looks very relief to see elise has finally calmed down. "Kid like candy and elise is technically a kid so I thought you want some candy.." Atsushi explain to mori and he just nodded. "Thank.." Mori said and atsushi looks surprised to see mori thanking him but he doesn't say anything and walks out.

'Finally some peace and quiet..' Atsushi thought to himself, there was no more yelling and there wasn't any fight happening so it was very quiet in the port mafia base and atsushi enjoying the silence because he needs to enjoy it before something happens again. Atsushi was lying on his couch that's in his office because he couldn't go home because he technically has work. 'I love the silence..' Atsushi thought to himself, the agency was never silent at all but in the port mafia, you get some silence sometimes.

Atsushi was almost falling asleep because he was pretty tired. "You can sleep..I'll be here.." Kyouka suddenly said as she walks in and atsushi just nod and actually fell asleep immediately. Kyouka was done shopping with kouyou and was now making sure atsushi got some rest. Kyouka was in atsushi office the whole time as atsushi slept because kyouka wanted to make sure atsushi was okay.

Atsushi likes being in the port Mafia and doesn't regret leaving the agency, he was kind of forced to be an agency in the first place. Atsushi still can't decide if it was really that heartless because he does care for some people but it's only a few and he mostly doesn't care about anyone else.

(I honestly wasn't sure on what to do so it's just a bunch of random things)

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