tired//atsushi angst//

738 18 2

-angst to fluff

Warning: suicide, self-harm?

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Another night where atsushi couldn't get any sleep because of those nightmares. The nightmares never seem to go away and never seem to get better at all and atsushi just lay there crying again. Atsushi slowly got up because he might as well get up because he won't be sleeping and quietly left the room making sure not to wake up kyouka. Atsushi was covered in many scratches and some were bleeding because atsushi was scratching himself with his tiger claw.

Atsushi put on a hoodie and decide to take a walk. Atsushi already knew where to go, and slowly walked, the walk was peaceful and quiet, no one Disturbed him at all. It was always so quiet at night in yokohama, atsushi always love that. Atsushi didn't paid attention to anything and soon made it to the river, the river that he saved dazai from.

Atsushi slowly sit down at the edge of the bridge and decide to make a phone call to someone unexpected someone. Akutagawa didn't expect a call from atsushi especially at midnight, but he obviously answered. "What do you want jinko?" Akutagawa said, he obviously sound very annoyed. "I just..want to say..you wouldn't be able to kill me after the six months.." Atsushi says, akutagawa obviously look confused until he hear crying.

"Jinko?" Akutagawa said, "I'm sorry.." Atsushi said as he suddenly ended the call and akutagawa just knew what was happening. Akutagawa immediately ran out of his house and he had a pretty good idea where atsushi would be at. Akutagawa never ran so fast in his life time and he just hope atsushi didn't already jump. Atsushi was sitting there and slowly takes a deep breath and pushes himself off but suddenly akutagawa grab him and hug him.

Atsushi was shocked and was frozen in place. Akutagawa was holding atsushi and didn't dare to let go of him, "w-what..why..?" Atsushi ask, he didn't understand akutagawa would save him. "Because I care about you! Damm it! I always care about you.." Akutagawa said, akutagawa was never able to admit his feelings to atsushi because they were obviously enemies.

Atsushi didn't say anything and just cried into akutagawa chest and akutagawa slowly rubbed his back to calm atsushi down. "Im so sorry.." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't really know why he was apologizing, it just felt right. "Don't apologize.." Akutagawa softly says, "..how about you stay at my house cuz I surely don't trust you alone now..and gin would love to see you." Akutagawa said and atsushi just nodded and suddenly akutagawa picked up atsushi and akutagawa starts to walk back to his house.

Gin look surprise to see atsushi but then realize something was actually wrong. "..what happened?" Gin ask and akutagawa wasn't sure on what to say. "I.. I tried to kill myself.." Atsushi suddenly said and gin just nodded and went to get something for atsushi. Akutagawa slowly sit atsushi down on is there fancy couch and gin came back with a blanket. "Are you hungry? I can make something.." Gin ask atsushi and atsushi just nodded as a no.

Gin couldn't help it and want to hug atsushi and atsushi started to cry again. Akutagawa just sat there and slowly rub his back again until atsushi fell asleep. "..we're going to tell the agency.." Gin said and akutagawa just nodded as gin slowly put atsushi in a comfortable position to sleep. Kyouka didn't know where atsushi was and immediately freaked out when she realized atsushi was gone and the agency also knew nothing.

Atsushi woke up and immediately smelled something. "Gin is making breakfast..do you feel better?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi slowly sit up. "...yea a bit..I didn't have any nightmares.." Atsushi said and that was because of gin and akutagawa sleeping right next to atsushi to make sure he was okay the whole time. "Breakfast is done!" Gin yell and akutagawa grab atsushi arm and they all went to eat breakfast together.

Gin was amazing at cooking and atsushi really did love it. "Atsushi.. we're going to have to tell the agency about what happened but we'll both be there I promise.." Gin said and atsushi was happy that they at least would be there. "Come on..the agency member are probably worried." Akutagawa said and soon all three of them were walking to the agency.

The agency member real freaking out, when the akutagawa siblings walked in with atsushi. "Atsushi!" Kyouka said as she run to hug him and atsushi didn't know what to say, atsushi just froze. "..atsushi.tried to kill himself.. I found him in time.." Akutagawa said, the agency member were shocked and kyouka just hugged atsushi tighter. "No..w-what?" Dazai said as he looked at atsushi but atsushi just looked away. Atsushi didn't dare to look then in the eyes and suddenly kenji went to hug atsushi.

Atsushi didn't hug back at all, atsushi wasn't sure on what to do so he just stands there in shocked. Atsushi hope this was all a dream but it wasn't, it was all real. Atsushi slowly started to cry and everyone didn't know what to say, "...w-why?" Kyouka finally ask and atsushi was thinking. "..it was too much..the nightmare..hallucinations, everything..I couldn't take it. " atsushi slowly said as more tears start to fall down.

"Atsushi stay the night with us..if you were wondering.." Gin said to kyouka and kyouka was glad to hear it. "Also..atsushi purrs in his sleep.." Akutagawa said and atsushi look confused. "I purr? In my sleep?" Atsushi said and akutagawa just nodded. Atsushi didn't know that and was thinking about why was he purring anyway. "atsushi..you can have a few days off..but someone will be watching you." Yosano said and atsushi already knew that so it wasn't surprising. "We can watch him!" Gin suggested, gin and akutagawa was perfectly okay with atsushi staying with them and the agency just nodded. They didn't question it and after a few questions atsushi went back to akutagawa house.

Akutagawa and gin took great care of atsushi and atsushi got use to staying there and of course kyouka visiting a lot because she wanted to make sure he was okay.

Atsushi did get better but it's definitely took a lot of time.

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