port Mafia//atsushi and dazai//,

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-angst and fluff

-au-dazai goes back to the port Mafia and atsushi followed him.


(The request say this was inspired by another story and I read that story💁‍♀️)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Dazai decided to rejoin the port Mafia for some reasons but atsushi decide to follow him because atsushi I felt like he never repaid dazai for savings him that day so atsushi decide to join the port mafia as well. Atsushi had another reason to join the port mafia as well was to get revenge on the headmaster because he was still alive.

Atsushi slowly walks through the hallways making his way to the port mafia's boss's office. Mori look very confused, when he saw atsushi in his office. 'Is atsushi here to get dazai?' Mori thought to himself, "if you here for dazai..he won't go back to the agency.." Mori said but atsushi shakes his head as a no. "I'm here because..I want to join the port mafia.." Atsushi said and mori actually looked pretty shocked by that.

"Why?" Mori suddenly ask, mori obviously wanted to know why atsushi wanted to join. "Because..I feel like I haven't repaid dazai for savings me and.. I want revenge on my headmaster for what he did to me." Atsushi calmly says to mori and mori looked intrigued by that. "I see..I don't have any problems with you joining, in fact I will be training you.." Mori said with a smile and atsushi just nodded. "we can make it a surprise for dazai..I'm sure he would love it." Mori said as he walked over to atsushi.

Atsushi already knew how to fight so mori didn't have to train atsushi that much. Atsushi wasn't really sure on how to use guns so mori told him how to use guns and other things. No one in the port mafia knew about atsushi joining and the agency member thought atsushi was missing because he hasn't showed up to work.

Dazai was walking to mori office because mori had called him. "What do you want?" Dazai asked, and mori just smiled. "I have a gift for you I suppose.." Mori said as atsushi walked in and dazai looked shocked to see atsushi but then realized why atsushi was here. 'What..' Dazai thought to himself, "atsushi..dazai will be training you now.." Mori said and atsushi just nodded and suddenly dazai grab atsushi arm and dragged atsushi out of the room so he could talk to him.

"Why did you join!?" Dazai said as he tighten the grip on atsushi arm. "Because..I still feel like I didn't repay you after you saved me.." Atsushi said as he looked away and dazai didn't know what to say but then suddenly looked happy. "Oh atsushi!! You're already enough payment for me!" Dazai said as he hugs atsushi and atsushi didn't know what to say. 'Maybe..it not a bad thing that atsushi is in the port mafia..' Dazai thought to himself as he slowly played with atsushi hair.

Atsushi didn't know what to do or say so he just let dazai do as he pleases. "Hehe..oh atsushi..you didn't have to repay me at all..but I'm glad you're in the port Mafia..because now I can see you again!" Dazai said with a smirk and atsushi slowly smiling. "you'll be staying with me now!" Dazai said and atsushi didn't argue at all, atsushi was glad to be with dazai again but he also felt guilty of leaving kyouka alone but he already knew once kyouka find out, she will join the port mafia or live with atsushi.

Dazai was just happy to see his favorite person again, "does anyone else know about you being a port mafia?" Dazai ask atsushi as they get into the expensive car. "No..not even the agency know.." Atsushi said and dazai was happy to hear that because he was technically the first to see his favorite person.

"Great!" Dazai said as he grabbed atsushi and hugs him again and atsushi actually hug back this time. "Don't worry atsushi! I will take great care of you.." Dazai said with a smile and atsushi look confused but nodded and dazai really did take care of atsushi. Dazai gave atsushi anything he wanted and atsushi look surprised by that. Dazai was basically spoiling atsushi because atsushi never has a childhood so dazai wanted to give him some type of childhood even though atsushi an adult.

The agency soon found out and we're devastated about that and kyouka decided to live with atsushi because kyouka wanted too and dazai didn't have any problem with that. Kyouka was just happy to be around her brother again and atsushi was happy to be around his sister and dazai.

"Dazai..." Atsushi said as dazai give atsushi more tea on rice to eat because atsushi love tea on rice. "Eat!" Dazai said as kyouka glare at atsushi to eat and atsushi eat all the tea on rice and dazai and kyouka were happy to hear that. Atsushi was getting used to the life in the port Mafia and actually it wasn't that bad and also got revenge on the Headmaster.

atsushi was okay being in the port Mafia because he had dazai.

(💁‍♀️i has to add kyouka because SHE CAN'T BE ALONE!!)

(😭i think I mess up on this but not sure to be honest)

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