suicidal//atsushi time is up?//

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-angst and fluff

Warning: suicide, abuse.

( it feels like I haven't wrote much atsushi angst so yea)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi nakajima was the armed detective agency innocent tiger. Atsushi was sweet, kind, caring and couldn't harm a fly in the world. Atsushi basically fit in the agency but there's something wrong with atsushi. Atsushi was suffering from his past trauma from the orphanage, ever since the tiger boys could remember things, he was beaten often and starved many times. Atsushi only got a piece of bread usually because it was for keeping the tiger at bay because the tiger was basically very protective over her vessel.

Atsushi couldn't it bring himself to tell anyone about his problem because he didn't want to seem selfish and the agency had a lot of business to do so he didn't want to be a bother at all. The tiger certainly didn't like that because she wanted her vessel to be alive and well but ever since he joined the agency, she can't control him anymore, due to fukuzawa ability. Atsushi was slowly suffering all the time and soon he decided to end it all.

Atsushi got up as usual but this time kyouka wasn't in the dorm because she was staying with yosano. Atsushi didn't mind it at all but he hate being alone but obviously didn't say anything about it. Atsushi got ready as usual and soon he was walking to work. Everyone notice the tiger boy was a bit happier than usual but no one questioned it at all because it was a good thing that he was happier but they didn't know the real truth about why, he was so happy. " can't do this.." Byakko said, she obviously didn't want her vessel to commit suicide but atsushi just ignored her the whole time. "Please can't do this.." Byakko said again, byakko like to call atsushi a tiger cubs because byakko seen atsushi as her child and she's meant to protect her child at all cost but she can't.

No one in the agency noticed it and that made byakko very mad. The only person that actually noticed something was wrong was akutagawa. Atsushi and akutagawa had a mission together and akutagawa noticed that atsushi was nicer and happier today. "Hello akutagawa." Atsushi softly said and akutagawa immediately knew something was wrong but he wasn't sure yet. Byakko was happy that someone noticed and she hoped that akutagawa would save her child because she couldn't at all. "Why do you seen so happy?" Akutagawa ask, and atsushi just smiled. "Because today is a special day for me." Atsushi said and akutagawa just looked confused but he didn't ask any more questions.

The mission was easy and it was simple as well so it was done pretty fast. "Bye!" Atsushi said as he started to walk away and akutagawa decided to follow him because he needs to know why the tiger boy was so happy today. Atsushi didn't notice someone was following him yet and he slowly made it to a bridge. Atsushi suddenly heard the footsteps of someone, and he knew it was akutagawa. Atsushi slowly took out a bunch of sleeping pills and immediately chug them all down. Atsushi suddenly turn around and look akutagawa dead in the eyes and the tiger boy just smiles. "Goodbye." Atsushi softly said as he jumped and akutagawa looks surprised and immediately went to grab atsushi.

Akutagawa couldn't really run because of his lung disease so he had to use his ability to grab atsushi and atsushi was already unconscious but lucky enough he was breathing so that was a good thing. "Oh god.." Akutagawa said as he hold on to the sleep tiger boy, akutagawa couldn't believe he was crying over this, he hasn't cried in a many years. "I'm here.." Akutagawa softly said as he pick up atsushi and he basically fast walks to his house. Akutagawa obviously couldn't run well so he was basically just fast walking and his house wasn't that far, which was a good thing. Akutagawa immediately put atsushi on his bed and akutagawa just slowly just sigh a relief. Gin has saw the whole thing and she was wondering what happened because her brother was basically playing with atsushi hair as the tiger boy slept.

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