different universe//atsushi and ??//

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-angst and fluff

-au-mostly everyone died and atsushi was the only one left so he used to book to create a different universe with everyone.


(Shin soukoku)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

It wasn't meant to happen, no one was meant to die but they all did.  Atsushi was standing there all alone, everyone was gone and atsushi was the only one two survive. "No..this wasn't meant to happen.." Atsushi said to himself as holds himself and starts to cry. Atsushi and akutagawa were going to get married but the accident happened and obviously no one survived. Atsushi suddenly looked at the book and atsushi got an idea. The agency finally got a hold of the book so it was now the agencies but of course members are dead so atsushi has the book now. "Create a universe where everyone's alive.." Atsushi said to himself as he opened the door and that what atsushi did create another universe, where everyone is alive.

Atsushi knew he had to be careful on what he wrote in the book because a simple word could mess up the whole universe he wanted to create. Atsushi had to make somewhat of a different plot for the universe and soon it was finally done. Atsushi was slowly fading away and was going to go to the new universe so he could see everyone again. Atsushi did add one thing to the new universe was that after the battle with fukcuhi, someone will remember everything.

Atsushi did in fact had to relive his past again but it was all worth it to see his friends or his enemies again. Everything went according to plan and everything was going great. 'perfect..' Atsushi thought to himself as yosano dragged him to go shopping and atsushi was happy. Atsushi didn't tell anyone about what happened because it would mess up the timeline and they would find out on their own so it didn't matter. Atsushi didn't mind reliving everything again because everyone else was there and that's all he wanted.

Atsushi already knew who would find out first, atsushi wrote that in the book, akutagawa would find out the whole truth so atsushi just waited patiently for that day to come. Atsushi didn't mind waiting at all, atsushi loved reliving everything again. Atsushi did have suspicions though that dazai was catching on to him but dazai was too slow to find out so he never actually did find out.

After the battle with fukcuhi and fyodor, both organizations were having a meeting to discuss something. The agency member and port mafia member waited patiently for the meeting to begin but suddenly akutagawa blacked out. Atsushi already knew why, akutagawa was remembering everything so it makes sense for him to block out. "He okay.." Yosano said as she checked him and gin was worried. "Why would he blackout?!" Gin ask, you can tell, she was very worried about her brother and yosano didn't have answered her question because she didn't know why he blackout. Atsushi was just waiting for akutagawa to wake up and suddenly akutagawa slowly opens his eyes.

'That was a lot of information..' Akutagawa thoughts too himself as he looked at his sister and she was smiling. Akutagawa slowly sat up and looked at atsushi, atsushi was smiling the whole time. "you seriously couldn't even live without us.." Akutagawa said to atsushi and atsushi just giggled. Akutagawa was smiling and everyone else looked confused. "Of course, I couldn't live without you guys.." Atsushi softly says as akutagawa finally stand up. "So..you decide to create another universe so you can live with us again.." Akutagawa said and everyone looked more confused because they understood nothing. Atsushi had a small sad smile on his face as akutagawa walk up to him.

Akutagawa was still smiling as he grab atsushi and pull him into a hug and atsushi just start to cry. "What happening?" Kenji ask and no one answers him because no one had no idea what's was happening but dazai had a bit of idea on what happened. "Atsushi..created another universe but why?" Dazai ask and atsushi didn't say anything for a while. "a accident happened and everyone died..I just couldn't live alone so I created another universe with everyone else alive..after the battle with fukcuhi, ryuu was going to remember everything.." Atsushi slowly explain and everyone was literally surprised, flabbergasted, shocked by that.

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