shopping//atsushi and ????// part 2

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(🤷‍♀️i think someone wants a part 2 and i got nothing better to do)

-fluff and a bit of angst?

Warning: pedophilia? Kidnapping.

(Please read the first part for it to make sense!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

After the mission with helping mori and elise shop, fukuzawa kept a eye on his employee because he was worried. Mori seemed to like atsushi and elise also seemed to like atsushi as well. Which could be a very bad thing but also a good thing in a way, atsushi most likely wouldn't be killed by the port mafia members because he's liked by elise but he most likely we'll probably get kidnapped.

Atsushi was sleeping peacefully as usual but someone broke into his apartment and kidnapped him. Atsushi didn't even realize that he was getting kidnapped until he woke up in a different room. 'Welp damm..' Atsushi thought to himself, he obviously had a feeling, he was going to kidnapped and it didn't really shock him that much. ' I had a feeling, I was going to get kidnapped anyways.' Atsushi thought to himself as finally sits up and looks around the room.

Atsushi could easily tell he was in port mafia base, but he didn't know what exact room, he was in because he never seen this room before. "Atsushi!" Elise said as she walked into the room and atsushi just looked at her in confusion. "Breakfast is done!" Elise said as she grab atsushi hand and starts to drag him to a different room. There was a big table and obviously there's food on it and mori was just smiling. 'That smiled is creepy..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at mori, mori smile was pretty creepy. "Good morning atsushi." Mori softly says as atsushi sit down, "morning.." Atsushi said, atsushi decide to at least a morning so there ain't any argument about that.

'He act like I live here...' Atsushi thought to himself as mori gave him some breakfast and atsushi didn't really understand why but he just ate it because he was pretty hungry. Elise was just smiling the whole time, and that what made mori happy. "Can we go shopping!? Just me and atsushi?" Elise said and obviously mori couldn't say no to elise so he agreed to that. Atsushi didn't really question anything because he didn't really want to question anything. Elise was happy and soon they were on the way shopping again with mori credit card.

Atsushi and elise were in a fancy car as someone drives it and it was silent for quite a while because atsushi didn't really know what to say. "You know the agency is probably looking for me because I didn't show up to work.." Atsushi finally said to elise, and elise just smirked. "I know..we did kidnap you.." Elise softly says, elise basically like atsushi and wanted atsushi to go shopping with her again and basically stay with them so that's why they kidnapped atsushi. 'Mhm.. at least she admits she got me kidnapped me..' Atsushi thought to himself, elise did in fact admit it that she got atsushi kidnapped.

Soon they made it to a store and elise basically drags atsushi into the store and they start to look around. Atsushi didn't really know why elise wanted him to go shopping with her but he doesn't argue about it all, he's just wondering why sometimes. "This!" Elise said as she pointed at the bag of candy and atsushi immediately went to grab it because elise couldn't grab it because she was too small to reach it. Atsushi didn't say anything about right though because it could be considered rude.

The agency member were wondering where atsushi is because he obviously didn't come to work but ranpo and fukuzawa already knew what happened because they expected it. "Atsushi is kidnapped.." Ranpo said to everyone, and everyone looks shocked but wonder who would kidnapped atsushi. "Mori.." Ranpo said and both yosano and dazai look horrified because they know mori and they didn't want something happening to atsushi. Kyouka was just angry because he was kidnapped and the other honestly didn't know what to say but they were worried about atsushi. Atsushi was literally kidnapped by the port mafia boss so they were obviously pretty worried about him.

Atsushi was just enjoying his time shopping with elise, because he's meant to enjoy it and elise was pretty nice to him so he didn't really mind actually. "..I have a feeling that the agency will be coming at any moment, we should get going.." Elise suddenly says in a serious voice as she looked at something but suddenly grab atsushi hand and starts to drag him back to the car before the agency could catch up to them. 'Why am I always in the middle of the chaos?' Atsushi thought to himself as he gets back into the fancy car and the driver starts to drive away.

Atsushi didn't really like to be in the chaos or be the center of attention and technically he's a center of attention right now because he's literally been kidnapped. Elise wasn't happy about someone taking atsushi because elise want atsushi to stay with her and mori. 'They won't take atsushi!' Elise thought to herself, the agency members obviously missed a car and would have to do something else to get atsushi back. Atsushi honestly didn't know what to do because he couldn't fight the port mafia boss so he just went with it.

"we're back." Elise said as she hold atsushi hand and atsushi has a small smile on his face. Mori seemed happy to see them, which creep atsushi out a bit but he didn't say anything. "welcome back!" Mori softly says with a smile as elise sit down and atsushi just sit down as well. Atsushi wasn't sure on what to do and just went with it and soon got used to it because it took a while for the agency to get him back but they soon got him back but atsushi will probably get kidnapped again.

(😭I wasn't sure on what to do to be honest so I just made something up)

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